Birth Control agony!



  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    I've been on birth control for over 10 years now via lo dose pills. I have tried so many but high dose hormones have done bad things for me. I look forward to being off them for good within a year or two. I did depo 1 time for 6 months and it made me insane, I was already morbidly obese at the time so I don't know if it made me gain weight but i know for sure that I did not feel like myself and it took a good 6 months after i stopped taking it to feel right again. I do not recommend depo for anyone.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I don't have experience with the depo shot as I've never taken it. I would imagine your body would react in sort of the same way it does with the pill.

    The pill itself won't make you gain fat. It can make you hungrier causing you to eat more and therefore making you gain, it can mess up your hormones and therefore causing water weight gain, and it can make you feel more tired so you don't exercise as much and therefore lead to weight gain.

    Can you give it some time to see how things may change? It takes 3-6 months for your body to get used to the pill but I'm not sure if that would be the same for the shot. If you don't like the shot change back to the pill when you can if you are ok with that.

    Talk to your doctor and find out what option is best for you. Just because your insurance doesn't cover it doesn't mean you can't try another option. LOok around for the best price and pay out of pocket if you have to. You have to do what is best for your health, not what your insurance company will pay for. Depending on what you go for call around to various offices, clinics, etc and see what they charge for things. When I was in between benefits at work I found a walk in clinic that sold birth control pills for $3 a pack without any coverage. You had to go back every three months but it was much cheaper. If you are taking the pill or the depo shot for birth control alone there are a lot of other options out there.
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I was on depo for years and I didn't gain a thing. Doctors warn about the munchies but my side there would be no weight gain as long as you eat healthy. You might not have been eating as well as you think.
  • Heather032190
    Heather032190 Posts: 138 Member
    I am on the Implanon for 3yrs and I get it taken out this November. It was very different from the Pill but I have a very bad habit of forgetting to take it. this is why I chose Implanon. I will admit just like a few ladies have mentioned I had my period every other week for like the first 6 months now its so spontanious it's hard to keep track of some times I can go 2 months without it others I get it twice in 1 month. I have gained between getting comfotrable in my relationship and getting this about 60lbs. I haven't tried to hard to lose weight until just recently and I am doing ok lost 11lbs so far. I been thinking about trying the shot so I guess I will find out soon.
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  • afsb90
    afsb90 Posts: 2 Member
    I have looked into other options besides what my insurance covers but the cost of anything else is out of the question for me. I went on the shot for two reasons, I was horrible at remembering to take the pill so a more effective birth control was needed and the idea of no periods seemed like heaven. The shot has seemed to hinder any hope of weight loss and made me an irritable crazy woman since I don't need birth control I just would like something to help regulate my period. Honestly I would never recommend the shot to anyone unless its a last resort.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    take the pill. depo is probably the worst offender on causing weight gain as you receive such a high dose of hormone at one time.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    I'm on Ortho Tri Lo and I'm losing fine.
  • JamieAbnowski
    JamieAbnowski Posts: 18 Member
    I was on Depo and then had an IUD (Mirena) which are similar hormones. Over 4+ years I gained 70 ish lbs and mirena made me crazy. I have since had it removed and have gone to Lo-Ogestrel 28 which is a low hormone pill. I love it. I have lost 30 ish (easier to lose and have more energy than I did when on high dose hormones) and my skin looks great. Everyone is different...but there are a lot of women that have had the same weight issue with Depo/Mirena.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I have been on tri-phasic, then used diaphragms and spermicide, then decided to have two kids, then used withdrawal (successfully for 7 years), then got tired of my period and my anemia, got Mirena almost 4 years ago. Mirena is wearing off and my doc won't order it thru her office anymore and it isn't covered via my pharmacy benefit, so now I am taking ortho tri cyclin lo.

    Maybe I am lucky but I don't think any of these hormones every affected me with regard to my weight. However I know depo-provera causes side effects like acne and weight gain so have avoided that.

    I would ask again about iud--reliable (more so than anything except sterilization), don't have to remember anything, and no planning required. If not, you can go back to the oral contraceptive and just get in the habit of taking it at the same time every day--use those electronic gizmos to set an alarm to remind you. You can also skip your periods for months if you want to, just talk to your doctor. You can skip placebo pills or get the newer birth control pills that only have placebo every 3 months or more.

    But many people have to take meds at the same day, it just takes discipline, just like logging our food.

    Edit: just read a second post that you don't need it for contraception just to regulate period: Mirena pretty much stopped my periods (YEA!!!!) until it wore off. FYI.
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    If you've had children, you may want to investigate an IUD. I was very interested, but my primary care phys. does not think it's a good idea for me because I've never given birth. Sigh.
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    Currently using Implanon. I get my period every other week. Complete with cramps bloating and cravings. I am having no problems losing weight.

    Wow !!!! if I got my period every other week, I would need a blood transfusion.
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    All I can say is what happened to me. I gained weight (but I wasn't living a very healthy lifestyle being in college and all) when I started the shot but have lost 35lbs in about 4 months very easily. It just depends on your body. If you are able to, talk to the dr and see what is best for you. I can't do the pill because of the estrogen so the shot was really the only option for me. I love it and wouldn't want to change so if I were in your shoes, I would be trying everything I could to stay on it. Good luck!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    The reason for the following (which is true often) is that the cervical os is very small in the nulliparous (no kids) and inserting the iud is more uncomfortable. My ob never had kids and she had the Mirena IUD. My insertion was mildly uncomfortable, don't know what it would feel like if I used it before kids, but I am pretty certain it would be less painful than having the little darlings!
    If you've had children, you may want to investigate an IUD. I was very interested, but my primary care phys. does not think it's a good idea for me because I've never given birth. Sigh.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I gained a about 10lbs after I went back on the pill (after not being on anything) in about 3 or 4 months. I was watching what I was eating and exercising but also kind of taking a break from actively trying to lose weight due to work stress.

    However, now I am actively trying to lose weight again and it is coming off while on the pill. Seems to be a little slower than it was before but I've always lost slowly. Maybe I'm just anxious. Anyway, it's coming off.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    The Pill reacts so drastically different for each woman that it's so hard to generalize. I'll give you my experience, though. I get way hungrier on the Pill. But I've learned to curb the hungry feeling through other means. I've lost the weight I have while being on the Pill, so it's definitely not impossible to do so.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    I've been on Junel Fe 1.5 (brand name Loestrin Fe) for the past 2 years. I have had no side effects and no weight gain. Loestrin has the LOWEST amount of estrogen out of all birth control pills. Therefore, it has the least amount of side effects. I would suggest talking to your doctor and switching to Loestrin. As long as your insurance covers it, of course!
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    I'm on the Pill and it didn't make me gain any weight and doesn't seem to be hindering any weight loss either. I have no side effects either

    I take Marvalon. Its a little different than other pills by only having one level of hormone during the month as opposed to increasing the dosage each week like most other pills.
  • danapenguin
    i have been on the pill for 7 years and i maybe gained 5 lbs but honestly it was just from going since i was only 15-16 years old at the time. i tried Paragard IUD a few weeks ago and it was god awful!!! I would say go back to the pill.
    i take Trinesa
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Through over 30 years of "dating" a wide variety of gentlemen, I found the diaphragm to be 100% effective. Sometimes, the oldies are indeed goodies. No systemic drug to take, no side effects, and some of the "scentless" spermicidal products are also tasteless. (My girlfriends and I taste tested a variety of them.) I know I was fertile for at least some of those 30 years because the one time I didn't bother with birth control, well, you can guess what happened.