Is HIIT the way to go?

Today I started my own HIIT routine running today. It was on a treadmill (I'd prefer to be outside but I want to get the hang of this first) and I was doing 9mph 30 seconds and 1.3 mins at a 3.6-4mph resting speed. I only did it for 16 minutes, though I'm proud of myself for doing that (: I was told that HIIT with weight training is the best combo for fat loss (with a clean diet of course). I do cardio on non-lifting days but I'm gonna start doing low/moderate intensity running on lifting days and HIIT on my off days. Is this good for fat loss? (:

Random addition: I'm considering going paleo so if there are any testimonies on that, that would be swell (:

Thanks for answer my many questions,
Kassie <3


  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You don't need to do cardio on the lifting days
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    pop sugar has a treadmill HIIT program

    HIIT is basically going hard / fast as you can for brief spurts walk/run/sprint

    HHIT can also include other types of exercise

    check out ZGYM

    she has great HIIT routines
  • lynn557
    lynn557 Posts: 11 Member
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    You don't need to do cardio on the lifting days
    Oh well I'm trying to prepare for a 5K so I don't mind. I like running anyway. I was going to HIIT 3x a week. Here's the routine:
    Mon/Wed/Fri: Lifting
    Tues/Thurs/Sat: HIIT

    @Missdisbs1- Thanks!
  • dailytammy
    dailytammy Posts: 49 Member
    I recently hired a trainer who gave me HIIT routines instead of just running the treadmill on day 4 and dying lol but feels great good luck
  • kpick41
    kpick41 Posts: 81 Member
    I enjoy HIIT training. I do it when running or when I do TurboFire workouts.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Here is the thing and I am not trying to be ugly about this so please do not take it the wrong way. You make a post on here every other day with some new form of plan on what you are going to do. Just an honest observation. Stick with what you are doing for a bit and see the results. The same thing may not and hardly ever does work the same for two different people. That said, you keep posting about changing things without ever (what it seems) seeing what you are currently doing through.

    Even a poor plan that you execute all the way through is better than switching it up like crazy.

    And yes, to answer your questions, HIIT is great for weight loss especially when combined with your lifting routine. Don't go on the paleo diet yet. Just get your plan together for right now and stick to it without changing so much crap. Give it at least 3 months to see what each individual change you are making does to your body. This way you are not going to muddy the water when finding out what works best for you. AND I'm not saying the paleo diet is bad and that you shouldn't try it, I'm simply saying your bouncing around an insane amount from post to post and not waiting to see what the effects of your changes are before you move to the next thing. Make your plan and execute it.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    It's difficult to say without knowing more about your routine, but HIIT and weight training do complement each other nicely.

    If you can do your HIIT three times a week, you aren't doing HIIT. If you don't feel like dying after the high intensity portion, you're doing it wrong. Most people I trust recommend to start doing HIIT once a week, then work up to twice a week.

    The treadmill works for HIIT, but it's not ideal. If there's a prowler (weight sled) or rowing machine handy those work the best. I'm currently using an exercise bike until I make myself a prowler.

    Just saw that you are training for a 5K. What I said above is focused more on just weight training.
  • EnderNC
    EnderNC Posts: 383 Member
    Did you bump your own post?
  • ElusivePete
    ElusivePete Posts: 50 Member
    If your main goal is losing weight, then I think HIIT isn't the best approach. It can be useful for increasing your performance, but you might find you end up burning fewer calories overall than you would if you maintained a more steady pace.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    If your main goal is losing weight, then I think HIIT isn't the best approach. It can be useful for increasing your performance, but you might find you end up burning fewer calories overall than you would if you maintained a more steady pace.


    References at the bottom
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    Here is the thing and I am not trying to be ugly about this so please do not take it the wrong way. You make a post on here every other day with some new form of plan on what you are going to do. Just an honest observation. Stick with what you are doing for a bit and see the results. The same thing may not and hardly ever does work the same for two different people. That said, you keep posting about changing things without ever (what it seems) seeing what you are currently doing through.

    Even a poor plan that you execute all the way through is better than switching it up like crazy.

    And yes, to answer your questions, HIIT is great for weight loss especially when combined with your lifting routine. Don't go on the paleo diet yet. Just get your plan together for right now and stick to it without changing so much crap. Give it at least 3 months to see what each individual change you are making does to your body. This way you are not going to muddy the water when finding out what works best for you. AND I'm not saying the paleo diet is bad and that you shouldn't try it, I'm simply saying your bouncing around an insane amount from post to post and not waiting to see what the effects of your changes are before you move to the next thing. Make your plan and execute it.
    I get what you're saying. People just make new suggestions (of which I've considered in the past) and I figure "hey, why not actually go out and DO it instead of wondering."
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    It's difficult to say without knowing more about your routine, but HIIT and weight training do complement each other nicely.

    If you can do your HIIT three times a week, you aren't doing HIIT. If you don't feel like dying after the high intensity portion, you're doing it wrong. Most people I trust recommend to start doing HIIT once a week, then work up to twice a week.

    The treadmill works for HIIT, but it's not ideal. If there's a prowler (weight sled) or rowing machine handy those work the best. I'm currently using an exercise bike until I make myself a prowler.

    Just saw that you are training for a 5K. What I said above is focused more on just weight training.
    Oh I predominantly weight train. I just have the color run 5k next month.

    After my 16 minutes today, everything was burning and I was hot as hell. I thought I was dying. I'm going to college and I'm not sure if we have a row machine (I could never figure out how to use it anyway, lol)

    I can start once a week. I guess today was my first day :P A trainer I was talking to once said it isn't effective if you only do it once. "You need a minimum of 3-4 HIIT sessions a week to see results." o.o That's why I made my limit 3x a week
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    It's difficult to say without knowing more about your routine, but HIIT and weight training do complement each other nicely.

    If you can do your HIIT three times a week, you aren't doing HIIT. If you don't feel like dying after the high intensity portion, you're doing it wrong. Most people I trust recommend to start doing HIIT once a week, then work up to twice a week.

    The treadmill works for HIIT, but it's not ideal. If there's a prowler (weight sled) or rowing machine handy those work the best. I'm currently using an exercise bike until I make myself a prowler.

    Just saw that you are training for a 5K. What I said above is focused more on just weight training.
    Oh I predominantly weight train. I just have the color run 5k next month.

    After my 16 minutes today, everything was burning and I was hot as hell. I thought I was dying. I'm going to college and I'm not sure if we have a row machine (I could never figure out how to use it anyway, lol)

    I can start once a week. I guess today was my first day :P A trainer I was talking to once said it isn't effective if you only do it once. "You need a minimum of 3-4 HIIT sessions a week to see results." o.o That's why I made my limit 3x a week

    Did the trainer know you were weight training too? Assuming you're on a solid weight training program, throwing in 3 or 4 HIIT sessions is probably going to exhaust your ability to recover. Just my 2 cents.