What is wrong with me....



  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    If I had a box of chocolate anything around, I'd stuff it down my throat without hesitation too. I just have to face the fact that I have no willpower and not buy the stuff.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    perhaps you didn't have a plan. if you have a plan you can follow it. if not, then mindless eating may ensue
  • ttruhol
    ttruhol Posts: 4,326 Member
    Hi! Guess what!! Your human and we have all been there :ohwell: . I find for myself if I don't buy it I will not go out and get it, also by writing everything down and I mean everything you can see what you are eating and what kind of calories they are. Tomorrow is a new day. I think like some of the others have said planning is key. Good luck with your quest, remember it is a marathon, not a sprint. You can do it!!!
  • shortmomma81
    If you don't have those items in your house, you will not eat them. I have the same problem that's why I will not even buy 100 calories snack packs, I'd probably eat them all at once. I keep vegetables and fruit, makes me think twice as if I'm really hungry or not really.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    I find that for me, since I have the time and ability to, getting used to planning meals for the day or a day in advance, then logging any other foods prior to eating it so I can see the effect it will have on my end of day results. It often convinces me to make better choices.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Yeah, it takes time to build new habits. Rome wasn't built in a day. Also, it can sometimes be a psychological reaction to the fact that you're "on a diet". Just keep logging, keep making the good choices, and these moments will become fewer and fewer. Remember, successful people aren't successful because they never fail; they're successful because they never give up.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Nothing is wrong with you, but it does take time to develop new habits. One thing I do is look at the calories and figure out how long I need to exercise to burn the item off. Then you can have the treat only after you workout. Walking 3 miles so you can eat that candy bar makes you really think about how bad do really want it.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    it takes time to change habits and as much as we wish it happens overnite it doesnt. keep at it and slowly the cycle will break. and dont beat yourself up if you slip every now and then its life. After over a year of hardwork I started eating horribly for over a month and all my old habits came back, now I'm trying all over again to rid myself if them and its like I'm starting from scratch. It's hard, but I hope that I will be as focused and disciplined as I once was again.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I use to eat when depressed, stressed, happy and when I'm bored. I'm a stay at home mom, so I get bored a lot. I try to keep busy by, cleaning, decorating, organizing, running errands and when I get the urge to snack, I grab strawberries or almonds. I understand your frustration, I would constantly sabotage my plan to lose weight. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just get up tomorrow and try again. And keep trying until you get it right. You only fail, when you fall and stay down.....don't stay down!!!
  • SherZano
    SherZano Posts: 9 Member
    excellent advice! I started to log food before I ate so that I could subtract or add while knowing what I am eating and how much it was going to cost me. This gives me much more control over my bad habits.
  • candifeola
    candifeola Posts: 305 Member
    1) Get that crap out of your house! Out of sight, out of mind. If you feel must keep it around for your partner or kiddies, write their names all over it so you know it's not for you and put it way high up in a cupboard somewhere. This is what I do with my Hubs cookies. Oh, also buy treats that are just for you. There are some low cal snack bars and protein bars out there that are pretty darn tasty!

    2) Plan your eating for the day and pre log it as much as you can. Before you eat anything, come on to MFP, see what you've planned to eat, notice those treats aren't on here but a piece of fruit and some yogurt is. Go for the fruit and yogurt and forget about the junk.

    3) If you do happen to want something extra, look it up and/or log it first The calories may shock you right out of eating it!

    If you're just bored, instead of reaching into the fridge or cupboard, get your exercise clothes on and go for a walk or head to the gym. Or call a friend, or pick up a good book, or come online and see what's up on the MFP boards. Anything to distract you...

    No more mindless eating!

  • unapologetically_crystal
    first off, welcome! you need to get that kind of stuff out of your house. give it away.. trash it.. pour dish soap on it.. whatever it is that you need to do other then eating it.. UNLESS you would like to indulge LIGHTLY within calories. considering you are just starting out.. i think it best to get rid of it. okay.. to stop the mindless eating.. EAT. find something filling. for instance i like to grab a yogurt because it will fill me... vs a candy bar. which that candy bar idea would actually fuel a ton more hunger.. because its sugary goodness actually makes you WANT MORE. this is just the beginning. its gonna be rough. do you like fruit?? eat an apple when you are hungry. i hear drinking water when you are hungry helps.

    you mentioned coffee... i have and still do use coffee sometimes to fill the void of eating. (gotta watch your sugar and creamer.. or artificial sweeteners though unless you dont use any of that)

    also keep yourself busy doing other things where you wont want to randomly eat. another thing i have tried is snacking.. meaning make your daily food into smaller meals that you can eat more frequently.

    and as far as whats wrong with you... YOU ARE HUMAN! =)
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    Nothing is wrong with you, but it does take time to develop new habits. One thing I do is look at the calories and figure out how long I need to exercise to burn the item off. Then you can have the treat only after you workout. Walking 3 miles so you can eat that candy bar makes you really think about how bad do really want it.

    Yes! Figuring out how much exercise I'd need to do to burn off something that is devoid of nutrients has gone a long way to help me kick the mindless eating. I've really only been going strong for a week now, so I'm certainly not an expert. But don't beat yourself up. Just decide you're going to do it, get the "junk" out of your house, and log everything.

    Also, I find that making a grocery list and making my husband ban me from buying anything that isn't on it helps.
  • serenere
    serenere Posts: 70 Member
    you need to stay away from these temptations when you go shopping. If you have some stock in your house, immediately get rid of them! out of sight out of mind.
  • terigirod
    I used to have that problem...not so much now...i keep myself busy...either being on the computer, sitting outside, taking a walk, playing with my grandchildren, reading, anything to keep me from going to the fridge or cupboard to find something to eat. i also make sure I have bottled water with me at all times...that seems to help. U will find out what works for u. It won't happen over nite, but u will find out what works...don't give up, hang in there!!!!
  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    must.....resist...............CADBURY.......Too hard especially the crème eggs
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    If you don't have those items in your house, you will not eat them. I have the same problem that's why I will not even buy 100 calories snack packs, I'd probably eat them all at once. I keep vegetables and fruit, makes me think twice as if I'm really hungry or not really.

    Agreed. I had to get rid of the 100 calorie packs too.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Do you eat them out of the box? I found that was my biggest issue - just munching out of the box and then I couldn't really see how much I'd eaten. You might find it easier not to have those things in the house for now, but you can work them into your daily allowance. I find working out the recommended serving and taking that amount out of the box and putting it on a plate, then sitting down with my cuppa and enjoying them is the best way to go about it. Don't deprive yourself, and don't say 'Well, I've messed up now, might as well eat junk the rest of the day!' Log it, eat as best you can for the rest of the day and start fresh tomorrow.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    If you know certain foods are triggers for you, I would recommend getting rid of them IN THE SHORT TERM. After you've lost a bit of weight and gained a bit of confidence, add them back and try the moderation thing. I find having some weight loss under the belt is an excellent motivator so maybe just banish the binge worthy food until you get a foothold?
  • Lemmynade
    Lemmynade Posts: 160 Member
    Try to get into the habit of logging things BEFORE you actually eat them. You may not alwaysbe successful, but the more you do it, the easier that parts get. Once you've logged something, it's easier to think about how it will effect your day, and if you do that before you eat it, you have a chance to decide if you actually want to eat it.

    This has been working for me. I love to cook, and often get excited about what I'm cooking for dinner while still at work. I'll log it, and when I get home, I'm craving that meal so much that I get a lot of satisfaction from it. I also took the time on Sunday to portion out 100 calorie bags of grapes and pineapple. Those are the only fruits that settle this massive sweet tooth of mine! Plus 100 calories of fruit tends to keep me more full and satisfied than 100 calories of cookie/cake/candy.
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