Eclectic 5-Day Mix Up Club! All Welcome!



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    hawaii! oh, you lucky dog! my husband and i have free airfare right now to either mexico, costa rica, puerto rico or hawaii. we're trying to decide which one to go to. hawaii is the one that pulls us the most, but everywhere seems pretty expensive so we couldn't stay as long as some of the other places. any local tips? we're in north carolina, which i dig because we're about an hour and a half from the mountains and about three from the beach, but i have feeling our beaches don't have a thing on hawaii! if you work it to your dvd, here's a turbo jam link:

    and kicka$$ on all that jogging/walking! i'll be happy to learn how to jog 1 mile! have you always been a runner or did you start at nothing? my friend is trying to convince me to sign up for a half marathon. right. maybe a couple years from now! i'll settle for a 5k for now...

    Wow - you and your husband are blessed! How neat to be able to choose a free trip! I'll send you a PM... As for your location - it sounds great too. Having access to mountains AND the beach is awesome.....

    Your question about the jogging - I seriously started at the couch potato end of the spectrum, and did the Cto5k program as well - with a support thread on MFP. I started in July of 2009 - and here I am, a little over a year later, still going and feeling good about it. Mind you, I'm not fast, but as a runner friend of mine says, "I"m built for luxury, not speed". :) It's become a great stress reliever and I'm so glad i did it. So... I got your back all the way! (ARe you familiar with the ipod apps for the Cto5K? I think that was one of the major factors that helped me get through it).
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I tried Zumba today and I liked it alot. I felt highly uncoordinated even though im not. i shake it at home all the time, i just cant do it in public :p
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Here you go, for everyone who is easily bored by routines: They have a bunch of free videos to stream and several that are low price ($2.99) or you can buy a pass for everything for $9.99.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    oooohh...zumba! i'm the same way - put my in front of my bedroom mirror with a brush for a microphone and i morph into j-lo! stick me in a room with people that know what's what, and i'm a total spaz! glad you liked it, though!

    and thanks for the exercise tv link, erica. the prices look good, too!

    today i had bosu (those weird half resistance ball things) and pilates. bosu is still weird - it's basically step class, but you are standing on the round part of the bosu - so every time you step on it, it feels like it is actively trying to push you off. but, weird as it is, i would highly recommend it - especially if you have weak ankles that have a tendency to collapse or twist - like mine! the bosu workout has *really* strengthened all those little ankle muscles and tendons, so i'm digging it.

    we did pilates today with the big resistance balls, and i liked it a lot better than usual - the balls added resistance (duh) and they helped to keep your form good - no cheating allowed! i feel like i'm finally getting somewhere with the pilates class - i was just going through the movements, but today i really got into it and benefited from it! i hope that is here to stay! well, i'm off to make spaghetti - happy hump day everyone!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Bosu balls and pilates sound fun - and zumba too! :)

    What did you all do today?

    I was generic - took one of the dogs for a walk. He's quite large and still "in training" - we were gone for an hour and a half. Was a good way to drain excess energy from the work day. I WAS gonna do yoga meltdown afterward but the pup tired me out!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    maybe it's just my imagination running wild, but taking a dog for a walk in hawaii seems like it could never be generic! i wish we had a dog, but we have no fenced in yard, and i think our 3 indoor cats would be highly resentful if we got an indoor doggie...

    metabolic training today with the psycho woman. basically just a very high-energy cardio workout, intermixed today with an insane amount of push-ups! today the instructor, jessica, told me all about the cds she gets for class. she has some great music, and she gave me a catalog and everything. the sites are 'power music' and 'dynamix'. i'm going to check it out when i have some spare cash for cd shopping!

    hope everyone has a great thursday! ready for the weekend, myself...
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    maybe it's just my imagination running wild, but taking a dog for a walk in hawaii seems like it could never be generic! i wish we had a dog, but we have no fenced in yard, and i think our 3 indoor cats would be highly resentful if we got an indoor doggie...

    Take it from someone with 3 indoor cats and a LARGE indoor dog, yes they would resent you very much. LOL

    I should take our dog for walks, but she'd just end up dragging me. I'm sure it would be a good full-body workout though. I tried a cardio program from last night. Not the one I wanted, but they won't accept my credit card so I can get the programs I want. :grumble: It kicked my booty right up until my doorbell rang and I got totally derailed by a door-to-door salesperson. I still burned quite a few calories though all the hopping around was not working well with my sports bra. Apparently need to invest in a new one of those.

    Tonight... um... I just don't know. Hopefully I can find something good that's free on the website.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yay! I figured out my problem with the website, so I can start the 10 Pound Slimdown workout. Day 1 is arms. So I'll be doing arms tonight. Each workout is only 20 minutes (and probably way way easier than the 30 Day Shred for which I am grateful).
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Erica - keep us posted on what you think about the 10 day slimdown.... How effective it seems to be, etc.

    You asked earlier about Jillian's Yoga Meltdown - um, 2 days later I'm REALLY feeling the burn - primarily in my triceps and the area around my ribcage (that area NEVER feels worked out no matter what I do). I suspect I could get some mean arms if I keep doing it.

    Maybe we should rename this thread - "3 Indoor Cats" (we've got 3 too... and YEAH, they would HATE having the dogs indoors. It's bad enough they have to live with each other and *gasp* share the house with the human. :laugh:

    Will report in later with whatever form of exercise I've done. Have a great day all! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    maybe it's just my imagination running wild, but taking a dog for a walk in hawaii seems like it could never be generic! i wish we had a dog, but we have no fenced in yard, and i think our 3 indoor cats would be highly resentful if we got an indoor doggie...

    metabolic training today with the psycho woman. basically just a very high-energy cardio workout, intermixed today with an insane amount of push-ups! today the instructor, jessica, told me all about the cds she gets for class. she has some great music, and she gave me a catalog and everything. the sites are 'power music' and 'dynamix'. i'm going to check it out when i have some spare cash for cd shopping!

    hope everyone has a great thursday! ready for the weekend, myself...

    Well, compared to bosu balls and the psycho lady, it seems a little, "meh". But - in it's own right - was really enjoyable. He's such an oddball dog - every outing we have results in me laughing, so that's good.

    Great job with your class and surviving the psycho. I might google the sites and see if I can find the music you're talking about.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, my cats hate having to share the house, too. Of course, two of the cats were mine and grew up together. The dog and the other cat were my husbands. His cat just hates everything, except for me.

    I watched a few clips of the Yoga Meltdown and it looks BRUTAL. Honestly, Jillian scares me. Chris Freytag is much less scary and I'm used to her from I'll definitely let you know how it is, though I think I'm the least fit and most wimpy out of all of us. :laugh:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I don't know- I could give you a good run for title of most wimpy - any day of the week. Working on building mental toughness though. Some days I have it - some days I don't.

    It seems to me that no matter what the exercise program is, as long as you DO it, and with some consistency, it works. :) There's the insanity crowd, the P90x-ers... (I had dreams once of joining their ranks). Then I remembered that I don't like pain. Jillian is as about as insane as I've been willing to go - so far.

    Yep, keep us posted - Prevention workouts seem friendly to me.

    I went for a jog today but it petered out into a walk. Been feeling weak and light headed lately. Not too sure what that's about. The old me would've been SURE that was a sign of cheesecake, beer and cheese-fries deficiency and I would've taken drastic measures to correct the problem. :wink:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well the upper body workout wasn't too bad, though I didn't do some of the extra lunges and super fast cardio moves during the "speed bursts" because my heart rate was about to hit 90%. :laugh: Maybe next week, I'll have more stamina to do it all. My arms are definitely sore today, but I have really weak shoulders (as in they dislocate on a whim), so that's to be expected. I did yell at her a few times, "Slow down, crazy lady!" I think Jillian would just leave me whimpering in a corner.

    Are you eating enough protein? I get weak and light headed when I'm low on calories and protein. Feel better!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thanks for the laugh - I also enjoy yelling at the trainer (via dvd) when I'm pushed too far. Something about that just feels good! If you're ever interested in taking on Jillian, might I recommend the dvd - "No More Trouble Zones".... WITH the idea of just doing a couple of circuits (Or one) at a time. It's MUCH more manageable that way.

    Also- you might be on to something with the protein recommendation. I actually think my protein has been low lately. I'll focus on increasing it and see if that helps. Thanks!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Smiles reporting in :)

    Spent all day yesterday at the beach - the most strenuous activity was frequent reapplication of sunblock, and climbing up and down the lava rock to get to the water. I don't think it counts as exercise.

    Today, I attempted to go for a run (in the heat of the day). Jogged about 35 mins and then walked the rest of the way - total time out, an hour and 10 mins or so.

    It sure feels good to be living a more active lifestyle.... makes me wonder why I didn't catch on to this sooner?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My weekend was pretty bad. I tried the 10 Pound Slimdown Thigh and Core routines as they were next on the calendar. Ow, ow, ow.... she's crazy. I nearly died. Then I had to clean my house. I didn't get much done. So I skipped working out yesterday to just clean. I'm still not done (large house, too many pets), so I'll probably clean tonight instead of working out. And then I may switch back to low impact workouts for the next couple of weeks until I either know if I'm pregnant or my period shows.
  • katxena
    Hi, I'm new! Here's what my workout schedule looks like:

    C25K 3 days a week (outdoors)
    Body Sculpt toning class 1 day a week
    Elliptical 40 minutes, 1 day a week
    Circuit weights, 1 day a week (this is on a C25K day)

    I'm trying to work up to 60 minutes on the elliptical, but it's hard. I'm getting there slowly. I've managed to maintain this schedule for 3 weeks now. I used to swim 2-3 times a week, but decided I wasn't getting enough of a workout from it, so I switched to this. It's really hard to make 5 days a week!

    I'm trying to loose weight, so although I'd like to do more weights, I'm focusing on cardio right now.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    'ello to all! i think it's pretty trippy about the 3-cat syndrome, too! one of mine is currently trying to sit on the keyboard and lick my chin. it's a thing he does...mildly obsessive. okay, really obsessive. i consider this one my familiar!


    haven't checked in since thursday, but i'm happy to report that i have not been slack. friday was step class...i was supposed to enjoy it and hold my own...but we had a little suprise. our normal instructor was out, and psycho lady was filling in! so, scratch my fun and enjoyable step class, and replace it with 60 solid minutes of boot camp style smack down. but i made it through...barely. :tongue:

    went on a three mile hike on saturday with my husband. pretty new at the 'let's go walk outside on a steep trail because it's so much fun' thing, but i'm starting to dig it. i don't know how good my time was, but i don't really mind. and the cool thing about hiking is, it's all so beautiful you don't really think about clocking stuff, so i feel like this is really good for my insides too, you know?

    sunday i did nothing. yay.

    today, back to turbo kick. kickboxing/dance class thing. i'm getting better at it...i still have to take breaks, but i can tell my endurance is really improving. i also reintroduced my weight lifting, so i did my arm weights after the class. i'm planning on doing four days of weights in addition to my classes. a few weeks ago, there was no way i could have done both, but i must be getting used to the level of activity, because now it ain't no thing.

    welcome, kat! the first time i got on an elliptical machine, i didn't even make it to five minutes, so you are totally rocking it out in my book!

    happy monday everyone!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Way to go, chantriste! I always think hiking sounds fun until I get out and do it and I get hot and sunburned. Or we get up high and my insane fear of heights kicks in. :laugh:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi, I'm new! Here's what my workout schedule looks like:

    C25K 3 days a week (outdoors)
    Body Sculpt toning class 1 day a week
    Elliptical 40 minutes, 1 day a week
    Circuit weights, 1 day a week (this is on a C25K day)

    I'm trying to work up to 60 minutes on the elliptical, but it's hard. I'm getting there slowly. I've managed to maintain this schedule for 3 weeks now. I used to swim 2-3 times a week, but decided I wasn't getting enough of a workout from it, so I switched to this. It's really hard to make 5 days a week!

    I'm trying to loose weight, so although I'd like to do more weights, I'm focusing on cardio right now.

    Hi and welcome! Thanks for joining us and sharing your routines - looks like good variety. I read somewhere that there's a site called that will give you swim workouts to help meet your fitness and/or competition goals. Might be worth checking out if/when you wanna venture back to the water?

    I'm a huge Cto5K fan and would love to hear your updates... so keep em' coming!!!