What type of cereal do you eat?

I've recently become addicted to cereal and I know it my not be the healthiest option, but I am a recovering restricter and it is one of my foods I can eat and not feel bad about it so I'm going to eat it haha.

What type of cereals do you guys eat? I'm interested in trying a whole bunch of different kinds!


  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    Frosted Flakes chocolate, new fave....
  • HLSalter
    HLSalter Posts: 260
    Special K or Bitesize shredded wheat with a chopped banana is my favourite.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't eat it because I don't like it enough to "waste" my sugar on it. My fiance really likes the Kashi protein cereals lately.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,411 Member
    I eat either Raisin Bran Crunch (because it does not get soggy) every morning faithfully or I have oat meal. It is fiber for the colon. It is my kick start to every morning. Then I finish off with a glass of low fat chocolate milk after my workouts so I can help my body heal.
  • Penfoldsplace
    I love cinnamon grahams but I could seriously eat a whole box in a couple of days so I don't buy them anymore. My favourites are rice krispies, shreddies and weetabix.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Reeses Puffs
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hot cereal. Oatmeal. Steel cut oats. Recently tried kamut, and I like it. Am going to try cream of buckwheat also. Cold cereal grosses me out. I don't get it. If you want grains, cook them and eat them. If you want granola, eat a granola bar. If you want sugar for breakfast, well I have no response. Can't help there.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Old Fashioned oats with cinnamon, ground flax seed, almonds or walnuts and raisins.
  • sleepyotter
    sleepyotter Posts: 76 Member
    I always gravitate towards the really sugary ones like Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, etc.

    But I always struggle with my sugar intake, so I've been trying to swap them out for boring "adult" cereals. As a result, I don't eat cereal very often anymore, probably only once a week, now.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    Reeses Puffs

    Damn, beat me to it
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Quaker Oatmeal Squares! (I usually end up eating them as snacks or dry for breakfast.)
  • IZackV13
    IZackV13 Posts: 157 Member
    None. Have never taken to cereal!

    I know it won't "kill" you, but it ain't the best thing for you either. Try egg whites!
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    Barbara's Shredded Oats or bite size shredded wheat with banana or blueberries.

    But I'm always hungry within 2 hours of eating cereal (other than old fashioned oatmeal or steel cut oats), so I rarely do so these days.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Count Chocula...but now you can only get it around Halloween here :((
  • candicane32081
    candicane32081 Posts: 132 Member
    I like different kinds of cereal, but my favorite is honey bunches of oats with peaches and raspberries.
  • toad493lbs
    toad493lbs Posts: 39 Member
    Post spoon size shredded wheat. No salt or sugar! Then there is hot cereals. Farro, Bulgar, are two i love.
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    regular frosted flakes and honey smacks
  • jaqian
    jaqian Posts: 7
    I was eating store own versions of Special K or Bran Flakes but found there are less calories in two slices of toast so stopped eating cereal.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I always gravitate towards the really sugary ones like Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, etc.

    But I always struggle with my sugar intake, so I've been trying to swap them out for boring "adult" cereals. As a result, I don't eat cereal very often anymore, probably only once a week, now.

    THIS. And on top of this, cereal is one of those foods I could eat and eat and never feel full.
    For my own sake I switched to a different quick breakfast option; those high protein yogurts are pretty handy. Fage/ Chobani/ Danio. Honestly these keep me going through to lunchtime better than even oatmeal.

    Though given the choice the sugariest chocolatiest crunchiest junk cereal in whole milk YES PLEASE
  • shocker1921
    Honeycomb...with a Banana and 1/2 a Cup of Blueberries and Strawberries. Yummy. :smile: