Ortho Tri Cyclen & Weight gain?!

I am hoping someone can help me with my situation.

I'm 27 and haven't been on birth control pills in years. I decided two months ago to start taking ortho try cyclen to regulate my hormones and periods. I knew the chance of gaining was there. I have gained 10 lbs but this is the weird part...

I had a normal 7 day period in June and then I had a normal 7 day period in July. Three days later I had a 4 day period. Most people are saying its "breakthrough bleeding". Both of the 7 day periods were not during the sugar pills. The 4 day period was.

Its 7 days since the 4 day period ended and I have had a headache everyday. Stomach cramps, sleeping constantly, HUNGRY, constipated and woke up today with a sore throat and coughing.

My Mom says "Are you pregnant?" I highly doubt it. I'm #1, on the pill and #2, the days I've had intercourse don't work out with the days (plus 2 periods) I've had my period recently.

Help! :(


  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    It's been years for me since I took that but I had the same problems. I took it for about a year....never missed a day and FYI got pregnant with my daughter while taking them. Weight gain, skin issues, moodiness, couldn't sleep.....After I had my daughter I made sure to switch from those. You may want to consider the same.
  • chunkymonkey0223
    It's been years for me since I took that but I had the same problems. I took it for about a year....never missed a day and FYI got pregnant with my daughter while taking them. Weight gain, skin issues, moodiness, couldn't sleep.....After I had my daughter I made sure to switch from those. You may want to consider the same.

    Yeah, my Mom asked if I'm pregnant and I said that I'm on the pill and she said SO! lol But, I don't see how its possible. I am just going to wait and see if I have a period in about 15 days and go from there. Thanks for your response. :) I am sleeping constantly, btw. The doc told me that it'll take 3-4 months of the pills before I'm "regular".
  • chunkymonkey0223
    My boobs hurt, too!!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    Well, I'm late to the game here, but:

    Women have had their "periods" and been pregnant. Stranger things have happened. I would strongly RECOMMEND you get yourself a pregnancy test.

    However, just because you're on the pill, doesn't mean your hormones regulate at day one. It can take months sometimes, and all the symptoms, but sore throat and coughing, can be attributed to the pill.

    The only way for you to know what's going on is to 1. Take a pregnancy test, 2. and/or see your doctor.

    I say, see your doctor, and let him/her know what's going on they may want to switch you to something else, and I'll guarantee there're be some peeing in a cup.

    P.S. I'm the mom of a 23 yo and would give this same advice to her.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    Sounds mostly like side effects of the pill.

    Headache, sore throat and coughing though are not side effects of the pill. I'd say a cold or allergies (it's hay fever season!)

    Every woman will have difference side effects with different pills. Your experience with one pill will be different than someone else's. Ortho Tri Cyclen has three kinds of active pills (most brands are monophasic and have all the exact same pills for 3 weeks, but ortho tri cyclen, as the name suggests has 3 phases, each of the three weeks has a different combo of hormones) so your body might be having a harder time adjusting to the differences week to week. That is most likely causing the bleeding. Pregnancy is never entirely ruled out it you've had intercourse, you might want to take a drugstore pregnancy test just to be safe, they don't cost that much.

    Most studies have shown that the pill itself does not likely cause you to gain weight, its that it increases your appetite and you end up eating more. But I'm not sure I believe the studies at 100%, remember there is BIG money in selling these pills, and overall health care professionals don't want to discourage women from not taking them just because they'll gain weight, the pros usually outweigh a few extra pounds. But anyway, likely it really is just a change in appetite and I'm just paranoid lol.

    It takes 3 to 6 months for your body to adjust to a new pill. give it time, but if you really can't stand it, change it. Ask your doctor for a monophasic pill. Wikipedia has a whole list of every brand of birth control pill, categorized by phase and hormone ratio.


    Notice Ortho Tri Cyclen is listed as multiphasic