What was your "final straw"?



  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    I was looking at pictures from a holiday event, and I couldn't find myself in them. Then i realized i was the really heavy person. It was terrible. I've never seen myself like that. I knew i gained weight, but not that much! I looked old and fat. I was only 28 at the time and i was so embarrassed. I'm getting married next October and I want to be able to look back on my wedding photo's and love them - not totally avoid it. Because avoiding it is obviously not working.

    I've been on MFP over 2 months and I'm still going strong. I'm in it for the long haul this time and I'm determined to look like the person I feel like on the inside.
  • fatzant
    fatzant Posts: 40
    when my belly got in the way when trying to do up my shoes :sad:
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    First it was my A1C came back at 6.3 which is .1 points away from being marked as diabetic so that was a big thing for me (1 months later it was down to 5.4)

    Second my husband had already started counting calories and he his wedding ring started getting lose on him and all I was thinking was omg I have to lose weight before he weighs less then me as there is no way I could have had that LOL
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I finally took a good, long, solid look at myself in the mirror naked. I HATED what I saw. I hated going clothes shopping, too. It seemed like I was always just going UP in sizes, but never down.
  • St_Paul
    St_Paul Posts: 32 Member
    I know I should be concerned about my weight and itt's been 6 years of 'well, maybe next year'. Final straw? Last month I took my dad in to the hospital for fairly minor surgery (unrelated to weight/heart).

    1) I learned that my dad has far, far better blood pressure than I do.
    2) I saw all the people there waiting, sad and stressed for the people they love, and decided I never wanted to put people through that. I didn't want to be sick like those people were sick.

    You go through life not realizing your health is everything.
  • TiaraSeamonkey
    TiaraSeamonkey Posts: 17 Member
    I love going on cruises and one of the fun things about cruising is dressing up for the photographers on formal night. I went on 3 cruises last year and have very few pictures I feel good about (with me in them). I decided almost 2 months ago that when I go on the next cruise I WILL BE UNDER 200 pounds (hopefully 195 so I have wiggle room to eat on the cruise) come hell or high water. I went that day and joined a gym and found MFP and have been eating better & walking myself back into shape. I leave for my cruise in 39 days and I weigh 204...I WILL MAKE MY FIRST GOAL!!! I have 3 more cruises planned for 2014 so I am excited to reach my "BIG" goal by my December 2014 cruise to Eastern Caribbean to be in my recommended normal range and wear a form fitting evening gown for my formal pictures and to fit into a swimsuit and feel good about it!
  • On December 18, 2012, I woke up, tried to get out of bed, and fell to the ground. My left knee refused to work. It was the beginning of two long, grueling months, to get back on my feet, and walking again. But I was in pain every single day. My knee had decided it was done carrying around all the weight. So on Valentine's Day of this year, I decided it was time. I I wanted to start living again. I was tried of sitting in the house while my husband did everything, from laundry to grocery shopping.

    So I've lost 53 lbs since then, and am walking around without a cane. I garden, cook, clean, and do all the things I could do before going down in December of last year.
  • I used to be 9 stone three years ago and with finishing university, working in a call centre I just didn't notice the weight creeping on. The final straw really came when I was packing up to move apartments and I found my clothes from 3 years ago and I realised just how much weight I'd put on. It was kinda terrifying. I hadn't been on a scale for 3 years when I weighted myself and realised I was over 16 stone. That's 7 stone I'd put on without noticing. I couldn't believe it and it took me a while to come to terms and accept it. As far as I see this isn't really a diet, this is me changing my life to be more healthy and to feel better about myself.
  • tavinsmom
    tavinsmom Posts: 101
    For me it wasn't one thing necessarily, and it wasn't really health related, as I've been fortunate to not require any meds and I've never had any trouble getting around.

    However these things kind of coincided to make me finally get serious:

    I didn't want to take my son to an amusement park last year because I was worried I wouldn't fit into the roller coaster seats.

    I avoid pictures like the plague, I hate having them taken and I won't put them on facebook for anyone to see. I really want to do pics with my son for Christmas, so I need to get past this.

    I started a part time job (I work full time from my home office, so don't really see anyone during the day). I work with lots of 20 something in shape people, so it really made me feel old and fat.

    I saw that my son was starting to adopt some of my bad habits (sweet tooth like me) and I wanted to show him how to be healthy.

    I hate that I avoid social situations because of how I look. I hate the way clothes look on me.

    I finally started getting serious about 8 months ago. I lost 20lbs on my own, and then joined jazzercise. The first 3 months I of jazzercise I didn't lose any weight (actually gained a lb) but I felt so much better! I do hour long workouts 5 times a week and feel so much healthier. I stuck with it and joined here to track my food and a couple weeks ago my weight finally started coming off again.

    I think for me, I just dont' want to look back 20 years from now and regret missing out on doing stuff because of my weight.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    After living with depression for 5 years, I decided it was life or death.
    And to choose life, I must be a great person and do great things. Health was a given.
    So far I've lost 10kg, along with much disease, and a host of other health problems affecting most major systems of my body.
    Once I have perfect health I want to be an athlete. I want to figure out a way to use my strengths to the benefit of our people.
    To choose death, I would have achieved nothing.
  • Being given a leaflet that advertises a new clothes store for the larger lady. Oh, and being told my ex was a chubby chaser. Very hurtful.
  • BreonnaQueen
    BreonnaQueen Posts: 58 Member
    When nothing fit anymore.

    and I mean NOTHING fit. It was depressing and when I realized my fat pants now were too small, I knew I needed a change
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    The fact that my mom is fitter and skinnier than I am and she's over twice my age and had 2 kids. Also, my family has a history of diabetes and colon cancer and I don't want that.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I was in pain every morning when I woke up. I thought it was age catching up to me. As I started to lose weight, I found that the aches and pains went away. I have slipped some, and I have noticed the aches coming back...no way I want to feel like that ever again, so I am back on the wagon.
  • I've just been overweight all of my adult life and I'm always "trying to lose weight". Well, now my niece is engaged and I want to look good for her wedding. I want her to be proud of me.

    I had lost 40 pounds about 12 years ago and gained it all back. I remember how good I felt back then. I watched what I ate, but didn't count calories just portion control, but I exercised EVERY DAY. Since that worked, I'm going to try it again, but this time, I want to stick with it and keep the weight off even after the wedding.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    I was 34 and pre-diabetic. I had horrific stomach problems which left me in excruciating pain for weeks, combined with photos of a family holiday when I was at my heaviest ever weight, and I was unrecognizable to myself. I guess these three things combined lead me to have a mini-breakdown, I hated my life, I hated myself, I didn't want to be yet another obesity statistic. Also around this time, my mother (who has been obese her entire adult life) started to have a lot of obesity-related health problems - high blood-pressure, gallstones, knee-joint pain, and I could see myself following the same path.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I didn't get the usual warning signs. Guys my height don't go to the plus size section when they get big, they go to the men's section. Doctors also don't take weight as an issue for guys as seriously, though they are just as quick to act on the related issues when they do finally happen. But if there's no diabetes, no high cholesterol, no high blood pressure or weird heart issues, nobody says a word. I'm slated to have surgery in January. The surgeon was an utter genius about how he brought it up - no lecturing, no tiptoing, just a brief mentioning for the sake of determining which facility's equipment was to be used... and it hit like a ton of bricks.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I'd been "trying" to lose weight to no avail. Then I saw this picture. And it kicked my butt in to gear. I'd never thought I was on the "heavy" side. I was in denial about my jeans not fitting...and refused to wash them because my size 10's had stretched to really be a size 12...and I was still plagued with a nasty muffin-top. Wish I had pictures to look back on, now. Womp.

    but now I'm only five pounds away from goal! :)

    Keep it up, everyone!!!
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    My absolute final straw was when I started getting that line under my belly. My stomach was starting to hang over a little. That day I downloaded this app and was done with that lifestyle.
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello. Thank You for asking that question, and making me THINK. I've had soooooo many final straws!!! My totally final straw was having people that say they love me treat me like I'm already dead. THAT COMPLETELY MADE ME WAKE UP!!! I am 55! Super talented, and GIFTED! I have great Genes, and I know I can do better!!! There is a Warrior within me..... who desires to be FREE! ONLY I CAN FREE ME. However, my Weight has kept me from really going after my Dreams. People tend to laugh at me when I say what my desires are. They think I'm nuts to have any Dreams at all... as Fat as I am. My Health has suffered so much because I enjoy Food too much. I medicate myself with snacks, and treats, and junk until I feel like I could burst. I constantly burp, and was on the verge of having to have my Gall Bladder removed a few shot months ago. I also have a Thyroid issue, but mostly I Historically LOVE TO MUNCH, AND CRUNCH, AND Graze all day until I finally end up going to bed on a full stomach without doing anything to combat the Issue. I have recently turned over a new leaf, and I'm making excellent "Lifestyle Changes" for myself that involve THINKING, PRAYING, MEDITATING, SHOPPING WITH A GOAL IN MIND, PORTION CONTROL, EXERCISE, AND SHUTTING OUT ALL THE DRAMA, STRESS, AND STUPID STUFF THAT SIDE TRACKED ME FOR MANY YEARS FROM FOCUSING ON TAKING GREAT CARE OF MYSELF.

    I am DISABLED.... and currently... My JOB is to take EXCELLENT CARE OF ME. Even if it means letting people down, not answering my door, not going to parties, not answering my phone, and I am not making anymore excuses for being Obese. I am NOT big boned.... I AM OBESE. I HAVE EXCITING DREAMS and Ambitions, & outstanding GOALS, AND I CAN DO SO MUCH more than sit on the couch and eat myself to death. I am so tired of wishing, and getting half way to something awesome! I want to know what it feels like to spend a year or two.... or as long as it takes to completely overhaul myself, and TAKE CONTROL OF WHAT HAS HISTORICALLY CONTROLLED ME.

    In a year or two I will be off most my Meds, and I will be able to travel, and see the World. No one will even be able to recognize me. Many people will still poke fun, and LOL at me. However, I do not care. Why!? Because I will be living for me, and ONLY me. Oh yeah!!!

    I've even had a few dreams where I see myself nice & thin for the first time in toooooooo long!!!!!!! God is on my side, and with He & me working together - I'm well on my way to being THE WHOLE PERSON I SEE IN MY DREAMS. :-)

    GOD BLESS YOU ALL HERE ON THIS SITE!!!! I am rooting for every one of U!!! :-)

  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    Well, a little boy at my church came up to me from behind and said, "Mama" I looked...and was like OMG! :grumble: I wear a 16 in clothing and his mother wears a 20-22. Eventhough our hairstyle was similiar from the back, the FACT that he THOUGHT I was her, I was quite offended :noway: and start working at it since then :laugh:
  • Kristopia
    Kristopia Posts: 9 Member
    There were numerous "wake-ups"

    I got into a ride at a carnival with my daughter and the belt wouldn't fit down over my legs. So in front of hundreds, I had to get out - and my daughter followed me out (she was 12 or 13) saying, "It's okay mom." I sent her off with her friends and cried alone in a corner for awhile.

    I got on a roller coaster in an amusement park (I LOVE roller coasters) and didn't fit - had to get out the other side.

    I got on a plan and had to get a seatbelt extension.

    I despised the old lady mu muu clothing that I had to sift through in order to find decent clothing in my size.

    I used to be athletic, playing softball, running, etc. I could barely move or walk more than 1/4 mile without being out of breath.

    I was pre-diabetic, had/have metabolic issues, and have a nightmare of joint pain after carrying around all that weight for so many years.

    So, here I am, 100 lbs lost, and about 80 to go.
  • I watched a ton of documentaries on food, nutrients and the food industry. During watching those, I decided to go vegetarian for good, and after a couple of months, I lost almost 20 pounds just from doing that. Shortly afterwards, I started a new, more active job, and then a few months after that, I found MFP. It was kind of gradual.

    Currently 42 pounds down and still going!
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    There were a few but one I would share is me rolling around on the bathroom floor trying to put my socks on... I realized I couldn't do it so went in there so my partner could not see me struggle with it...

    I wish I could draw a cartoon of it. I would frame it;)
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