What to do after Insanity, need cardio still.


I am less than 2 weeks from finishing insanity, I have lost weight but still need to lose more. What programs would you suggest to do after insanity? I heard insanity asylum but that looks like it focuses a bit more on building muscle and I think I need a program that is still primarily focused on cardio and weight loss. Do you have any suggestions?

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • ericbenjamin59
    ericbenjamin59 Posts: 6 Member
    I have done P90x, P90X2 , Insanity and now the best is Focus T25. Lost 18lbs and lost 6% body fat in 5 weeks. This is a ten week program only 25 minutes a day but intense
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    www.rosstraining.com - Dead simple but brutal exercises that will last you the rest of your life. Every book I've had of his is pure gold.


    Tough to argue results with a guy who can do a sub 15 minute 5K and does weighted one-arm pullups... who also doesn't have a routine that lasts longer than 45 minutes.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Asylum is like Insanity on steroids. You will still get intense cardio with it, plus there is an athletic performance element to it.
    You will be breathing hard, sweating, and will wind up sore after it all.

    Other programs worth consideration are Tapout, Les Mills Combat, and Focus T25.......all of these have intense cardio elements, but mix in some good strength too.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why do you need cardio?

    if you like cardio- do more cardio- run, bike, swim, hike, do another program like insanity- or do it again- or flip flop P90X iwth Insanity...

    but if you don't want to do cardio- don't do it. It's not required.

    weight loss is driven through diet- not exercise.
  • Thanks for the responses guys,

    So what do you feel is best workout for hitting weight loss goals, Asylum or Focus T25?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    fork put downs and table push aways
  • fork put downs and table push aways

    Have I said my diet is bad?

    I agree diet is a massive part of losing weight however exercise is also a part and my question is focusing on the exercise part.

    I am currently losing weight and so I feel that although as always diet could surely be improved it is not terrible by any means.

    Whats your opinion on what EXERCISE would be good for me to do to lose weight?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I like the videos on Fitness Blender. I just downloaded their 8 week program which has a mix of cardio and strength (not super heavy weights, though). Doing both kinds of training is good for you throughout your weight loss journey, and the HIIT videos I've done of theirs so far are awesome!

    If weight loss is your goal, there's not "magic" exercise. One type is not better than another. Obviously, you'll want to get a good calories burn, but find something you enjoy, and make sure there's a mix of resistance training and cardio.
  • Thanks Jen,

    That fitness blender looks really good, have you tried there 8 week program or are you picking and choosing?

    I dont think Asylum is right for me at the moment reading reviews it seems more sports based,
  • SusanaLdn
    SusanaLdn Posts: 121 Member
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    I just started insanity, so bump for further programs for motivation.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    fork put downs and table push aways

    Have I said my diet is bad?

    I agree diet is a massive part of losing weight however exercise is also a part and my question is focusing on the exercise part.

    I am currently losing weight and so I feel that although as always diet could surely be improved it is not terrible by any means.

    Whats your opinion on what EXERCISE would be good for me to do to lose weight?

    Don't pay any attention to him..........just another in a long line of people to go into a forum thread to give the answer to a question that no one asked (i.e., troll).
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Thanks Jen,

    That fitness blender looks really good, have you tried there 8 week program or are you picking and choosing?

    I dont think Asylum is right for me at the moment reading reviews it seems more sports based,

    I was picking and choosing and working it into my heavy lifting. I started their 8 week program today. I arbitrarily picked Round 2 because I figured they'd have any kinks worked out, and it specifically said no equipment other than dumbbells.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    fork put downs and table push aways

    Have I said my diet is bad?

    I agree diet is a massive part of losing weight however exercise is also a part and my question is focusing on the exercise part.

    I am currently losing weight and so I feel that although as always diet could surely be improved it is not terrible by any means.

    Whats your opinion on what EXERCISE would be good for me to do to lose weight?

    Don't pay any attention to him..........just another in a long line of people to go into a forum thread to give the answer to a question that no one asked (i.e., troll).

    To answer both of you at the same time... I'm not a troll.

    you specifically asked about WEIGHT LOSS. Considering diet is something stupid like 80% of weight loss- the best thing for weight loss is to work on the diet.

    Since there is nothing else attached to that- like I want to get X or Y- just "want to lose weight"- diet is the # 1 concern. Once people would figure that out they would stop sweating their exercise and just do what they wanted to do to work out.

    A lack of details makes it hard to give a detailed answer. Doing SOMETHING- whatever that something is- whatever your favorite exercise is is going to help make you feel better- but exercising isn't/shouldn't be' about losing weight- it's about being fit. watching what you eat is the best thing for losing weight.

    Some good quality slow cardio and some good old fashioned weight lifting.

    HIIT training.

    Zumba-bokwa- spin- body pump- oly lifts whatever you want really. It doesn't' matter WHAT the exercise is- it has more to do with moving and enjoying yourself while you exercise. Not trying to be snarky... just reality.

    I'm a firm believer in lifting weights- and lifting heavy. I think it's the most bang for you buck- next to that I believe in HIIT training- and I HIIT train with weights- because it's awesome.

    So those are my suggestions.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Any of the Jari Love workouts....they are challenging and will tone up and keep you in shape, or Kettlebells they are great too
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    fork put downs and table push aways

    Have I said my diet is bad?

    I agree diet is a massive part of losing weight however exercise is also a part and my question is focusing on the exercise part.

    I am currently losing weight and so I feel that although as always diet could surely be improved it is not terrible by any means.

    Whats your opinion on what EXERCISE would be good for me to do to lose weight?

    Don't pay any attention to him..........just another in a long line of people to go into a forum thread to give the answer to a question that no one asked (i.e., troll).

    To answer both of you at the same time... I'm not a troll.

    you specifically asked about WEIGHT LOSS.

    As the OP stated, and as I pointed out in my "troll" attack, part of the original question was "I think I need a [workout] program that is still primarily focused on cardio and weight loss"..........the topic's title had "Insanity" and "cardio" in it..........so while I agree that you're not being snarky, you're just being a bit thick headed (aka, giving the answer to a question that no one asked).
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I just finished 30DayShred and was also looking for some cardio ideas. I mean I do the elliptical, bike and treadmill, but I did like how 30DS introduced me to many new moves. Moves that got my heart rate up more than my machines. I'm looking for more cardio only, as I want to go back to my own full-body weight workout that I was doing (put it on the back burner during 30DS).

    Someone mentioned Jillian Michaels Banish Body Fat Workout... I haven't done it yet but am planning on looking into it. Also will look at the suggestions given here ...
  • TipTopMMR
    TipTopMMR Posts: 89 Member
    I just finished 30DayShred and was also looking for some cardio ideas. I mean I do the elliptical, bike and treadmill, but I did like how 30DS introduced me to many new moves. Moves that got my heart rate up more than my machines. I'm looking for more cardio only, as I want to go back to my own full-body weight workout that I was doing (put it on the back burner during 30DS).

    Someone mentioned Jillian Michaels Banish Body Fat Workout... I haven't done it yet but am planning on looking into it. Also will look at the suggestions given here ...

    I like Jillian's Ripped in 30, as well as No More Trouble Zones. Banish doesn't use any weights (though you could use them on many moves if you wanted). After 30DS, Ripped in 30 would be a good next step, I think.
  • Good point about diet.

    For sure there are ways to lose weight depending on what you eat. Certain foods like cruciferous vegetables can help burn off fat.
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    You can always repeat Insanity, or hybrid it with another program like T25. There are so many out there.