been MFP for over a year- no loss- open to suggestions

I've been logging food and within cal range(mostly) for over a year and no loss. Exercise 30 min/day 4 times a week and still, no loss. Low (not no) carb, no loss. Went to the Dr.- no thyroid prob, no prob at all... anyone??? Understandably, I am pretty frustrated gaining, losing and never getting under my start weight of 190 2 years ago!! Open to suggestions.


  • Nurse_Christy
    Nurse_Christy Posts: 276 Member
    I'm no expert, but I think the first thing most people are going to say is open your diary so they can make suggestions.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    It took you a year to get frustrated? Well, you get lots of brownie points for patience.

    If you open up your diary, you'll get more feedback.
  • jjones62301
    jjones62301 Posts: 28 Member
    "Within calorie range(mostly)" seems to stand out to me. If (mostly) you are eating an extra 1000 calories here and there, you're going to maintain your weight. Sounds like you need to put your true food calories in check and/or step up the intensity in your exercises. Weight loss is not some medical mystery, it's simple math: If you burn more calories then what you eat, you're going to lose weight.
  • progressplease
    progressplease Posts: 5 Member
    my food log is open now- and I feel super self conscious about it... I bet everyone does. it's all such an emotional topic even though I know it's math... I'm long past thinking I am the only one that feels this way.. low carb, paleo, high carb(really ???), sugar free, whole foods... all super moderately- what works? And, super rarely are there an extra 1000 cal. as in, maybe once every few months...
  • You should be losing if you calculate TDEE -20%


    If I had to guess, you are not logging everything you eat or you are under estimating your calories.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Eat less
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Are you measuring & weighing ALL of your food, everything you eat?

    If yes and you are certain you are logging accurately, then your calculated calorie needs are wrong, or, your logged exercise burns are too high.
  • Are you measuring your portions? It is SO easy to under estimate your portions and eat a lot more calories than you think if you aren't. Food scale and measuring cups/spoons are my friends - they help me stay in check.

    Hope this helps!
  • edenburnin
    edenburnin Posts: 11 Member
    You might want to keep track of your sodium levels instead of something else. I notice there is salami, hot dogs, those things harbor a lot of sodium and in turn keep a lot of your water weight on. No this won't do everything about your weight but I notice the more salt and prepackaged foods and restaurant food I eat the more weight I pack on even if I stay within my calories for the day.
  • I would agree with others. Try reducing the calorie intake (keep it to 1400), try watching WHICH foods you are eating. Like mozzarella sticks and fried or salty foods. What are you doing as cardio maybe you need to increase it to an hour of a fast paced walk rather than a slower pace? Also weights are amazing to help shed those lbs!

    I know it is hard opening up the food diary. I keep mine open so that I AM more self conscious about what I eat. Hope we can help you! Good Luck!!
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Try to work a lot more veggies and fruit in there....
  • mjgo56
    mjgo56 Posts: 93 Member
    My progress has been slow as well, but I think tracking your sodium, as was suggested, is good advice. I also noticed that your exercise is "walking the dog" at various rates of speed. Not knowing your physical condition, or if you have medical conditions (bad back, or knees, etc) I believe you need to vary your exercise, or add 20 minutes every other day until you can do more or some other cardio or light weight training. I also noticed that today your hour was worth "500 calories" and the other day only 107. I know there was a speed change, but I don't think walking the dog could actually be burning 500 calories. And don't eat them back if that is what you are also doing. These are just ideas.
  • mountaingirl1961
    mountaingirl1961 Posts: 75 Member
    1. Really focus on eating 5 300-calorie meals/day or 6 250-calorie meals/day. Try not to eat a big meal and then fast for hours. Hammer water.
    2. Commit to eating no processed anything for a few weeks and see where that gets you. I see a lot of processed meats in your diet as well as ice cream and cookies, and that's not helpful for either nutrition or weight loss. Good for you for journaling them, though! Eat grass-finished beef, wild-caught fish, pastured poultry and pork if you can find it. Overall, though - if it comes in a box or pre-made, really minimize it in your life.
    3. Working in enough veggies can be a real PIA. Gotta do it, though. I often make myself an absolutely HUGE salad a couple times a week - enough that it'll make salads for meals three or four times. It takes 15 minutes to do and really helps me keep the veggies going. The times when I DON'T keep a big-*kitten* salad in the fridge ready to eat really show up in my food diary. I haven't made one for several days and my veggie quotient is really low right now. Better go make myself a big-*kitten* salad...

    Good luck!
  • What helped my husband is to quit eating at night. I know it sounds ridiculous but it's just when his metabolism slows to a crawl. Also, do you know what blts are? (Bites, licks, tastes) if you have kids, huge huge problem! Gotta drink that water, I've been told that dead fat cells are actually urinated out! So it serves two purposes when you're trying to lose weight chemical changes require water. I'm a horrible logger, I give you props for being much better than I am!
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    I would say to make sure you're always under your calorie goal and I would step up the intensity of the exercise :)
  • anlibo
    anlibo Posts: 1
    Have you tried adjusting your macronutrients? What helps me is increasing my lean proteins and cutting or eliminating my sugar intake.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    either your cal target is off or you are under-counting your food logged
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    It looks like there are days when you are drastically underfeeding yourself. It may help to be more consistent and make sure you NET your calorie goal each day. Just make sure you are weighing your food on a kitchen scale to get the most accurate log, and be careful not to overestimate calories burned from exercise. MFP reads very high on some exercises, so use their numbers with caution.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I notice you've added things like "Oxford Cafe - Small Lettuce, Veg Salad With Italian Dressing, Turkey, 2 cup" and "ZJ's salad" etc.

    If you have a meal, log each individual item YOU have used, and weigh those ingredients too.

    My version of a salad/lasagne is different to yours. Be as accurate as you can, rather than 'near enough' whenever you can. I always try and use the exact brand sauce I am using etc.

    Also, I haven't looked at your exercise diary, but you need to be consistent. 1 hour walking wont burn 100 calories, and is unlikely to burn 500.


    - Buy a food scale, and weigh everything you eat where possible (obviously can't if eating out, but then their website should have the calories etc on).
    - Add all your ingredients separately.
    - Log drinks. People seem to think drinks other than water don't count.
    - Try to be consistent in logging your exercise.
    - Try some new exercise.