Back again---trying to get positive

Hi there all

I joined in Jan 2010 at 215lbs. Worked really hard on nutrition and fitness and got down to the mid 180's by April 2010. Got an injury related to a surgery I had which still hasn't healed and used it as an excuse to do nothing. My original goal was to be fit and healthy for a friends wedding in the US in August 2010. Well, that's come and gone and I was up in the high 190's and by the time I got back from the two week holidays (of full on eating/drinking) I was over 200lbs again. So, there I am, have been back on eating right since 15th September and have lost 1.6kg. Yes, I know that's mostly water weight!

So, I'm back now. I'm going to try the Tony Ferguson programme (shakes, soups, one healthy meal) for two weeks (yes, I know it's not real food) as a kickstart and then back to tracking regularly.

What worked for me in the past:

No bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes
Small qtys of brown rice
Lots of veg (low carby ones) and fruit
Lots of water
Lean proteins
5 meals/snacks

Here we go! I apologise to anyone who I may have let down with my sudden disappearance and believe me, I knew I would regret the decision to eat all around me and stop exercising, but I did it and there's no point in beating myself up about it further.

Onwards and downwards!


  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    The point is you are back again. You only really fail when you decide to permanently quit. Do what is right for you and your body. I have been a little more than half-hearted the past month, and I have lost very little, but I got up this morning and walked. Trying to get serious again and do more. Welcome Back!:smile:
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    Thanks. At times, I've tried to convince myself that I can just give up and be okay with it. I can't. I hate(d) my body so much it's affecting other areas of my life, personal, professional and emotional.

    I'm glad to be back!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    In the middle of last year I had a small procedure on my back which meant that I couldn't go to the gym for 6 weeks. It resulted in me back sliding a bit (using excuses)and i put some weight (about 2 stone) back on by Christmas time. So the first 3 months of this year was just losing weight that I had already lost! This was a bit disheartening!

    What I did was to consider ita fresh start/challenge. Yes its the same journey (and will always be!) but to not dwell on the past I just looked at what I was losing full stop. Not how much I still had to go to get where I was. My absolutely amazing boyfriend has been encouraging me too by giving me a charm for my bracelet every time I lose a stone. I have 3 weight loss charms on my charm bracelet now!

    Its never going to be easy. But know that your not the only one struggling with this, so take something from the fact that theres more of us struggling with the same thing. Keep logging, and checking your progress even when you have bad days or you don't think you have lost, cos its easier to know that you have put on a pound this week than to put it off. (I put it off for 3 months and hade put on 2 stone.

    Hope thats helpful/ encouraging.

    Sam x
  • Iwillxceed
    Iwillxceed Posts: 20 Member
    Hello there and thanks for sharing, wow my goal is to get to 180 and I am also 5' problem is the bread,pasta and other carbs. I am going to try to go by your list and leave those things alone for now.....but it's going to kill me to stop eating bread. I just got start ed on on a diet and myfitnesspal is a great help in watching my calories.Right now I eat 100% whole wheat bread for breakfast and I have lost 4 pounds in one week. I'm wondering if I should leave the bread in my regimen and just stay away from pasta and the other bad carbs for now because breakfast is my favorite meal. What did you eat for breakfast, since you left bread alone? Thanks for the motivation.
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    It's different for everyone. The reason I don't eat bread has nothing to do w/ lowcarb or whatever. How not eating bread effects me is this: I don't get hungry as much (even w/ wholewheat, spelt, etc, I still get hungry) and the bloating in my upper tummy (above the bellybutton, below the boobs) goes down within days stopping bread (and also other wheat products)...this is why I do it, is because I see huge results in how I look/feel/clothes fit very quickly with cutting it out.

    Some people say you should eat all foods in moderation, but when it comes to bread, bagels, etc, I can't do moderation so the only thing that works for me is not having it all!

    Oh, and what I eat for breakfast is protein (eggs w/ extra egg whites) and fruit and soemtimes a protein shake if I'm in a hurry.
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    Very motivatin! Thanks for responding. It's good to know I'm not alone! I have to stop kickingm myself when I'm down (or up, as is the case now!)
  • borgi77
    great work, don't beat yourself up we all go up down up down but the main thing is your back and making a fresh start so be proud of yourself.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    We all have our weak moments, but as Dori says in the movie finding nemo, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming". Sorry my 3 yr old loves that movie. But dont let it get you down. you did it before and you can do it again. If the injury is still bothering you find some other way to exercise. and feel free to add me:flowerforyou:
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    great work, don't beat yourself up we all go up down up down but the main thing is your back and making a fresh start so be proud of yourself.

    Thanks, I'm glad to be back and get some consistency in my eating!
    I started today and I'm feeling very motivated.
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    We all have our weak moments, but as Dori says in the movie finding nemo, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming". Sorry my 3 yr old loves that movie. But dont let it get you down. you did it before and you can do it again. If the injury is still bothering you find some other way to exercise. and feel free to add me:flowerforyou:

    Thanks so much! I added you as a friend! I need all the friends I can get....

    I'm past the Nemo phase now, thank goodness. Haha. I'm goign to give it another week before working out again and I'm going to try the Cardio Party dvd I used to be able to do but I'll just do the intro instruction until I get a bit fitter.
  • Beebee78
    You're doing fab :) keep up the hard work and any negative thoughts will become a distant memory xxx
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    Thanks so much. The sun is shining (a rariety in the west of Ireland where I live), the housework is done and there's no draaama in my life at the moment.... all good things!

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Anchor
    Anchor Posts: 3 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Once you're determined and keep positive, you'll get there

    Enjoy the sunshine xxx
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    Take it one day at a time. Once you're determined and keep positive, you'll get there

    Enjoy the sunshine xxx

    Yes, it'll be challenging to remain positive as I'm still working on losing what I had already lost, if you know what I mean, but will not let it get me down!

    A sunny day in Galway is a rarity and I'm enjoying!
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    Went slightly off the rails last night and realised I actually do need to do food log daily!

    Back on track today!
  • Beebee78
    We all slip up from time to time - I'm pretty sure none of us are perfect.

    Glad you're back on track chick xxx