thoughts on diet soda

roxweb Posts: 19 Member
I've just started my "permanent" weight loss journey, and have a question for everyone regarding diet sodas.
First I should say:
My name is Roxanne, and I'm a recovering Coca-cola addict." Whew, that's not easy huh.
I used to drink nearly 2 liters of cola a day (I can't even believe it now but I used it as a cigarette substitute when I quit smoking 7 years ago) and have been successful in the past several months of ditching most all soda (except occasionally) and drinking 8 glasses of water or more a day instead. YAY me.

The problem is, whenever I diet, or change my eating habits, inevitably I crave the damn stuff :(
Today I decided to try a diet soda, but in general I just think its all bad.

My question is: should I use diet soda as a crutch for now, until I'm in a position in which I can tackle the issue without ruining the momentum I have going right now? Or should I try to "buck it up" as they say (I suck at that, btw) and try to ditch it all now? Please share your thoughts.


  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    *grabs popcorn*

    But to answer your question, I love me my diet soda and alllll the aspartame that goes with it. It's a nice treat when I have minimal calories left but want something sweet.

    Just keep in mind....I'm a paramedic, and we have yet to respond to an aspartame overdose, just saying.

    Live dangerously.
  • jedgarner11
    jedgarner11 Posts: 74 Member
    if it helps you then drink it. you can give it up later (or not) getting the weight off should be your priority... IMO
  • roxweb
    roxweb Posts: 19 Member

    Just keep in mind....I'm a paramedic, and we have yet to respond to an aspartame overdose, just saying.

    Live dangerously.

    hahaha!!! *makes note - no need to worry of aspartame overdose*
  • jedgarner11
    jedgarner11 Posts: 74 Member
    the scare mongers will be here soon... it seems so simple now...
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    I had a kidney issue two years ago. After they got everything working well again 7 weeks later, they told me that I shouldn't drink dark soda (sprite and mountain dew were okay, but fortunately I don't like them), drink coffee or tea. Fortunately no other diet restrictions. At first I wanted a second opinion, because i liked my daily diet coke and didn't want to give it up. But when my doc said 'go and and drink it, I have 4 kids to put through school', I knew he wasn't BS'ing me.

    25 months without a coke, diet coke, pepsi etc.. and now I don't miss it at all and most importantly I realize how bad that stuff is for you.

    So put me down for dump the diet soda.
    I've just started my "permanent" weight loss journey, and have a question for everyone regarding diet sodas.
    First I should say:
    My name is Roxanne, and I'm a recovering Coca-cola addict." Whew, that's not easy huh.
    I used to drink nearly 2 liters of cola a day (I can't even believe it now but I used it as a cigarette substitute when I quit smoking 7 years ago) and have been successful in the past several months of ditching most all soda (except occasionally) and drinking 8 glasses of water or more a day instead. YAY me.

    The problem is, whenever I diet, or change my eating habits, inevitably I crave the damn stuff :(
    Today I decided to try a diet soda, but in general I just think its all bad.

    My question is: should I use diet soda as a crutch for now, until I'm in a position in which I can tackle the issue without ruining the momentum I have going right now? Or should I try to "buck it up" as they say (I suck at that, btw) and try to ditch it all now? Please share your thoughts.
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Go for the low cal stuff like Pepsi Max/Coke Zero. It will not harm you. No need to binge either thinking because it's like one cal you can, If you feel the urge have a small glass of it.

    I always have a 2 litre bottle of Pepsi Max in my fridge and when I want a glass I get one, I find it helps my craving and usually 1 glass is enough to cover the rest of the day. Strangely enough I don't crave more after having one.
  • nerdlyness
    nerdlyness Posts: 28 Member
    I found when I drank diet soda I craved sweet things like crazy. When I got it out of my system a year ago, my cravings dropped dramatically. Not drinking it has helped me control my sweet tooth quite easily. Plus it's not exactly healthy for you. It's a hard habit to kick, but you feel so much better for it!
  • AZ_Danny
    AZ_Danny Posts: 50 Member
    Interestingly enough I prefer diet soda over regular, primarily because it has a lighter flavor. Since I've practically given up soda except for on my cheat nights where I order out, I find that regular soda upsets my stomach.

    As for diet soda in general, I'm not on board with the artificial sweeteners naysayers. I mean, it's still preferable to ingesting large amounts of sugar, and just like anything else, use moderation.
  • adam85491
    adam85491 Posts: 12 Member
    0 calories, inconclusive research about dangers of aspartame

    Drink up, OP. I know I will.
  • __Aid__
    __Aid__ Posts: 72 Member
    But to answer your question, I love me my diet soda and alllll the aspartame that goes with it. It's a nice treat when I have minimal calories left but want something sweet.

    Just keep in mind....I'm a paramedic, and we have yet to respond to an aspartame overdose, just saying.

    Live dangerously.

    This & you can't call yourself an addict on 2 litre's a day, i could easy do 6 on a bad day,

    Pepsi Max all the way !!!!! :o)

    i can give up anytime, honest
  • Eddygogo
    Eddygogo Posts: 23 Member
    I would treat it as an occasional treat (a 2-liter once every 2-3 weeks+) as opposed to drinking it anywhere frequent. Water is still your best friend.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I think I'm drinking a Pepsi max right now.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    diet soda is awesome /thread
  • jonsey_s
    jonsey_s Posts: 222
    Having worked in the industry, and seen what it does to concrete...I wouldn't drink it.

  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I personally stopped drinking diet pop last year because it gave me headaches and made me feel bloated and overall crappy. I used to drink it several times per day.
  • JesseDP00
    JesseDP00 Posts: 367 Member
    Honestly, you already know this - getting off soda completely would be the best scenario, no question about it. That said, I would still drink diet over regular if I did drink it.
  • missalisamel
    missalisamel Posts: 13 Member
    I used to be like you. I drank a big bottle a day.
    Then I changed to coke zero.
    Then I tried to cut back to a glass or two a day.
    Then a few times a week etc.

    Now that I am very rarely having it I find I can actually control my sweet craving more easily.
    I used to crave sweet stuff all the time. Now I don't.
    I don't know if there is a connection but there seems to be for me.

    I don't plan to "ban" the stuff but I don't plan to ever go back to drinking it every day.
    I feel so much better without it.
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    It is a fair trade off, a lesser evil.... no calories or sugar, but it will bloat you. I would use it as a crutch. With that said, sweeteners give me acne and stomach cramping. They are very unhealthy. The key words are TEMPORARY CRUTCH.
  • JskC1893
    JskC1893 Posts: 156 Member
    I've just started my "permanent" weight loss journey, and have a question for everyone regarding diet sodas.
    First I should say:
    My name is Roxanne, and I'm a recovering Coca-cola addict." Whew, that's not easy huh.
    I used to drink nearly 2 liters of cola a day (I can't even believe it now but I used it as a cigarette substitute when I quit smoking 7 years ago) and have been successful in the past several months of ditching most all soda (except occasionally) and drinking 8 glasses of water or more a day instead. YAY me.

    The problem is, whenever I diet, or change my eating habits, inevitably I crave the damn stuff :(
    Today I decided to try a diet soda, but in general I just think its all bad.

    My question is: should I use diet soda as a crutch for now, until I'm in a position in which I can tackle the issue without ruining the momentum I have going right now? Or should I try to "buck it up" as they say (I suck at that, btw) and try to ditch it all now? Please share your thoughts.

    Whatever you decide, but if it was me I'd say don't have it at all. Especially because with your history you went from smoking addiction to using cola and then became an addict to that. I'd think you might get too heavy handed when using diet cola as a crutch and it would be too bad if you got addicted to that as well.

    Goodluck :) Just what I would do. Plus , i don't knwo too much but the research about aspartame as well as other diet soft drinks isn't too good, so maybe just not do it at all.

    As someone else on here said, occasionally as a sweet treat instead of a candy bar or something is a better option , i also do it like that.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I like the high fructose variety. Thats my occasional treat. Whatever you like, enjoy it.