Do you eat CLEAN, IIFYM, or straight calories... and why???



  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    I eat what I want as long as it puts me under calories and carbs for the day! I love having a little of this and that, but can't be cookies all day or I would be a starving grump.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Just a FYI, there is more to IIFYM than just setting some %'s :smile: It should still be based primarily on whole unprocessed foods. Flexbile dieting is a better term as it should include adequate micronutrients and fibre.

    IIFYM or flexible dieting for me.

    This. I find it odd when people say "a little of all three". If you are following flexible dieting (IIFYM is the tag line that is over-used and completely misunderstood) you are primarily eating "clean", whole, minimally processed, micronutrient dense foods, making up 80%-90% of your total calories. The other 10%-20% of your calories you allow yourself flexibility to eat "dirty" foods. It is impossible to hit your macro, micro and fiber goals by only eating "dirty" food. If you hit your "macros", you are, by default, hitting your caloric goals.

    Flexible dieting for me as well, for long term health - both mental and physical.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I try hardest to hit my calorie goal, but since I'm set to lose 1lb/week I don't fret if I go up to 500 over a day (never even been close to that). I try to hit my protein macro and exceed my sodium (doctor's orders, low blood pressure), but I don't worry too much on my fat and carb macros. I guess I "eat clean" a lot because that's just the food I normally enjoy, though I did make a big honkin' cheesecake for dessert and you know I'm getting a piece of that.

    [img][/i] (Not my image, but an image of the recipe I used)[/img]
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I do a combination of all 3. I do my best to make healthy choices (except yesterday lol) but if one day it doesn't happen, I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I agree with the poster who referred to it as flexible.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I certainly can't say I eat "clean," but there has been an improvement in the quality of my diet. As others have said, it's harder to be satisfied and stay within goal when eating calorie-dense, low quality foods. Too, I'm just a little more conscious of making better choices. However, there was one day recently when the only thing I ate all day was chili-fries. lol

    I try to keep an eye on my macros, more for information purposes than anything, but am not strict about it - I certainly go over on Sodium and Protein with some regularity, sometimes a tiny bit over on Fat.

    Overall, although with a general trend upward in quality, if it fits my calorie goal, I don't worry. And if I do want some junk or drink some whiskey :tongue: , I don't beat myself up. I have lost 33 pounds since early June, just over two months and I'm loving my program.

    Next goal is to start incorporating more exercise. Unless I actually work hard physically, I don't "work out" - so I either burn a lot (roofing, etc) or I am pretty sedentary. I would like to at least start walking regularly for now, just getting in the habit of moving, doing something. And this is sort of on-topic as well - as of today, my calorie goal has dropped by 160 calories per day from the time I started, so it'll be a way of also giving myself a little more caloric cushion as I start having to be more careful (as well as, of course, all of the other obvious benefits).
  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    Combination of all three.. I set my carb/fat/protein goals first and use that as a guide when I'm planning out my day. I also try and choose whole foods whenever possible, my goal is at least 10 servings fruits/veggies per day. Once all that's in.. I fill out any remaining calories with things I want/crave :)

    Everyone just has to find what works for them!
  • JackB121
    JackB121 Posts: 32 Member
    Combination of all three.. I set my carb/fat/protein goals first and use that as a guide when I'm planning out my day. I also try and choose whole foods whenever possible, my goal is at least 10 servings fruits/veggies per day. Once all that's in.. I fill out any remaining calories with things I want/crave :)

    Everyone just has to find what works for them!

    This. Hit my macros, ~40 g of fiber, micronutrients, and the leftover macros go to the yummy snacks (usually only 300-400)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    [img][/i] (Not my image, but an image of the recipe I used)[/img]

    Holy food porn, Batman, that looks amazing!

    Ahem...anyway, I'm straight calorie...I don't watch anythitng else. I did find, over time, that I started eating healthier because I wanted MORE FOOD....and veg/fruit/chicken had fewer calories than other stuff.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Just thought it'd be interesting to see how others who are being successful do it....

    Clean to me means no processed stuff, lots of whole foods, etc.

    IIFYM If It Fits Your Macros is certain percentages of protein, carb, fat, etc.

    Straight calories means nothing is off limits as long as you don't exceed your daily allotment....

    What are you doing that is working for you???

    I do a mix of all those but none of them. I try to hit my protein macro and not exceed my fat macro by too much (a problem area for me). I put just as much thought into fiber as either of those, but don't pay much attention to other carbs. I don't eat a consistent number of calories but try to keep it at or under TDEE when averaged over time. I strive to eat lots of whole natural foods, and I limit foods I think are not healthy, but I don't think I could honestly say "never again" for any food I like.

    Mostly I just eat foods I like while focusing on nutrition (micros every bit as much as macros) and trying not to overeat. And I exercise. Eating right seems pointless to me without exercise.
  • iifym87
    iifym87 Posts: 1
    Love love love the flexibile dieting IIFYM gives you, I've been following that, however my goals are different. I'm looking to add more lean muscle and decrase body fat % and IIFYM works best for me.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I try to eat for the soul as well as the body. I love fruits and vegetables and other whole foods, but sometimes I just want cake.

    Rather, that's what I tried to do before homelessness happened. Now, I eat to survive. 2 weeks on bread, american cheese, plain yogurt, grapenuts, and bananas. Next shopping trip, rice and lentils and frozen veggies (if the generics are on sale).

    No offense... but how are you on MFP if you are homeless? Either way sorry to hear you are down on your luck, hope things improve soon.

    Lots of people maintain Internet service (phone, library, a friend, etc), even when they don't have a regular place to stay. Helps with job search and all. My question was about the frozen food - lol. But seriously, good for you for doing what you can to stay on track and I hope things come together for you soon.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    A little bit of all three...The majority of what I eat is fruit, veggies, meat, and whole grains, but that's because those are the foods I enjoy the most. Don't get me wrong, I love pizza and cheeseburgers, so I eat them if I want them, but they aren't a daily thing. I don't restrict myself at all!

    Pretty much this
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    How? Laptop and human kindness. Did you mean why? Because life doesn't stop when you're filling out paperwork and job hunting. Where? A friends house next to the cot they set up, but you'll see homeless people using the internet at the library all day, every day.

    I am receiving transitional assistance (welfare that you have to pay back), so I have a small amount for food. I went grocery shopping without a plan last week, and didn't quite pick out the right things from my nutritional needs, so I came here and was reminded of the existence of eggs and lentils and other inexpensive foods with high nutrient density. Tracking feels like a bit of a joke, but acting is better than not acting. I could sit on the sidewalk with a dirty sign and a noxious odor, but I've chosen to humble myself by accepting the help that's out there.

    Great answer. Take care.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    I try to eat for the soul as well as the body. I love fruits and vegetables and other whole foods, but sometimes I just want cake.

    Rather, that's what I tried to do before homelessness happened. Now, I eat to survive. 2 weeks on bread, american cheese, plain yogurt, grapenuts, and bananas. Next shopping trip, rice and lentils and frozen veggies (if the generics are on sale).

    No offense... but how are you on MFP if you are homeless? Either way sorry to hear you are down on your luck, hope things improve soon.

    Lots of people maintain Internet service (phone, library, a friend, etc), even when they don't have a regular place to stay. Helps with job search and all. My question was about the frozen food - lol. But seriously, good for you for doing what you can to stay on track and I hope things come together for you soon.

    Thanks! A friend offered a cot in his office for me while I work on getting information together for the housing authority and look for jobs appropriate for a half-deaf with a compromised immune system. Fridge space is a lucky perk in this life-saving situation (I spent one night on the street and ended up in a crisis center for a week because scary stuff happened).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Just a FYI, there is more to IIFYM than just setting some %'s :smile: It should still be based primarily on whole unprocessed foods. Flexbile dieting is a better term as it should include adequate micronutrients and fibre.

    IIFYM or flexible dieting for me.

    +1 This.....

    I am down with this for a +2
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    no no no...i eat what i want.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Just a FYI, there is more to IIFYM than just setting some %'s :smile: It should still be based primarily on whole unprocessed foods. Flexbile dieting is a better term as it should include adequate micronutrients and fibre.

    IIFYM or flexible dieting for me.

    i disagree with the bold.

    there is nothing wrong with processed foods. except for fresh fruit, eggs, and the occasional frozen vegetables, pretty much everything else i eat is processed in some way or another.

    there is this dogma out there that somehow "processed" is synonymous with "bad" or "unhealthy" or "nutritionally empty". i reject that notion completely.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I eat IIFYM and I eat "bodybuilder" clean on most occasions. (as opposed to the organic/raw or other "clean" definitions).

    I do not GAF about organic vs. non in any of my fruits, vegetables or meat, as I eat meat with VERY little fat when I eat meat anyway, and I'm not a tin foil hatter when it comes to organics/pesticide residue anecdotes.

    I eat a nutritionally balanced diet, and I strive to eat from all food groups and get all of my nutrition from foods.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    IIFYM for the most part. I mostly watch my protein, as my fat tends to take care of itself. It's a rare day that I don't get enough fat, even if I pay no attention to it.

    I try for my 5 fruit and veg every day (though the last few weeks have been particularly poor in that respect, for various reasons).

    And finally, I come in under my maintenance calories to achieve weight loss. Generally by 500 cals, sometimes by less, rarely by significantly more.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Just a FYI, there is more to IIFYM than just setting some %'s :smile: It should still be based primarily on whole unprocessed foods. Flexbile dieting is a better term as it should include adequate micronutrients and fibre.

    IIFYM or flexible dieting for me.
    I track cals (TDEE-500 cal daily), sodium, potassium, and the 'big 3'. I aim for a weekly C-F-P ratio of 50-30-20 but will increase protein to 25 or when the time is right. I try to keep sodium below 2,500mg/day and potassium above 3,500mg/day, but don't have a hissy-fit if I miss my targets for a day or two.