Scared to get on the scale! :-O

Hey All!

My name is Chancy & my husband is a soldier in the Army. He has been deployed to Iraq for 6 months now (with about 6 to go) and he recently came home for two weeks for R&R.

He just left to go back and I am feeling bummed about having lost a lot of my (hard earned) progress!

I have lost 98lbs since I started on my weight loss journey and am a Beachbody coach, so I am NO stranger to exercising! I also try to eat as much "clean" food as I can, and quit drinking soda quite some time ago.

Why is it that I can do so well for so long but....let everything go for two weeks when he came home??! I did very well for about the first 5 days and then everything went downhill!

I don't even want to weigh myself and know the damage I have done! I was SOOOO close to where I wanted to be! ARGH! LOL!

My first (and only, so far) course of action was to start a Shakeology 3 day cleanse. Which isn't like most cleanses...I consume about 1200-1300 on a given day during the cleanse but (last time I did it) averaged over a lb of weight loss a day. I just saturate my body with tons of healthy nutrients and it helps flush all of the bad stuff out, since every Shakeology shake includes the equivalent of 5 plates a veggies and fruits in each serving.

I am confident that the cleanse is going to help I am just really KICKING myself for having gone so overboard!!!

I am OFFICIALLY ON the bandwagon again!!!!

Please feel free to friend me :-)


  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I know how you feel I packed on 9lbs when my husband was home for R&R but it wasn't his fault it was mine I decided that I would splurge and boy did I splurge but I also put it in my head that I would gain 10lbs. But as soon as he left I snapped out of it. When he comes home for good I'm stricter though if I gain 5lbs I go that much harder with my workouts and eating habits. Luckily he is very supportive. You will be fine just tighten up your food now and keep at the workouts
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member

    Last R&R I had gained over 10lbs and I was REALLY trying not to do that again! I have come so far since then.

    The good news is that I am still fitting pretty much all of my pants!

    It's just hard after working so hard to lose 1/4lb and then gaining back 4x that in a single day!

    Glad to know I'm not the only one :-)

  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    Try not to beat yourself up so badly. Your husband was home and spending time with him for two weeks during deployment is more important than counting calories when you have already come so far. I'm sure you will bounce back in no time! Good luck!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Thanks Julie!
    I guess it's just reality coming down on me all at once! Up next....a workout! LOL :-)
  • rosalie_g
    oh man I can so feel your pain on this one but honestly, if you've been exercising and eating clean for so long, I highly doubt that 2 weeks of slacking off is gonna do as much damage as you think. Get on the scale I bet you'll be surprised.
    I had some minor surgery almost a month ago and really slacked off and ate really crappy while I was down and was terrified that I had undone all my hard work. To my surprise though I stepped on the scale to see that I had only gained a pound lol I was so sure i had gained back at least 8 pounds!!
    Good luck! dont be so hard on yourself! you're back on so thats all that matters.
  • PJRiner
    Don't be afraid! Blessings to you both and thank him for us all :)
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Think what you tell those you coach.... a little way of track doesn't mean you've lost your route.... sounds like your Sat Nav is guiding you back on track again honey :wink:
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Idea,:drinker: don't get back on the scale! You know if you put on weight,get back to doing your exercise routine. Never get the time back ,that you spend with the person you love,so don't beat yourself up and cherish the time and the memories for those two weeks.:heart:
    Always easier to gain the weight then to lose it,congrats on the weight loss.[between you & me you know you will lose the weight]!
    When you are happy in a special relationship you seem to always gain "some" weight. Happiness brings food eating.:drinker:
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Wow!! Congratulations on your weight loss. You have done awesome. We're all human, so we're all going to make mistake. Just step on those scales and get it over with and let that be the motivation you need. Good luck on the rest of your journey.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    The hard part is when he comes home and you not gain weight. That's when it gets tough many wives regain all that they have lost when their husbands return because they focus so much on them that they forget about theirselves. I noticed when my husband came back from Iraq I gained weight within a couple of weeks and I snapped out of it. I had to tell myself I can't eat what he does, nor can I not workout so I got back in the gym 4-5 days a week and got a grip on my eating. He was super supportive he would pick the kids up so I could go straight from work to the gym have dinner ready when I got home. It actually sucked when he deployed again (this is our 4th tour) because i couldn't hit the gym like I wanted because it made the kids and me having dinner so late because I was the one that had to cook it because he was gone. Luckily I found Insanity and P90x and they have come to my rescue especially now since I added more stuff to my already overloaded plate.