Want to Quit everything...not losing anything



  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Consistency in logging (both calories and exercise) is good advice. It is what has helped me the most as I have adopted a healthier lifestyle.

    Before I found MFP, I tried to eat less (without specifically counting calories - more like eyeballing portions) and exercise and wouldn't lose anything. After MFP, I had my daily goal, and the food database really helped me make good choices to stay within that goal. The only times I would not log were when I was either out of the country with no Internet access or if I went to a party (in which case I would try to maintain moderation while expecting to go over a bit).
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    It makes me angry that alot of people are accusing me of eating junk just because I didn't log in for that day. I have been watching every little thing I eat.

    Its a pretty common trend on here for people who don't log for a day to have completely gone off the deep end with food choices and volume.

    Its a waste of time and energy to get angry at people on a public forum where you posted a question seeking advice. Did you expect all sunshine and rainbows?

    So you can sit there pissed and defensive about someone questioning how honest your diaries have been or you can take the constructive criticism to heart, start making the right changes and start seeing results. Pretty obvious choice to me.

    Constructive criticism/tips made, included but not limited to:
    Are you logging accurately?
    Are you logging consistently?
    Look into In Place of A Road Map and do everything it says for at least 4-6 weeks and then rant again if it didn't work
    This site doesn't determine your success, you do
    And finally and by far the best, my step by step post of how to see the best results for minimal weight loss but optimal fat loss, but I might be a little biased on that one

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Is this yesterday?
    Will there be a 'I don't like the tone of your comment' and a hairflip?

    OP you aren't being consistent with your logging. It's easy to blame the program/tool/whatever. I did it for years.
    This place works, you just have to work it right.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    You've clearly not done any research on this.
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Pointing out that its difficult to give advice when your diary looks to be spotty and incomplete isn't the same as "accusing you of eating junk."

    It looks, to me, like sometimes you're logging multiple meals under one meal -- which is not a problem. Other meals don't seem to be logged, and we can't tell if youre skipping the meal or skipping *logging* the meal.

    If you're going to say that you think the tool doesn't work, people are going to talk about how you're using the tool.

    I'd recommend making a couple of simple goals. One of them is to try to log everything for a week. Another is that if you've been eyeballing portions, try measuring or weighting.

    It's hard to know what do to next if you don't have good data on what you've been doing.
  • I get discouraged too sometimes. It's totally natural. And then I think, "Did you REALLY try this week??"

    And the answer is generally no. Nope, I hit snooze instead of waking up to do 30 Day Shred. No, I ate cookies all day long, drank too much soda, or (like last night) ate mindlessly in front of the tv. You have to be honest with yourself.

    Look at what you are eating, you know what you are doing wrong. You can't eat that much processed crap and then wonder what's going on. Not accusing you of anything that I don't do myself! But, at least I'm honest about it. Listen to the folks here with a lot more pounds lost than us both. Look at other food diaries. Drink more water, eat more veggies, move more, and be cosistent. Such an impossibly simple thing that I'm trying to do myself.

    Good luck..
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    Just look at WHAT you are eating instead of how much, or maybe in addition to (like everyone else said check out macros) For me it was focusing on carbs and sugar but everyone is different (by carbs and sugar i mean pizza, cookies, brownies, cake, general junk food ...) but just experiment with you, and figure out what makes you feel good bla bla bla - basically what everything else said. Exercising helps for me :) Keeps me motivated in the food department because after a morning workout when faced with that cake at work I can easily resist it because i don't want to just cancel out all my hard work! GoOD luck don't quit!!!!!!!

    and i'm jst saying what works for me :) you have to figure out you lots of experimenting week by week to figure that out!
  • avvalynna
    avvalynna Posts: 32
    @Bug, thanks for that quote! I needed that to read that today!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    you cant expect results unless your honest with yourself and consistent. Its that simple everyone is here to better themselves in one way or the other not really to carry someone on their back yes we can off support but that doesn't mean lying to you or sugar coating the truth...so its pretty simple..buckle down and start logging everything if you want success and start putting in the effort daily..if you don't then quit...you cant half it, this will be one of the hardest changes you will every make in your life. Don't end up back at square one in 2014 it is not worth it.