What was your "final straw"?



  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    I have previously lost a little over 50 pounds and then have become vegetarian and still don't quite have the physique that I want. (Mind that that's not why I became vegetarian in the first place) I still have a bit of fat around my midsection that I don't like or want. I have always wanted a flat stomach just for the mere reason to wear a bikini. Also the fact that I don't like being naked in front of anyone, not even significant others, is crippling to my self-esteem. So, here I am. Working on my core, doing a little more dieting in order to lose those extra pounds in order to feel comfortable in my own skin.
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    It's weird, because having to take BP medications wasn't enough of an incentive to me. What was my final breaking point was a) hating to take pictures because of how I looked, and b) hating to shop for new clothes that I needed because NOTHING fit. Every role showed, each negative physical feature was highlighted.
    Finally, I decided to do something because I didn't want to enter my 40's overweight. I joined a gym because I knew I wouldn't waste my money by not going. I also took before pictures-naked. Talk about an incentive!
    I lifted weights, did cardio, joined classes (which actually stunted my weight loss because I enjoyed that more than the weights and therefore stopped). I did lose 40 lbs, but I've gained 1/2 of it back. Round two. I plan to get down to the weight the gym told me I should be at (146 lbs). I'm also going to fit into my goal shirt (which is backless...what the hell was I thinking?) if it kills me.

    My story is much the same. I had a hard time accepting the fact that I had to be on BP meds, put it off as long as I could, I was also under 200 lbs at the time. What set me off is a picture my husband and I got taken last fall. I couldn't believe that I looked that overweight, I never realized it, I didn't see it when I looked in the mirror, I saw someone who weighed probably about 70 lbs lighter. I was also buying size 22 clothing, the biggest I'd ever been, I was miserable. I decided I needed to get moving, exercise is my downfall, I get lazy. Anyway, so far I've lost about 35 lbs or so, I've been maintaining for the summer since I know that things are crazy and we're not around, once fall starts I'll start my next leg. I am proud to say that I've stayed within 2 lbs of the weight I was at the beginning of June so my maintaining is working so it is doable once I'm at a lower weight.
  • darvin1023
    darvin1023 Posts: 52 Member
    Lots of "straws" indicated i need to change my lifestyle. But the FINAL one was when: my Buddah belly jiggled was i hit a bump on the road while driving.
    That was the first time i felt my belly jiggled, and i was like: "Whattttt the ???"
  • Skyebella27
    My final straw was not fitting comfortably into plane seats, theatre seats, restaurant booths, etc. Plane seats being the last thing..;..I barely got the seatbelt shut and I had to have the armrest up between me and hubby's seat....it was just a very uncomfortable ride :(
  • jimpopp2
    diagnosed type 2 diabetes...52 years old..cholestrol way too high..low blood preasure though
    lost 35 lbs since beginning of june was 267....feel better...endurance is alot more now
    life is good
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    " was tired of ending up crying whenever I went shopping for clothes. At my size, the cute clothes don't go that high and the clothes that ARE in my size are styled for women 3 times my age. I was tired of looking in the mirror and being unhappy with what I saw."


    and the fact I was almost the same weight and pants size as my Hubby who is 1 foot taller. Mom told me she and Grandma had talked about the fact they hoped my *kitten* did not get as big as the RN caring for my grandma. OK, I thought that she has huge, at least 300. that meant i was moving to huge! It was painful to hear, but Mom and I can be pretty honest with each other. I am so glad now! Quit smoking because I was sick of paying on extra insurance. Decided fat people (Moi!) would be next target.
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    besides, what perverse s**** keeps putting petites across from the "women's" section.!!!!
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    Seeing my wedding photos, ugh. And the ex's new gf calling me a string of fat related obscenities on FB.
  • LeaveMeAtPeace
    LeaveMeAtPeace Posts: 15 Member
    The social pressure from my friends. I'm still young, and I'm so glad that I have decided that enough is enough at this age. I have always been overweight, always. My clicking point was when my very skinny friend was telling me she was "considering" going anorexic. I told her that was NOT a diet. I - guiltily - looked into the "pro-ana" websites. I was not going to fall under that type of horrible lifestyle, and I was ashamed. That day, I found myself looking into lipo.
    Now, mind you, that i am in highschool. I have always accepted that I would just be fat my whole life. That I would be fat, and that is that.
    However, I looked at myself.. What was I doing? I can change. No, I wouldn't wait for summer. I started this at 200 pounds, 5'3, under 18 years old. Today I am 168 pounds, heading down to 130.
    My whole childhood I've been told it was just my genetics, I was always going to be a big girl.
    I don't want that. I want a boyfriend.
    When I went shopping (a teenage girl!) I hated it. I would dread the fitting room and cry as I looked through the clothes. I would never look pretty and thin like those girls. ever. I would never be desirable, I would die alone, I got to be so insecure. Over everything - and by that I mean everything. I am STILL working with my insecurity. but it's much better now. :)
  • xRay85Rayx
    xRay85Rayx Posts: 369
    My final straw was not fitting comfortably into plane seats, theatre seats, restaurant booths, etc. Plane seats being the last thing..;..I barely got the seatbelt shut and I had to have the armrest up between me and hubby's seat....it was just a very uncomfortable ride :(

    Yes! I totally forgot about this! I barely sat in an airplane seat comfortably and restautant booths were uncomfortable if i couldnt move the table to adjust to my stomach. Too much...
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    I was looking at pictures from a holiday event, and I couldn't find myself in them. Then i realized i was the really heavy person. It was terrible. I've never seen myself like that. I knew i gained weight, but not that much! I looked old and fat. I was only 28 at the time and i was so embarrassed. I'm getting married next October and I want to be able to look back on my wedding photo's and love them - not totally avoid it. Because avoiding it is obviously not working.

    I've been on MFP over 2 months and I'm still going strong. I'm in it for the long haul this time and I'm determined to look like the person I feel like on the inside.
  • fatzant
    fatzant Posts: 40
    when my belly got in the way when trying to do up my shoes :sad:
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    First it was my A1C came back at 6.3 which is .1 points away from being marked as diabetic so that was a big thing for me (1 months later it was down to 5.4)

    Second my husband had already started counting calories and he his wedding ring started getting lose on him and all I was thinking was omg I have to lose weight before he weighs less then me as there is no way I could have had that LOL
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I finally took a good, long, solid look at myself in the mirror naked. I HATED what I saw. I hated going clothes shopping, too. It seemed like I was always just going UP in sizes, but never down.
  • St_Paul
    St_Paul Posts: 32 Member
    I know I should be concerned about my weight and itt's been 6 years of 'well, maybe next year'. Final straw? Last month I took my dad in to the hospital for fairly minor surgery (unrelated to weight/heart).

    1) I learned that my dad has far, far better blood pressure than I do.
    2) I saw all the people there waiting, sad and stressed for the people they love, and decided I never wanted to put people through that. I didn't want to be sick like those people were sick.

    You go through life not realizing your health is everything.
  • TiaraSeamonkey
    TiaraSeamonkey Posts: 17 Member
    I love going on cruises and one of the fun things about cruising is dressing up for the photographers on formal night. I went on 3 cruises last year and have very few pictures I feel good about (with me in them). I decided almost 2 months ago that when I go on the next cruise I WILL BE UNDER 200 pounds (hopefully 195 so I have wiggle room to eat on the cruise) come hell or high water. I went that day and joined a gym and found MFP and have been eating better & walking myself back into shape. I leave for my cruise in 39 days and I weigh 204...I WILL MAKE MY FIRST GOAL!!! I have 3 more cruises planned for 2014 so I am excited to reach my "BIG" goal by my December 2014 cruise to Eastern Caribbean to be in my recommended normal range and wear a form fitting evening gown for my formal pictures and to fit into a swimsuit and feel good about it!
  • Rosie1289
    On December 18, 2012, I woke up, tried to get out of bed, and fell to the ground. My left knee refused to work. It was the beginning of two long, grueling months, to get back on my feet, and walking again. But I was in pain every single day. My knee had decided it was done carrying around all the weight. So on Valentine's Day of this year, I decided it was time. I I wanted to start living again. I was tried of sitting in the house while my husband did everything, from laundry to grocery shopping.

    So I've lost 53 lbs since then, and am walking around without a cane. I garden, cook, clean, and do all the things I could do before going down in December of last year.
  • slesommer
    I used to be 9 stone three years ago and with finishing university, working in a call centre I just didn't notice the weight creeping on. The final straw really came when I was packing up to move apartments and I found my clothes from 3 years ago and I realised just how much weight I'd put on. It was kinda terrifying. I hadn't been on a scale for 3 years when I weighted myself and realised I was over 16 stone. That's 7 stone I'd put on without noticing. I couldn't believe it and it took me a while to come to terms and accept it. As far as I see this isn't really a diet, this is me changing my life to be more healthy and to feel better about myself.
  • tavinsmom
    tavinsmom Posts: 101
    For me it wasn't one thing necessarily, and it wasn't really health related, as I've been fortunate to not require any meds and I've never had any trouble getting around.

    However these things kind of coincided to make me finally get serious:

    I didn't want to take my son to an amusement park last year because I was worried I wouldn't fit into the roller coaster seats.

    I avoid pictures like the plague, I hate having them taken and I won't put them on facebook for anyone to see. I really want to do pics with my son for Christmas, so I need to get past this.

    I started a part time job (I work full time from my home office, so don't really see anyone during the day). I work with lots of 20 something in shape people, so it really made me feel old and fat.

    I saw that my son was starting to adopt some of my bad habits (sweet tooth like me) and I wanted to show him how to be healthy.

    I hate that I avoid social situations because of how I look. I hate the way clothes look on me.

    I finally started getting serious about 8 months ago. I lost 20lbs on my own, and then joined jazzercise. The first 3 months I of jazzercise I didn't lose any weight (actually gained a lb) but I felt so much better! I do hour long workouts 5 times a week and feel so much healthier. I stuck with it and joined here to track my food and a couple weeks ago my weight finally started coming off again.

    I think for me, I just dont' want to look back 20 years from now and regret missing out on doing stuff because of my weight.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    After living with depression for 5 years, I decided it was life or death.
    And to choose life, I must be a great person and do great things. Health was a given.
    So far I've lost 10kg, along with much disease, and a host of other health problems affecting most major systems of my body.
    Once I have perfect health I want to be an athlete. I want to figure out a way to use my strengths to the benefit of our people.
    To choose death, I would have achieved nothing.