Does anyone here have anxiety?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If you have anxiety, you might consider cutting back or cutting out coffee (if you drink it). Coffee causes me to have anxiety, when it would normally be fine or manageable for me.

    And as others said I also find things helpful: Exercise, weights, dancing, yoga, fresh air, walks, calm breathing, meditation, laughing, talking to a loved one or friend, keeping busy/active. Different things work for different people.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    If you have anxiety, you might consider cutting back or cutting out coffee (if you drink it). Coffee causes me to have anxiety, when it would normally be fine or manageable for me.

    And as others said I also find things helpful: Exercise, weights, dancing, yoga, fresh air, walks, calm breathing, meditation, laughing, talking to a loved one or friend, keeping busy/active. Different things work for different people.
    I believe that about caffeine!
    And yes, doing things that make happy hormones, and are productive.
  • aspalmer3
    aspalmer3 Posts: 28 Member
    I was diagnosed with anxiety about 14 years ago. It is controlled by meds. I have lost over 60 lbs on it, and have never had problems losing that had anything to do with my meds, more my calories and macros. More than that I went to therapy for a while and learned some great coping skills to "talk" my way out of an attack when I feel one coming on (because there ARE symptoms). I used to have breakthrough attacks even on meds, but, TBH, I have little to no problems and exercise have helped me tremendously and I am off one of the meds completely. Good luck to you!!
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I want to thank you all for this thread. My little girl has anxiety, Social and other kinds, I dont even have a name for. She also has OCD, and has been taking meds for it all for a year. She was only 9 when she started, and mind you, she was already a bit overweight, but now is very overweight. I never thought to put her meds and weight gain together. I will ask her doctor about it at the next visit. I can't thank you enough for this thread.
  • Melissa_mojo
    Melissa_mojo Posts: 156 Member
    I have it 24/7 was on meds for it daily but got off I didnt like the weight gain and the affects I tried about 6 different ones the last one made me have seizures that i permanently have now it triggered something in my brain they said so nothing now i deal with the anxiety
  • Melissa_mojo
    Melissa_mojo Posts: 156 Member
    If you have anxiety, you might consider cutting back or cutting out coffee (if you drink it). Coffee causes me to have anxiety, when it would normally be fine or manageable for me.

    And as others said I also find things helpful: Exercise, weights, dancing, yoga, fresh air, walks, calm breathing, meditation, laughing, talking to a loved one or friend, keeping busy/active. Different things work for different people.
    I believe that about caffeine!
    And yes, doing things that make happy hormones, and are productive.

    It's true caffeine makes me have it alot worse so does nicotine
  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    So happy to find this post! I have anxiety and its been horrible the past couple weeks!! I'm hoping once I lose some of this weighty anxiety will lower
  • Tdacks
    Tdacks Posts: 136 Member
    I've had it for a long time and its held back my life in so many different ways its insane. I was thinking about finally after all these years of just dealing with it, going to see a doctor but I'm a little nervous that whatever meds I get could hurt my weight loss.

    Does anxiety medication affect weight loss at all?

    Good for you for seeking help. I didn't know I had anxiety until it interfered with my graduate studies. Before that, I used the symptoms to my advantage, pushing myself really hard in work and school. I just discounted any downward spirals as overreacting with weakness, and I was ashamed of those episodes.

    Your doctor should have a nice long talk about your specific triggers and current coping strategies, plus your health concerns and expectations. A good doctor will help you with whole-person management, like progressive muscle relaxation, improved diet, and more exercise, in addition to any medication. You can ask your doctor about getting a prescription that is "weight neutral," which is what my doctor called it. Technically, the medication I'm on is an anti-depressant, but it is commonly used to treat moderate but lifelong anxiety. It is important to note that every drug has different effects on each individual's body chemistry, both in how well it helps your symptoms and in what side effects you experience. I was lucky enough that my worst side effect can be fixed with adding more fiber and fluids to my diet, if you know what I mean ;)

    I saw some people mentioning coffee. Yup, a strong cup of coffee has the power to completely derail my coping skills for the day. I quit caffeine for the first few months on medication, and gradually added it back at a lower amount.
  • Tdacks
    Tdacks Posts: 136 Member
    ... Also, believe it or not, a strong cup of chamomile tea can calm the brain as well, it just tastes yucky...

    Chamomile is definitely great, but I'm surprised to find that people don't like the taste. When I started treating my anxiety, 3 weeks before starting on medication, I replaced my morning coffee with chamomile, and also had a before bed cup of it. But the honey added up to lots of sugar in my diet. I forgot the honey one day and I found that it tasted lightly sweet!

    The warm liquid, calming herb, and the ritual of drinking it from my dainty little teacup, really helped me feel more centered. This was essential, since anxiety was interfering with my sleep in a big way.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    i was put on lexapro for both anxiety and depression (more so the anxiety) and i lost 30lbs on it - granted I was LOOKING to lose weight and worked for it, but i still lost it. i am still on it today and am able to lose weight. i also take klonopin when needed.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    ... Also, believe it or not, a strong cup of chamomile tea can calm the brain as well, it just tastes yucky...

    Chamomile is definitely great, but I'm surprised to find that people don't like the taste. When I started treating my anxiety, 3 weeks before starting on medication, I replaced my morning coffee with chamomile, and also had a before bed cup of it. But the honey added up to lots of sugar in my diet. I forgot the honey one day and I found that it tasted lightly sweet!

    The warm liquid, calming herb, and the ritual of drinking it from my dainty little teacup, really helped me feel more centered. This was essential, since anxiety was interfering with my sleep in a big way.

    I'm allergic to chamomile.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    ...but for people that are allergic to chamomile, other types of warm herbal tea can help also.
  • I've had it for a long time. Best thing I've done though to keep it under control is learnt meditation and Bikram yoga. They really help prevent an episode and help calm me down if I'm having one.

    I am also trying out the Linden Method at the moment which sounds promising. I have been applying it for a month now and feel much better. mmm...

    If your interested, check it out here:

  • I was diagnosed with General Anxiety when I was around 11. I also suffered from panic attacks, I sometimes still get them though but I I was in therapy for about 3 years on and off and it really helped. I have never taken medications. Maybe try seeing a psychologist before considering medications..
  • weaving2fast
    weaving2fast Posts: 64 Member
    I take meds twice a day and have been for about 6 months. I've had this problem for years but finally brought it up with my doctor. I haven't noticed weight gain due to them but if I hit the buffet I definitely will gain a ton. The meds seems to weaken over time but will discuss this at next appointment. The breaking point for me was a panic attack at the dentist office. I was a mess!
  • maca416
    maca416 Posts: 142 Member
    Had Anxiety for years & was on meds for two years but go sick of pumping my body with junk so as my diet has progressed & the weight has come off I have been able to exersise more & more over the last year so stopped the meds a year ago then found the exersise has helped control the anxiety to the point where I feel in control of it & it is not controlling me.

    Unless it's real bad stay away from meds & just get out for a simple walk to reduce the stress it has worked for me.

    Good luck
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I was on Zoloft and Xanax and am still taking the Xanax as needed for intense panic attacks and anxiety. I actually lost weight on the Zoloft (this was many years ago, though) and I've never noticed that the Xanax affects my weight loss in a negative way.
  • maca416
    maca416 Posts: 142 Member
    vitamn D helps.. fish oil and EXERCISE!!!!.... stress and anxiety relief with exercise...wears out your body and mind somewhat but gives you endorphine and happy highs =)
    i call it the 'God given antidepressant!

  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    I've had it for a long time and its held back my life in so many different ways its insane. I was thinking about finally after all these years of just dealing with it, going to see a doctor but I'm a little nervous that whatever meds I get could hurt my weight loss.

    Does anxiety medication affect weight loss at all?

    The only anxiety medications that work for me without creating a bad, doped up feeling is hydroxyzine pamoate, Schizandra and/or an antidepressant.

    Sometimes my head just goes wild with anxiety and then I take the hydroxyzine and it really helps. It is only occasionally that I need to take it, not even once a month at this point. I do take the antidepressant every day though.

    I would stay away from the addictive anxiety medications.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I have anxiety. I've been on meds for years, they have never directly affected my weight one way or another.

    :flowerforyou: for all anxiety sufferers out there.