Breakfast Ideas/Recipes

Far2shy Posts: 14 Member
I was just discussing my disgust for my egg beater breakfast in another forum. That prompted me to start a topic here about potential healthy/tasty/low cal breakfast recipes (if that even exists). I just increased my calorie intake but I would still like to eat something within the 200-300 calorie range. At the moment I'm having one cup of egg beaters with salsa. I'm debating on having peanut butter with apples in the morn. What do you guys think? Any ideas?


  • withabandon
    withabandon Posts: 168 Member
    I have been having a great deal of success with vanilla greek yogurt, granola and fresh fruit to tide me over for the morning for about 250 calories. When I am on night shift and eating before I go to sleep for the day, I'll add two eggs (or else I wake up before I want to).

    I have also been known to make little egg white omlettes - I will precook the veggies and keep them in the fridge to just warm up when I want to eat it - I rarely have a meat in my omlette but still do well with it. I've also pre cooked the insides for breakfast wraps and kept them in the fridge (convenience is pretty important to me in case you missed it!)
  • tnwebb611
    Great Question!

    I've been having 1 cup 1% milk, 1 packet of No Sugar added Carnation instant breakfast and 1 cup of frozen "dark sweet" cherries blended into a smoothie for 250 calories.
  • iamjoanna765
    iamjoanna765 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love some ideas for breakfast. I have 2 kids to get ready in the mornings and we are out the door at 6:30 am so I am always rushing. My go to was always pop-tarts but obviously that is not going to work when I'm trying to lose weight and eat healthier! I need something that has protein because I don't get a chance to eat lunch until at least 12. I'm open to any ideas for a nutritious grab-and-go breakfast that will tie me over for a few hours.

  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I just had:
    1 boiled egg & 3 egg whites from boiled eggs, along with 1 TBS light mayo, made into egg salad piled on top of
    1 slice toast (whole wheat, high fiber bread) with
    1 roma tomato, sliced on top

    It was delicious.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I also like a slice of toast (high fiber bread) with 1 TBS peanut butter and a banana. That really keeps me full.

    I tried oatmeal muffins as a grab and go but they weren't very good - I threw them out.

    I tried protein shakes for a few days and while they kept me full until lunch, my nurse/nutritionist dinged me on it so I stopped those too.

    I really want to get a Nutribullet and attempt something like that to see how it works for me.
  • Far2shy
    Far2shy Posts: 14 Member
    Great ideas guys! I have to try some of them. Today I had two scoops of peanut butter and a cup of almond milk. I have to get more creative with these dietary meals lol. Good luck on your journey;