Hello Everyone

I am new to MFP but am excited to get started. I stepped on the scale the other day only to be saddened by the number that popped up. I'm now at the heaviest I have ever been. I spent the entire next day feeling sorry for myself. The following morning something just came over me and said, "get off your butt and go walk on your dusty treadmill". So I actually did. I will admit that it was miserable walking for those little 15 minutes because I get winded walking up a flight of stairs at this point. Yet, I was proud of myself. I haven't done any form of exercise in almost 2 years because I had given up and told myself that I no longer care. I woke up and this morning and walked again. I was sore but I did it and I will be doing it again tomorrow. I am very happy that a friend of mine introduced me to MFP. I love that I can do this from home, that I can be accountable, that I can track everything and see the success of others.

Let the journey begin.


  • walzllw
    walzllw Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
  • JamieFerrie
    Welcome! If you ever need the motivation or need to remind yourself why your doing this, just come on here and have a friendly chat with us all, ignore those pastries!