Heart Mom looking for some friends!

Hey all! My name is Marki, and I'm a 33 year old momma of four boys, two of which have the heart disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. On March 27, 2013, Texas Children's Hospital placed my nine year old on the heart transplant list as a status two, which means we have about a year to wait for a new start...

While we're preaching to my little one about how he has to take care of himself, eat right and treat his gift of life well, I'm looking in the mirror at someone who is 110 pounds overweight, unhealthy, tired and stressed. This is no way to be a role model to someone who is young enough to enjoy life, running and playing again. I don't want to be this big when he's able to run for the first time in years - I want to run WITH him!

To do that, I need to make a change. Last month I consulted True Results, a lap-band solution for obesity center. Because of my insurance, I have six months to wait - six months of weigh-ins each month with a doctor while working with a nutritionist. So why would I wait to lose weight? I mean, the surgery is an option, of course - I've been yo-yo dieting since 2002 and I've been overweight since 1997, so clearly I have an issue with food/weight - BUT ... surgery? What if my baby got a call while I was under? I couldn't handle that. So, I'm keeping the lap-band option in my back pocket and I'm trying, again, to make a change but I'm not dumb enough to think I can do this alone - I need support.

Yesterday I went out to GNC and bought the Lean Shake 25 because I've got about zero time to worry about breakfast and lunch most days - and it tastes really good. MyFitnessPal says I should have 1380 calories per day and my normal day exceeds that and then some, so this is going to be a challenge.

Anyone up for keeping me in line, while I do the same for you? I'll share my food diary with my friends and I really want to form some long-term relationships here - I think the people who understand the journey are the only ones who can truly appreciate what's going on. If you are up for it, add me - and let's get heart healthy together. :)


  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    You are an inspiration. My hats off to you 1000 times. I am also a mom of 4 but mine are all girls. I'd love to hear how your little ones are doing and how you are progressing. Feel free to add me:happy:
  • binmon
    binmon Posts: 1
    I feel your pain....so want to lose weight. I am 61 years old and 100 lbs overweight. I have two children boy and girl. My son passed away 5 days before his 43rd birthday. My daughter has 2 boys and lives across street from me ( who wants to lose weight also). I started gaining after Billy's death and just gave up actually to everything. Now, I want to be healthy and live to see grand boys grow up.

    This is not going to be easy and I only walked .80 miles on treadmill today which is good for first day, I guess. 10 Years ago, I was walking 3-5 miles a day and looked great, but I keep saying age has too do with it, but I really don't think so. I have seen older women in great shape and look great.

    I will be your buddy through this and even when I eat something out of whack I will tell you. Keep chin up and will pray for your son.
  • ThickHeartMom
    ThickHeartMom Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Pchesnut!!

    Done - I've just sent that over to you.

    Thank you so much for the kind words - I really do appreciate them! Four girls are no easy task either - what is their age range?

    I have a 14, 9, 6 and 1 year old. :)

    Congrats on your weight loss - that's awesome! What type of eating plan are you following?
  • ThickHeartMom
    ThickHeartMom Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Binmom!

    I'd love to have you as a friend, thank you so much! I'm so sorry to hear about your son, I can only imagine what you've gone through. The past year has been nothing but stress eating - I delivered my last son back in December 2011, and while overweight, it was manageable, but I've just let it get away from me since then and I'm sick of it.

    Congratulations for taking the initiative to start though - you've done better exercising today than I did - I didn't do squat. I'm going to add you right now and you can see everything I've eaten and all the exercise I (haven't) but should be doing.

    I'm looking forward to going through this weight loss journey with you. :)
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Pchesnut!!

    Done - I've just sent that over to you.

    Thank you so much for the kind words - I really do appreciate them! Four girls are no easy task either - what is their age range?

    I have a 14, 9, 6 and 1 year old. :)

    Congrats on your weight loss - that's awesome! What type of eating plan are you following?

    My girls are 10-13-15-17 so yes I have 3 teen girls under my roof. Thank goodness for me they are all really low-key and easy going kids.

    I am not really following a specific plan. I just changed my habits and started walking 3 miles every day. I try to get as much protein and fiber as I possibly can and eat as many raw fruits and veggies as I can. I started eating a lot more fish. I really like fish so it's not a struggle for me in the least. I also make sure I drink at least 100 oz of water a day and I cut out all liquids other then water and occasionally milk. They are empty calories in my opinion.
    I walk 3 miles every evening because even though my girls are not drama causing teens, I still love my quiet time when the sun is setting :wink:
  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    Sorry to hear about your son:( I have 3 of my own, and I can't imagine going through the same. Would love to support you in your journey. Feel free to add me.
  • debzz23
    debzz23 Posts: 18
    inspiring to everyone I wish you the best of luck and will defo be here to support you and look forward to see you reach your goals xx
  • evviamarshall
    evviamarshall Posts: 80 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • chrissyreneet
    chrissyreneet Posts: 52 Member
    Hiya, mom of three here. My middle son (7 years old) has a VSD, which in laymen's terms is a hole between to lower chambers of the heart. We are currently playing the waiting game to see when/if it needs to be surgically repaired. Add me if you want. I keep my diary open to keep me honest. I could use all the support I can get.
  • dcmitchell01
    dcmitchell01 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, ThickHeartMom!
    Let me say I so feel for you and your position with your kids. I am a nurse practitioner, who has worked in transplant cardiology since 2005. About 3 years ago, I filled the role of heart transplant coordinator. I take care of adults, but we and our peds team work very closely, and I have always had a soft spot for these kids and their families.
    Also, my 3 year old daughter was born with a congenital defect, she has a bicuspid aortic valve that was narrowed and underwent an aortic valvuloplasty at 7 weeks old. I was a wreck. I know our sweet pediatric cardiologist (who knew me from the transplant world) probably thought I was a fruit loop!!! Thankfully, baby Audrey is fine now, and we just follow with her cardiologist periodically, and watch echos, but I know the terror of not knowing how things might turn out and the stress of seeing a child with a heart problem.

    Anyway, hang in there! I too want to teach my kids better habits and how to take care of themselves!
    I'm sending you a friend request, so we can hang in there together!!!
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Welcome! I love that you're doing this and I really hope for your success. So that's why I'm going to ask - are you SUPER short? Because under 1400 calories is really low, especially if you're over 100 lbs overweight. It may be right, if you're really, really, really short, or maybe bed ridden. Otherwise, you could probably be eating more and still losing weight. I only mention this because *for me* the hardest part of losing weight is being able to sustain the reduced intake. When I started with MFP, it had me at 1200 calories and a couple weeks later I was ready to give up b/c I was starving all the time. Then I heard from some people here who helped me understand that I should probably set my goal for 1 lb/week instead of 2, and that I was not sedentary like I thought. I upped my intake to 1900 calories and was still losing, but no longer miserable and hungry. I've been doing it this way for almost 8 months (my intake is now closer to 1750 as my weight has gone down) and I average 1 lb/week.

    Anyway, if you want to lose more faster, and can sustain the low calories, more power to you. But if you wind up struggling to maintain the lower cals you may want to take another look at your deficit. These are good sites for figuring out custom goals for MFP:


    Whatever method you use, I wish you success with your fitness goals and your sons are in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Feel free to add me1 Would love to be friends! I am a SAHM of 2 little girls :flowerforyou:
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    Count me in! I don't have any but I make a great Aunty!

    You have articulated one of the best reasons I have seen on here for getting in shape...

    You can do this!
  • TracyTallan
    I came on here and have checked out FB, too, for mom with children that have HCM. I have it and one of our 2 sons has it also. Our youngest is 9 and had an ICD/Pacemaker put in on July 29th. It's great to find other moms for support. How is the search for the heart transplant?