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Insanity starter

Hi guys,

I've just done the insanity fit test and was completely ashamed of the results! AND exhausted already, if that's what i'm like after the fit test then how am I gonna cope! If there are any other newbies to insanity or veteran who can offer support please add me! I'll need all the help I can get!

Many Thanks :smile:


  • clo92boom
    clo92boom Posts: 20 Member
    Hey, I'm in the second month of insanity, don't worry about your results first time round, it's the improvements that matter (plus i'll bet your results aren't as bad as you think!) As for being exhausted- that's good, the point of the fit test is to push yourself as much as possible to see where you're at to begin with and although the workouts are tough you'll notice improvements in your strength and fitness really quickly, within the first week for me. So don't be discouraged, as long as you are doing your best each day you'll notice a big difference, and well done for completing day one! :)
  • hb728
    hb728 Posts: 4
    I'm about to start the Insanity program as well, (waiting for it to come in the mail) and i'm scared as well. lol for the seasoned veterans is there anything you did before-hand to condition yourself for the program? if so, what? if not, do you wish you would have?
    I'm also reading a lot of posts about people feeling swollen for a while when first starting, does this go away? is there a way to prevent it? (drinking more water, not eating certain foods)

    Any advice is helpful! thank you! :)
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm in week 2 of Insanity if anyone wants to add me. I ran 6 days a week from May until last week when I started Insanity. One thing I can say is to listen to Shaun T when he gives you instructions & not to sacrifice your form. And also to make sure you're eating enough for how much you're burning. I almost passed out this weekend because I was still eating the same amount of calories from when I was running.
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member
    There's truth to this: JUST PRESS PLAY!!!

    I thought I was in decent shape pre-Insanity, and the fit test killed me too (HATE those globe jumps!).

    You will be amazed at your progress though, so hang in there. I tell everyone that while it *helps* to be a triathelete or crossfit nut before starting insanity, the only qualification that is REQUIRED is heart and guts. Plenty of out-of-shape people have done it, and you can too!

    And just know this: EVEN the "in shape" crowd gets humbled at the throne of Shaun. T. ;-)
  • hb728
    hb728 Posts: 4
    what time of day did you do your workouts? did you eat before? my husband wants to do it first thing in the morning before work and says it doesn't make too much of a difference then if you eat before or after.
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm about to start the Insanity program as well, (waiting for it to come in the mail) and i'm scared as well. lol for the seasoned veterans is there anything you did before-hand to condition yourself for the program? if so, what? if not, do you wish you would have?
    I'm also reading a lot of posts about people feeling swollen for a while when first starting, does this go away? is there a way to prevent it? (drinking more water, not eating certain foods)

    Any advice is helpful! thank you! :)

    Eat plenty of calories, because trust me, you'll need them.
    If you don't use the Results/Recovery drink from BB, then at least get a high quality protein drink - it will appreciably shorten your recovery time.
    STRECH like a mofo. If you're tight or sore, you WILL RISK injury.
    Don't do anything with bad form. It's better to stop or go slow with good form than to "power through" with crappy form.
    FISH OIL. Naturally lubes up your joints and decreases inflammation.
    Epsom Salt baths in hot water, once a week.
    COLD showers. Helps with DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

    Insanity is a tough road to hoe, but SO worth it. Just pace yourself, do the best you can, and focus because injury will totally derail you, potentially for weeks or months. You WILL be sore though, but still workout. The motion and movement helps flush the lactic acid and increased overall mobility.
  • clo92boom
    clo92boom Posts: 20 Member
    Probably best to either do it first thing in the morning before eating then eat a good meal afterwards or do it later in the day with a couple of hours gap between eating and the workout otherwise you could end up feeling a bit ill or getting a stitch. Before I started insanity I mostly did cardio exercise (running/cross trainer) but no real crossfit/HIIT type stuff so wasn't overly fit, but I didn't feel this hindered me, I'd say just give it a go and see how you do
  • ibach08
    ibach08 Posts: 61 Member
    started with the fit test yesterday and did the first "real" workout today:) Will add you so we can support eachother!
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    I am almost done with the whole program and am going to do it again. It's ok to feel exhausted, because as you go through the program you will feel yourself getting stronger and believe me, the people in the video are tired, exhausted and taking breaks themselves. You will even hear Shaun T say he needs a break. I would eat something like a piece of fruit or a pre-workout shake, o get because you WILL need to energy through it, especially in month 2. But whatever you do, no matter how hard it gets, stick with it because you will see results. Good luck!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've done the program at least four times.

    I can totally understand being intimidated. I still get jitters before an insanity, asylum, or p90x workout.

    2 things that you have to get into your mind an will definetly help.

    1. You are SUPPOSED to take brakes. If you ever get to the point where you go through a whole Insanity work out and you don't have to take any breaks, then congrats on doing it WRONG! everyone in the video takes brakes, and thats because if your working at the intensity Shawn wants you to, you will have to take brakes.

    2. Just get through the warm up. The warm up really is the hardest part of the video, only time you NOT encouraged to take brakes and its like 7-9 minutes long or something. If you approach it with this attitude, its seeems less daunting.
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    Done Insanity once and now doing Rushfit. Insanity rocks but it's insane. Make sure you eat plenty because the workout will drain you. You need to fuel your body to be able to cope (partially) with Insanity. As others have mentioned, focus on form, it does not really matter if you have to stop because trust me you WILL. I'm hoping to go for round 2 after I'm done with Rushfit.

    Dig Deeper
    Peace out
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I am right there with you. I ordered it for me and my daughter. I took the fit text and finished the fit test sitting on the floor watching the video and haven't gone back. I'm not new to exercise, so I thought I would be ok, but I was shocked. Someday I may try it again.
  • emmadrama
    emmadrama Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! I shall power through,

    Any others are still appreciated. :smile:
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member
    I am right there with you. I ordered it for me and my daughter. I took the fit text and finished the fit test sitting on the floor watching the video and haven't gone back. I'm not new to exercise, so I thought I would be ok, but I was shocked. Someday I may try it again.

    Let me encourage you to try again. There's so much truth to the mantra of PRESS PLAY.

    Morbidly obese people have done Insanity, so why can't you? Like I said, it comes down to heart (and not necessarily the cardiovascular portion of it!).
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    theres nothing wrong with sitting down and then getting back in.

    but if you sit for more then 5 min you've probably lost the benefit of the warm up and its going to be a tiny bit more risky of injury.

    barely completeing the workouts is still completeing them... and possibly still a better workout then you'd get otherwise.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Everyone's got to start somewhere. See your results in two weeks, and then compare.
  • japar
    japar Posts: 51 Member
    Knee surgery 5 years ago took me out of running. Age (I'm 50), poor eating habits, and lack of cardio...walla...I got fat. Stayed strong all along weightlifting, but lost the cardio and the calorie burn that came with it. Picked up MFP and Insanity in January 2013...walla...40 pounds (254 to 214) gone and a happy bride (well she's proud of me anyway). Insanity is tough - I wake up at 4:15 a.m. and sweating at 4:30; done at 5:30ish and ready to work at 6:30 - but it is a good routine that works you at your potential. Follow the program and you will be fine - promise. If this old man can do - you can too!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I just began it again too.

    I had to stop last year due to an injury from the wrong running shoes. I was beginning month 2.

    Back to square one, my fitness test wasn't anywhere near where it was the first time around but, I will get there.

    Do you mind if we create a Group for those of us starting now? It might make it easier to keep up.
    I will make one and post the page in a moment.

    *I invited those of you who said you were about to begin. Feel free to invite others you know of.
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    Just started as well and my results were abysmal in the first fitness test! But now I can't wait to do the first two weeks and see some improvement!
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    Just started my second week of Insanity and I already dropped a pant size!! Don't worry, your strength and cardio will get better as time goes by, I was totally ashamed at my fit test. Don't stop just because you aren't seeing results right away. I am still not where I wanted to be, but I am further then where I was when I started. Keep it up, it is only 60 days and 30 - 40 minutes out of your day! Don't freak out either when you weigh yourself after the first week, I gained a pound!! But muscle weighs more then fat! :)