Work out in the morning...or at night??



  • mikeivb
    mikeivb Posts: 28 Member
    I hear people say that its better to work out in the morning, but I think the best time is what works for you. Some people are not morning people at all, so later in the day might be better for them. Only thing I would avoid is working out just before going to sleep.

    I prefer working out in the morning, but I already wake up at 6am for work, I wouldnt want to get up at 4:30-5...
  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    WOW! thanks for all the feed back you guys! that was a lot of valid information that i will deffinitly try a little bit of everything! very interesting! Im going to try morning work outs this week, but i forgot to mention that i bartend also some wednesdays and thursdays, so sometimes i dont get to bed till 230-3am, so waking up at 8am to work out would be very difficult let alone unhealthy with the lack of sleep id be getting. so maybe on the days i bartend i will just work out before i go in early evening, then the other days go in the morning. or like everyone else said, whatever my schedule will allow me. I have 5 classes im taking, involved in two academic clubs, and work 2 jobs weekly, so my sched constantly changes, but i deff will take some of all your tips :) feel free to add me to see how it all goes!! thanks again everyone! amazing response!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I work out at night because I have a hard enough time getting up for work in the morning let alone getting up an hour earlier. Also working out makes me tired so I sleep really good at night and when I wake up the next day I have so much energy
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    Mornings are the best time to work out I saw a show and it said that if you work out in the morning you burn more calories because afterwards your body is still burning calories after you workout... i workout in afternoon because i have school till 11am one day and 3pm the other day so i workout after class
  • purplespeckle
    I'm not a morning person either and I like to know what I need to burn off I personally like to exercise in the evenings
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm not an expert and certainly not certain of which is the right time to exercise. All I know is that fact that you are working your body is awesome, especially for those of us that have never step foot in a gym. I would think that getting up early to work out in the AM would be essential. Even if you are not a morning person, weight loss is very difficult especially if you have a ton of weight to lose. Is more than just dieting and exercise. Its a way of life. Its about changing habits. So if you must force yourself to wake up then do it. Think about it this way, we all have busy lives (jobs, school, kids, husband/wife) we must tend to and honestly after a long day of work i don't want to come home work out and then have dinner. I would go to bed early to get a good amount of rest. I'm a college student with a part time job and I'm graduating and I have a ton of finals projects to turn in, I wouldn't want to work out in the evening when I'm beat from studying or dealing with clients. I don't have the strength to. So work out in the AM to gain energy so that you can go about your day with stamina. They say it take 21 days to create a habit and that i think this is one habit I want to keep.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I can't argue the science of it all but for me evening workouts are the best. I have a long commute and get up at 4:30 a.m. as it is just to get to the office on time. I don't know about anyone else, but a 3 a.m. workout does NOT set a good tone for my morning.

    On the other hand, hitting the gym after work allows me to burn off the stress of the day as well as calories, then go home with that post-workout high and a minimal appetite. Add to that a nice relaxing shower and a good night's sleep is not a problem.

    Granted, I don't have trouble sleeping and I don't have evenings full of family commitments. Everyone's different, workout when it works with your scheudle. If you can make a morning routine work, go for it.

    I've just found, in my own experience, that trying to force something like that into an inflexible schedule, only gets me frustrated and I lose motivation. Don't let the perfect be your enemy -- just do it.