Logging strength training dvd

I'm wondering how to log in my strength/weight training dvd I've been using. It's a 43 minute dvd with weights and lots of squats etc. I also do Leslie Sansone walking dvd's..don't see them on the exercise list.
Can anyone help??


  • On Cardio, look under 'strength training' - it does not give you much as officially MFP does not inc strength (due to variation in weight lifted etc).
  • LuckyFur
    LuckyFur Posts: 96
    Wait. There's DVD's on walking?

    I'm curious . . . what do the DVD's on walking do? Do they give you scenery of a park or something?

    Do you walk on a treadmill or just in circles in your living room?
  • lisaleftear
    lisaleftear Posts: 7 Member
    You walk in place, move around a bit, do squats, lunges etc. It's a pretty good work-out
  • lisaleftear
    lisaleftear Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you!