If you eat like this daily, you'll weigh ## in 5 weeks!

Okay, question.

I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Okay, question.

    I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

    What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?

    Curious at how many calories you eat per day.

    I look at my macros like protein, carbs, fat and fiber in conjunction with cals. I don't pay attention at all to the "If you eat like this" part cause there are too many variables like type of food I eat day to day, activity levels, Aunt Flo, etc etc etc.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Just don't ever hit the complete your food diary button. 99.9% of users on MFP don't care about that message, it means nothing.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Okay, question.

    I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

    What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?

    First off, ignore that feature that says you will weigh X pounds in X weeks. It's a computer. It's just doing math (minus life variables) to say that. It doesn't mean it'll happen.

    When losing weight, you want to be at a deficit, but you want to be healthy as well. Be active!

    A high protein diet is a good thing! Protein helps build muscles, muscles burn fat. See where I'm going with this? Fiber is also good for you too!

    Focus on how you look and feel. Take progress pictures. Also take measurements. What the number on your scale says doesn't mean you aren't getting healthier if it doesn't budge.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I do look at my macros. I try to make sure my sugar doesn't go over like mad (it's usually always over by a few grams) and my sodium doesn't go over (rare for it to be even close). I don't even track carbs at all, I don't eat a ton of carbs anyway. I try to get close to the goal on fiber and protein whenever possible. I usually don't have any trouble with the fat category.

    That said, I primarily look at calories. But if I have several days when I go over (or close to goal) on sodium and/or sugar are usually the weeks when I am at plateau for a bit. So it does make a difference, for me anyway.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Just ignore that and pay attention to your total calories and macros.
  • malk2651
    malk2651 Posts: 55 Member
    quit pressing that button.
  • chunkymonkey0223
    Okay, question.

    I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

    What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?

    Curious at how many calories you eat per day.

    I look at my macros like protein, carbs, fat and fiber in conjunction with cals. I don't pay attention at all to the "If you eat like this" part cause there are too many variables like type of food I eat day to day, activity levels, Aunt Flo, etc etc etc.

    1,260 calories per day according to mfp
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I aim to go over for protein and fat and to stay under carbs. I don't really watch sodium or sugar. Definitely want to stay under cals. I get a good chuckle over the little message at the end but don't take it seriously. It's been saying a varied number of weights for me for the last two months, none of them have happened.
  • chunkymonkey0223
    Sounds good. lol I will quit pressing that button. Thanks :)
  • fineshrine
    its says "If every day were like today... You'd weigh xx lbs in 5 weeks"
    meaning amount of combined calories/exercise
    not 'if you eat this exact meal daily...' :/

    anyway, yeah, just dont complete your food log. or take notice at the fact that the number changes day to day calorie to calorie. its just a computer calculating an equation and is by no means accurate.
    if it was strapped to your body and **** then maybe youd consider its opinion validated, but otherwise, if i were you id just ignore it.
  • mags726
    mags726 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't pay too much attention to it, unless it is to motivate myself to keep eating healthy.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Okay, question.

    I think the only thing stressing me with MFP is the stinking "If you eat like this daily, you'll be ### in 5 weeks!" I will change my food around and take stuff off just to see that number go down!! But, doing that will make my protein/carbs/fat too high then I stress that!

    What do you actually look at when you log your food? Do you pay attention to anything other than the calories? If so, please help me out. I'm really working hard on losing weight but I think I'm looking into too much?

    Ignore it. You would literally have to eat exactly those portions of exactly those foods, exactly those measurements, etc etc... Even then, MFP would have to know how your body absorbs the food. Its just a guess! Dont sweat the little stuff!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    its says "If every day were like today... You'd weigh xx lbs in 5 weeks"
    meaning amount of combined calories/exercise
    not 'if you eat this exact meal daily...' :/

    ^^ This. It's just doing a number calculation.

    Your actual weight loss might vary, based on many different factors.
  • chunkymonkey0223
    its says "If every day were like today... You'd weigh xx lbs in 5 weeks"
    meaning amount of combined calories/exercise
    not 'if you eat this exact meal daily...' :/

    anyway, yeah, just dont complete your food log. or take notice at the fact that the number changes day to day calorie to calorie. its just a computer calculating an equation and is by no means accurate.
    if it was strapped to your body and **** then maybe youd consider its opinion validated, but otherwise, if i were you id just ignore it.

    Well, I didn't mean eat the exact food daily. I wasn't sure exactly how it was worded.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I actually think it's a tad bit helpful, especially when I overindulge. It's a warning signal to pay attention.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    But that calculation would be nice to be a reality sometimes, LOL!!!
  • juliegin
    juliegin Posts: 77 Member
    I really wish it'd take your past 7 days into account and tell you, if you ate like this week, in 5 weeks from now you'd be XX. A week is a much better judge than one day.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Are you kidding me?!?!! I love that button! OR I hate that button!! LOL. I don't think it has ever been right, but hey, I think it is seriously fun to push and the great feeling I get if I really did weigh that in 5 weeks, or not. LMAO.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,041 Member
    I love the little motivational message! :love: But that's all it is - a motivational message based on your calories only. Enjoy the encouragement when it promises fair, and heed the warning when it threatens. I still record it in my food notes even though I'm on maintenance.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • ReneeReiser
    ReneeReiser Posts: 28 Member
    You can go into your settings and change your goals to meet your needs. If you go over in protein, carbs or fat often, then raise that up. But leave the sodium and sugar alone, you want that number to be low. Its your preference how much you want to eat. I personally cannot eat less than 1500 and feel good.

    As for the message that says you will weigh x if you eat y... It's always about 10lbs or so less than you weigh currently and in the last 5 weeks I did not lose 10 lbs. Would have been nice, but slow and steady wins the race right? So don't click it unless you want to feel discouraged. I only complete my diary so that other mfp friends can view what I've eaten to give me support and offer suggestions to where I should change.