How do you manage cravings?

I don't know about men but most women usually have cravings every month brought about aunt Flo. I'm asking because I am one of those women and when that happens to me, I usually give in. So that leads me to wonder, how do those who have had successes with weight loss able to manage these pesky cravings? What do you guys do, are there any tricks in overcoming it?

Heavily considering buying a straight jacket,


  • amoymh
    amoymh Posts: 44
    Aunt flo..that ****h.
    But to answer your question, Almonds or some type of low sugar protein. I'll eat half a chicken breast before I run to any junk because I'll stop there whereas the cookies won't be so lucky..
  • I just treat myself everyday. I try eating my treats in public so I don't binge on them and can allow myself to enjoy the food. Then I just eat healthy for the rest of the day. It's not good to deprive yourself.

    If you really don't want to eat it you could try to drink a glass of water and then go for a walk.
  • Aunt flo..that ****h.
    But to answer your question, Almonds or some type of low sugar protein. I'll eat half a chicken breast before I run to any junk because I'll stop there whereas the cookies won't be so lucky..

    Agree about eating the protein. protein is great for beating cravings. It's always good to start your day off with a good breakfast with protein to stop cravings.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    Have "better choices" on hand for the things you give into. For example, if it's chocolate then choose a healthier, better chocolate (like Equal Exchange Panama 80% dark). If it's ice cream, make your own shake (1 c. almond milk, 2 frozen bananas, 1 heaping TBSP peanut butter & 1 TBSP cacao (chocolate) powder. Blend.). And, as a lot of people stated, make sure you're eating plenty of protein. I know I need more just prior to the onset of my period. I actually crave it.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I do agree with the protein for every meal! That fills you up -- and that's why just eating cereal makes you really hungry 90 minutes later.

    I allow myself to have chocolate, but I make it good chocolate. Ghiradelli dark chocolate with sea salt caramel. Once I had that, I couldn't even eat Hershey Bliss anymore. Dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate because of some kinds of antioxidants. Did you know you can/should have 1 oz of dark chocolate a day? another reason I have the Ghiradelli chocolate is that it comes in little individual wrappers so you can just eat one or two. The bag may be open, but you have to open each individual piece and it slows down your eating.

    Anyway -- have dessert. Even with my caloric intake of 1400-1600 a day I can have dessert. Today I've having a whole-wheat waffle with strawberries and whipped cream! That is great for me. Only about 170 calories, too. (Add dark chocolate or almonds if you want more decadence!) If you don't feel that you are being restricted too much, the urge to binge goes away.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Zone Perfect Chocolate Greek Yogurt protein bars are 190 calories and will satisfy just about any chocolate craving :o) But I honestly have to say, when I started this diet, I eliminated a lot of the carbs (breads, potatoes, chips, etc.) from my diet simply because they were higher calorie than other foods. Once those were eliminated, I no longer had as many cravings. Not sure if there is a scientific reason for that, but for me, less carbs equaled fewer cravings in general.
  • This is going to sound like a really weird suggestion but it works for me-- whenever I get really BAD cravings (for my favorite chocolate and such) and I KNOW that I don't want to account for it/can't afford it based on my calorie intake for the day, I go and brush my teeth. I never feel like eating anything after I brush my teeth. Sounds strange but it does help.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Right this very second, I could binge on brownies. I planned a treat of greek yogurt with honey and sprinkle of cereal tonight and that should do the trick.

    If it's something I can eat just a little, I eat a little. If it's a trigger food for me, I avoid it. I don't always avoid it and I usually feel yucky when I do indulge because it easily leads to over indulging. But if that happens, I make good choices the rest of the day. Exercise as planned if I haven't already and keep making good choice, keeping in mind that this is a journey for me.
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    I do get cravings so if I know 'that time' is coming then I stock my fridge with blueberries and make sure I have some dark chocolate covered almonds to snack on. I allow myself treats, I just make them treats I don't feel to guilty about later on :-)
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    This is going to sound like a really weird suggestion but it works for me-- whenever I get really BAD cravings (for my favorite chocolate and such) and I KNOW that I don't want to account for it/can't afford it based on my calorie intake for the day, I go and brush my teeth. I never feel like eating anything after I brush my teeth. Sounds strange but it does help.

    I do the same thing - or have a mint or chew gum. I can't stand eating with minty tastes in my mouth. They also say that you should wait at least 30 minutes after brushing your teeth to eat - so that is a great time to get extra water in.
  • This is going to sound like a really weird suggestion but it works for me-- whenever I get really BAD cravings (for my favorite chocolate and such) and I KNOW that I don't want to account for it/can't afford it based on my calorie intake for the day, I go and brush my teeth. I never feel like eating anything after I brush my teeth. Sounds strange but it does help

    I must remember that myself about brushing the teeth never thought of that I usually have a coffee after I brush my teeth just before I go to bed
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    This was hard for me to do as a frugal person, as buying in bulk is always cheaper but whenever i have a craving i try to buy one single individual sized serving of whatever it is i am craving and eat it as slowly as i can. Taking the time to savor food has really helped me to avoid binges. For example today i wanted icecream so bad, it took a lot of willpower not to get a large but i ended up with a mini reese's blizzard and ate it slowly. Or you can get those single serving icecream cups that they have in the grocery store. Many companies now have smaller servings. It cost more this way but its a small cost to pay to avoid binging. Atleast for me. Give in to your cravings! For me it is less risky to give in than to try and ignore it and risk binging or being in a foul mood.

    * I am currently on 1500 calories a day so i have more wiggle room for treats than say a 1200 calorie a day diet.
    *Also try to calculate your calories before you eat them to make it easy to work your craving in there. If it is a homemade item try serving it in a small bowl and eating it with a small utensil.
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you all for this. These all seem like sound advices. Proteins, dark choc, brush my teeth. Will sure try them all out. =)
  • rtjenny
    rtjenny Posts: 51
    I managed amounts of what you want to eat - if I fancy a slice of cake - I will eat half a slice. Just reduce the portion size - you get the taste and not deprive yourself of what you want to eat. Then I might do 10 mins extra on the treadmill....I try to balance it all.
  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member
    This is going to sound like a really weird suggestion but it works for me-- whenever I get really BAD cravings (for my favorite chocolate and such) and I KNOW that I don't want to account for it/can't afford it based on my calorie intake for the day, I go and brush my teeth. I never feel like eating anything after I brush my teeth. Sounds strange but it does help.

    That's a really good idea! I hate eating anything up to 1-2 hours after brushing my teeth. Will try it next time I get bad cravings, thanks!
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    My newest craving/hunger reducer is tea. I only discovered how much it helps in the last few days, but what a difference! I have so many different options too because people have given me tea as gifts.

    Boiling the water, letting it steep, smelling it while it cools....the whole process helps me feel "busy". And with all the different flavors, I can typically find something that fits the "taste" I'm looking for, be it fruity, chocolatey, etc. I'm guessing low sodium chicken broth will help in the future too. Right now I'm so obsessed with tea and how it has made me feel that I'm just bursting to talk about it!
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    I'm doing the 5:2 so I wait until the non fast days and I have my cravings. I always try to fit them during the week so I won't miss them.

    I also try to find healthy and lower in calories alternatives. I love chocolate, but a bar is too much and it lasts too little. A skinny mocha frappuchino fits the craving but it has less calories and more protein...

    Exercising, I found, helps with the cravings. At least for me, I'm not as hungry/craving after my workout...
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I give in. While some substitutes work, I find that if I give in early, I'm much more capable of moderation than if I try to hold out.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Eat the food you crave. Just ensure you stay in calorie deficit (even if it means exercising more to compensate).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • oranges (and sometimes apples)! for some reason it seems to curb those monthly cravings! eat fruit whenever you feel like something unhealthy.