New to myfitnesspal, Hello

Belinda007 Posts: 10
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone :happy:

I am new to myfitnesspay, I think it is a great tool and wanted to say hi. Has anyone had success with the program, and do you have any great tips that you want to share.

I am doing gym and still find it hard to lose weight, still crave sweet things, how do you stop this.



  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I have had great success! 42 pounds since January, and only 11 left (the hardest part!) Welcome to the site, the people are amazing, helpful, and inspiring!
  • Hi Alhint

    Thanks for your reply, it really look and feels like an excellent site. Wow 42 pounds that's fantastic. I live in Brisbane and am going to the gym with a personal trainer 3 days a week. Really want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hello to you too! I just started last Sunday and tomorrow is my first weigh in.

    Everyone here has been so helpful.

    For me, drinking lots of water has helped. I have a major sweet tooth, which is mostly what got me in trouble in the first place, and I find that keeping it out of the house helps. I started getting the flavored yogurts, that is helping me right now. I just try and watch my portion size and eat healthier foods. That and staying away from take-out.
  • scraig77
    scraig77 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been on for a little more than a month (joined July 31) and have lost 5 pounds so far. Seems to be helping me quite a bit...real eye opening to see what your favorite foods have. I know I won't be able to give up my favorites (Taco Bell) but I try to eat better so I have room for the splurge that day...when you add the exercise you earn extra calories, so that really helps on my Mexican days....I have gotten to where if I know I am going out to eat I will look up the foods for where we are going so I can make healthier choices when I go - I went to Red Lobster about a week ago w/my mom - always love their shrimp pasta but when I found out it had 700 cal per serving I decided to get stuffed flounder instead
  • Hi there, I am also new to myfitnesspal and I really don't know what I ever did without the app on my android phone!!! I find myself also looking up foods for where I intend to eat out so I can make smarter choices as well. I have been on for about 10 days and I love it. Plus Belinda, you dont HAVE to give up all sweets, thats whats great about calorie counting, find a sweet that has less fat and calories (for me its the mini york peppermint patties, only 50 cal) and allow yourself one a day. Just don't forget to count the calories and make sure you don't go over your limit in order to have the sweet!
  • Great tips, wow thanks everyone.
  • Hi Belinda007. I'm with you on the sweets. If I didn't eat so much of them I probably wouldn't have a weight problem to begin with. It does really help posting what you eat because you don't want to have to log the bad things in when you eat them so that has helped be cut back on them some. I still allow myself a couple of days a week to have something sweet. Maybe we can keep each other going. I love this website. So many helpful tools.

    Good Luck!
  • 140wannabe

    Thank you for your message, sound great to me, we can help each other. This site is fantastic.
  • Hi there! You will get so much support here. Personally I snack on fruit and nuts and drink plenty of water to keep sweet cravings at bay xxx
  • Hi,

    Ive been here nearly a week and find the site so inspiring

    If I have a bad moment I try to log in here and look at the success stories and this reminds me why I am doing it

    Good Luck
  • scraig77
    scraig77 Posts: 14 Member
    reading the stuff about the sweets.....I don't allow myself any sort of sweet until I have put in all my food for the day. If I am under my calorie goal, I get to have a sweet. Sometimes it is light ice cream (130 calories) or a popsicle (45 calories).....I have made that my reward for eating well for that day.....It was especially good when I was first starting, I found that now, even if I have the room, I don't necessarily want to add the calories & sometimes I have enough room I will eat a whole candy bar & not feel guity about it!!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Hello Everyone :happy:

    I am new to myfitnesspay, I think it is a great tool and wanted to say hi. Has anyone had success with the program, and do you have any great tips that you want to share.

    I am doing gym and still find it hard to lose weight, still crave sweet things, how do you stop this.


    I'm still eating the stuff I loved before - only difference is, instead of having half to one tub of ice cream, I now measure out one serving (as per the label) put it in a bowl, and put the rest back in the freezer. I'm slowly learning that I really don't need half a tub - I just want it! Sometmes a little of what you fancy is fine - if you deny yourself everything you love you'll never stick to it. The only thing I'm not having is booze - I'll have a drink at my friend's wedding if I've hit my next target, and a drink on my birthday, but then I probably won't bother until Christmas again. Good luck hun x
  • daniellesite
    daniellesite Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I joined about 10 days ago and I'm still trying to figure out how to manage my sweet tooth but everyone on this site has been so helpful. It's even helped me just reading the posts to your introduction. I think the personal trainer thing is great and if you can get the food thing down you'll be looking the way you want to in no time! Good luck!
  • I have been on for less than a month and have already lost 6 pounds.. You will have a good time with it if you just belive in yourself that you can do it!! Good Luck!
  • Hello and Welcome! I have been on MFP now for 10 days and am lvoing it! So many wonderful supportive people on here. I am a huge sweet craver and am in the habit of thinking I need to have something sweet after every meal. My saving grace has been the Lite, Fat free yogurts....Key Lime Pie is my fav! Really helps satisfy my perceived need of sweets.
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