30 lbs by New Years. Realistic?

Tips? Suggestions?



  • debzz23
    debzz23 Posts: 18
    take each day as it comes I've recently learned that smaller goals add up the bigger ones xx
  • metawar
    metawar Posts: 12
    i think its possible, ironically that's Exactly what im aiming for right now.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    It sounds doable but it also depends on your weight.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Depends on how much you have to lose total.

    Personally, it took me seven months to lose 30 pounds. About five pounds a month for the first twenty pounds, then slower for the final 10.
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    Totally do-able, Ive lost 50 lbs several times, in that amount of time. Obviously though I didn't stay consistant afterwords and always gained it back. Your goal is actually less then 2 lbs a week. With a very healthy diet and exercise you should hit that with no problem.
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    Totally attainable!!!
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    Very do-able, if you are committed. Take it one day at a time, set your goal to be reasonable , snd stay steady. Most of us have good days and bad. If you stay at it they will get better. We are sll learning to change; bad habits, processes, eating, etc...
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks for your feedback! Consistency is definately the issue here. I've been very committed to various programs for weeks, months, whatever at a time, and always lost my stride when I didnt get the results I thought I'd have for all the effort I put in.

    I just recently lost weight after NOT logging, NOT exercising, and NOT watching what I eat, so its very discouraging to put myself back in that place where I am trying so hard to see nothing...

    I guess all I can do is try again.
  • Doone33
    Doone33 Posts: 171 Member
    That is doable.. with a healthy diet and exercise.... I just lost 15 pounds in about 2 months! And I did not starve or anything... I have been eating anywhere from 1500 calories to 1800.. depending on my activity level for the day!
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    1.5lb per week? Probably. But would you be really upset if it ended up being 20-25? It's a good goal. Be consistent and go hard on the workouts and good nutrition, but don't attach your success to it. Because coming a few pounds short isn't failure. Doing nothing at all is.
  • amdarosa619
    amdarosa619 Posts: 98 Member
    That is doable.. with a healthy diet and exercise.... I just lost 15 pounds in about 2 months! And I did not starve or anything... I have been eating anywhere from 1500 calories to 1800.. depending on my activity level for the day!

    MFP has me set at 1240 cals/day to lose 1.5lbs a week, which i think is very low. I work out hard 3x week (i.e. bootcamp style group trainings), and moderate exercise the others (walking, biking, misc errands), but I suppose I should stick to the plan and see what happens. Im just curious about some of my MFP pals that lost weight when they upped their intake. to 1500-1800 like you..Do you think that I didnt lose last time because the intake is too low?
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    Losing 2 lbs a week until then would get you there if you start now. Baring any plateaus, it's doable.