HELP!! Will I blow up?!?

Starting prednisone today (60 mg 1xday for 7 days) and everything I read tells me I'm gonna blow up like a balloon -- large weight gain, moon face, large belly fat deposits, water retention, excessive hunger -- the works. I've not seen anything to indicate that the weight gain and side effects can be controlled via a strict diet and lots of water.

I've been working pretty hard to get where I am and really don't want to lose momentum, much less gain back what I've already lost.

Has anyone had any success losing while taking a fairly heavy dose of steroids?


  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Luckily I didn't have the weight gain effects, thank god! I know the doctor said to keep an eye on myself because it can happen.
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    Where you on it for long? Same dosage I have? Are the horror stories only related to long-term use?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Long term use, not the 7 day usage causes the issues. Just be vigilant with your eating.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I was on steroids for two weeks, due to a back injury. I was feeling pretty terrible anyway, but the staroids made me feel worse. Cranky, hungry and moody as heck. I started at a larger dose and tapered down, over a 2 week cycle.

    I didn't actually gain any weight while on them, but I did have a month long plateau after which I am not sure was related or not. I was just VERY glad to get off of them

  • You're going to be on it for A WEEK.

    Critical thinking, folks.....
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Those side effects are associated more with long term use. My FIL has to take it for kidney disease. He is hungry all the time. I feel so bad for him because it also makes him feel like crap.

    My sis had to have massive IV amounts in the hospital and she gained because her hunger was uncontrollable.

    At your dose and prescription length you should be okay.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Where you on it for long? Same dosage I have? Are the horror stories only related to long-term use?

    I started on 60 mg for 5 days and then decreased it by 5 mg every 5 days until I was down to 0mg (then I was done, obviously).

    I was kinda of scared when I started, but that is why the doctor did what he did (stepping it down), because he didn't want me on it long term (due to the possible horror stories that he did say were true). I did two rounds total about month after the first round ended I started the second round.

    I wasn't trying to lose weight at the time, so I am not sure if it will effect any of your progress.

    Everyone does react differently, but for 7 days, and me, it would be a piece of cake. Good luck to you.
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    I was on prednisone for about a week and half last year. I ate about 4000 calories a day and was still starving when I went to bed. I gained ten pounds, however I was underweight at the time, so I didn't try to stop it. The only other side effect I had was horrible back pain when I would lay down.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I don't know how much this will help, but growing up, our dog had a serious skin disorder and at least twice a year she'd have an allergic reaction to where we had to put her on prednisone. She would always look so bulky by the end of her treatment. She wasn't a big dog, she was a rescue pitbull mix and she averaged 40-45lbs after her treatment she'd be around 55-60. She never stayed that way big, and she would be on it for 2-3 weeks.

    So I doubt that was much help, since it was for a dog. But, it's only 7 days, try to stay within your calorie limit and exercising and once you're done with the meds you should be able to jump right back on track.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My first thought is that, if you only have to take it for a week, it's not going to have too much effect. Those side effects would be much more common among people who have to take it on a more long-term basis.

    I did a quick google search … wikipedia said basically the same thing :wink:

    Also, from webmd (
    Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, heartburn, trouble sleeping, increased sweating, or acne may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

    Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

    Tell your doctor right away if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: muscle pain/cramps, irregular heartbeat, weakness, swelling hands/ankles/feet, unusual weight gain, signs of infection (such as fever, persistent sore throat), vision problems (such as blurred vision), vomit that looks like coffee grounds, black/bloody stools, severe stomach/abdominal pain, mental/mood changes (such as depression, mood swings, agitation), slow wound healing, thinning skin, bone pain, menstrual period changes, puffy face, seizures, easy bruising/bleeding.

    So it would seem that unusual weight gain (ie "blowing up" is more of a concerning side effect than a normal, likely thing.
  • deety3
    deety3 Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you all. I'll plan on being super strict with my intake and simply hope I don't experience any peculiar side effects.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I had this same worry when I had an allergic reaction and had to take it for a week 90lbs into my weight loss. I was very strict with my calories and exercised ALOT and still found that I put on 5lbs of weight. Before I took the prednisone I was pretty close to a flat stomach, but I did put on a little belly pudge. I guess it just depends on the person and all and the dosage, but if it is prescribed it should be taken and you can always lose it after you get off of it.
  • vivele8
    vivele8 Posts: 17 Member
    I have pretty bad asthma, so I end up on short term Prednisone on occasion (for about the last 15 years of my life). It does make you hungry, and you have to eat to get that awful taste out of your mouth, but weight gain from short term use is generally just water. Since you are on it, I'm assuming you are sick, so if you are getting unnecessarily hungry, try to rest your body instead. Take a nap, you deserve it. And the day after you go off of it, treat yourself to a ginormous latte. You'll be in the bathroom all day, getting rid of all that water, but you'll notice looser pants and cheekbones again the next day. Hope this helps. Feel better!
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    It does look like watching calories and drinking lots of water can help. It doesn't seem like a week would be bad, but I would be most annoyed if I gained 10 pounds in a week, even if it was mostly water weight...especially if I had just spent 5 to 10 weeks taking those 10 pounds off.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I have asthma, when I get sick in the winter I take prednisone. It's a fact of life for me. I've found two things that work for me I drink A TON of water when I take it, and I mean I'll double if not triple it, and eat a LOT of fresh fruit. Both of those help me immensely.

    But, you're going to be on it for a week, my OMG I MUST EAT EVERYTHING in site Godzilla cravings have NEVER EVER happened in a week. I'm usually on steroids and high doses for a month to 6 weeks.

    If you convince yourself you're going to have the increased appetite, then yeah you will. If you tell yourself that this is no big deal and you're going to go about this as normal, you'll do fine. Most of this will be mind over matter for you.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    7 days should not cause you to really gain weight, perhaps you will retain water for a bit. Stay hydrated and continue on your program. You're body should go back to equilibrium about 4 days after you stop the prednisone.
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    Exactly....a little perspective.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Long-term, high-dosage Prednisone is a nightmare. I have a sister and brother in law who are both on it, and they did indeed blow up like balloons. A week, though? You'll be fine.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Starting prednisone today (60 mg 1xday for 7 days) and everything I read tells me I'm gonna blow up like a balloon -- large weight gain, moon face, large belly fat deposits, water retention, excessive hunger -- the works. I've not seen anything to indicate that the weight gain and side effects can be controlled via a strict diet and lots of water.

    I've been working pretty hard to get where I am and really don't want to lose momentum, much less gain back what I've already lost.

    Has anyone had any success losing while taking a fairly heavy dose of steroids?

    That is NOT even CLOSE to a fairly heavy dose of steroids. Don't fall into the "Im going to gain weight anyway.. so I might as well shove all this food into my face and eat what i want for the next week" catagory.

    NOT saying thats what you will do, but SO many people do that!!

    BE AWARE that you may find yourself with a little extra hunger pains and plan for it. Have healthier foods and snacks, extra veggies and fruits in the house. If you find yourself hungry.. eat those.

    I was on VERY HEAVY doses of that medication for 10 years and i gained weight.. but i never got "moon face" or any of the other things you talked about. I simply gained weight because I felt hungry and i put food into my face. Had i made better choices, I wouldnt have gained the weight I did.. and im talking 10 years NON STOP of the medication.

    Those side effects are RARE. Keep hydrated.. water water water & dont worry so much about those side effects! Again, keep yourself aware of the choices YOU are making! :drinker:
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    You're going to be on it for A WEEK.

    Critical thinking, folks.....
