

  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I dont think cardio gets any better than running.

    Agree, running is great...but running and using a threadmill are completely different things.
    Dynamic Indoor Rower is a great piece of equipment for cardio.

    Thats true, but not everyone lives in a climate or area where its realistic to run outdoors every day.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    I burn the most calories per time on the elliptical, and it's also easier on my knees.

    when it comes to cardio, and/ or knocking off extra calories i am in love with the elliptical because it's so easy on my knees.

    combined with other work around building muscle, it is working for me right now.
  • ghostrider1970
    ghostrider1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Well, considering I summit a peak about every 2 weeks, rock climb 3-4 days a week, work a very physical job where I"m on my feet and have to bend, lift, pull and transfer people, It's really important I train functional movement.

    Just in case you haven't noticed, this is a very generic forum, mostly aimed to people overweight, a lot severely overweight... for them a cardio machine with less impact for the joints is way better.
    A lot of people just sit on their *kitten* at work, I really don't think they feel the nedd to OHP the desk every now and then :happy:
    If for YOU is important to train functional movements, do it, your choices are not the best for everyone else... neither are mine,

    Being able to walk and run well is a basic life necessity.

    Guees what... you don't need a treadmill to do that
    Spending time on an elliptical will burn calories. It will not build muscle, it will not give you functional movement. Why do it unless your knees are hooped and you can't do anything else?

    Burning calories is exactly what a lot of people need to do... that's the pont of cardio, ease them into an healthy lifestyle, and if they want to do it with the elliptical, good for them, it's always a start.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    I honestly feel like I'm using more and getting tired way faster on the
    Elliptical. I can run/do high pace intervals for a while on the treadmill
    But 5 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical and I'm ready to call it a day.
  • ghostrider1970
    ghostrider1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Thats true, but not everyone lives in a climate or area where its realistic to run outdoors every day.

    True and by your nickname I guess you are from UK... not exactly a great weather up there :smile:
    Anyway, when I still could run, I used to do it outside also in winter... but I was a bit crazy :laugh:
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Treadmill is better.

    Prove it!!!

    But seriously the better exercise is the one you prefer to do! That's all that matters!
  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    I use the elliptical over the treadmill to save my knees, which are already shot but at your age and weight, not a concern. So it is personal preference. Whichever gets you exercising is the preferred machine!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Treadmill is better.

    Prove it!!!

    But seriously the better exercise is the one you prefer to do! That's all that matters!

    I do what I want!!!

    but seriously. I am a runner, so elliptical for me doesn't improve my running, were a treadmill will. I use it for training, not weight loss.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I use my elliptical. I'm not training for a marathon, I'm trying to get fit. My elliptical hybrid also has a recumbent bike. So I switch back and forth between the two. I've lost almost 30lbs, so it's not a joke to me. I would hate to spend 30-60 just running like a hamster in a wheel, so boring. And I get bored easily.
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    I dont think you should believe the machines as far as calories, get a HR monitor. Also, how "good" or "bad" your workout is doesnt necessarily have anything to do with burning more calories. I burn less calories strength training than i would circuit training or running on the treadmill, doesnt make strength training any less good, or less important. Feel me?

    I would say the treadmill wins out in a competition for which is better, but i dont think that is universal.

    If you have sensitive knees or are carrying much extra weight, i would say the elliptical is probably better because its a lighter impact exercise. So,. the elliptical would be BETTER for that person in that specific situation...

    Also, (this may be you) if you are in good cardiovascular health and you have endurance, jogging might not tire you out as much as the elliptical because the elliptical has resistance and kind of doubles as a strength exercise. Try cranking the incline up on the treadmill? See how that goes.

    For me, the elliptical is easier because my legs are fairly strong as far as the muscle situation but once i get on the treadmill and have to really engage that cardio affect it killlls me. So, I always do that because obviously it challenges me more and allows me to work on an aspect of my fitness that the other does not.

    Hop on the treadmill on days youre tired or whatever and grab an elliptical when you want a real challenge. The elliptical is a better exercise for you.

    Those are just my thoughts.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Whichever is heavier
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I just think you arent on it long enough. Get one of these.

  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Maybe since you're only 17, you should join sparkteens and ask this question over there... You need to be 18 to join MFP.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Don't rely on the calorie burns on those machines--they're almost never correct. If you want a true calorie burn you'll need to invest in a simple heart rate monitor/watch combo. Look up Polar, they have some for less than $100. You need an accurate record of your heart rate, weight and height to get a real calorie burn reading and a HRM provides that.

    As for the two machines--I used an elliptical a whole lot when I was at my heaviest to work up stamina/endurance before ever stepping foot on the t-mill. It trained me, technically, to begin running. I say both are good for exercise. It depends on the amount of effort/work you put into your workout on the machine and not which machine makes a better workout. Switch back and forth between the two, it's better for your health anyway because you'll be forced to use different muscles. Change up your workouts!
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    MY vote is for the one you love the best. I had an elliptical but hated it. I would try and try to use it but never lasted long on it. We just bought a great new treadmill. I love it SO much! I just finished an 80 minute interval training work-out on it. So ... for me it's a no brainer. I LOVE the treadmill. I USE the treadmill.

    You decide. :smile:
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think that the treadmill, by far, is a much better burn. I can basically Forrest Gump an elliptical and stay on it indefinitely, I run out of time before I run out of energy – I frequently see people reading books and magazines while using it!

    The treadmill, on the other hand, provides me with a workout intensity that I don’t find on the elliptical, as long as I’m running a minimal speed and possibly adding an incline to the workout. And reading while running is next to impossible, you are working too hard!
  • madmiya
    madmiya Posts: 66 Member
    I don't think that fitness has to be a competition. I mean, of course it can be, anything can be, eating hot dogs is a competition. I don't think fitness has to be the hardest, baddest thing in the room or prepare you for the zombie apocalypse. For most of us it has to be something that you'll do regularly, that will get your heart pumping and engage your muscles. If you want more, of course go for it. I chose the elliptical because it's smooth movement and convenient for me. I think that anyone can get a decent workout from it if they push hard enough but if it's hurting you or just not engaging enough, pick something else.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I prefer the elliptical, I feel like I get a better workout & the treadmill tends to bore me
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I prefer the elliptical but for variety I will split my workout between the two machines a few days a week.