Mud Run .. hints?

I signed up for my first mud run. It is in 4 weeks. Anyone have any helpful hints? Like what to do with car keys? or what i should or shouldn't do between now and then that may help me survive...LOL etc....



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wear shoes you don't care about or get machine washable shoes. They'll have a bad check tent for your keys, phone, change of clothes, etc. Get your stamina up because it's much more draining than a normal run
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    double knot your shoes or else you might lose them in the deep mud
  • whitney_simpson
    whitney_simpson Posts: 77 Member
    there is generally a place to check all of your belongings. I generally up my cardio before I do a mud run.

    Also: have fun! they are an absolute blast
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Duct tape your shoes to your feet. You can actually get them stuck in he thicker mud. Wear clothing that's light and snug. The mud will weight it down.
  • gigila72
    gigila72 Posts: 32 Member
    The mud run I've done allows you to check your bag and your bib number is the way to retrieve it. Wear capri's that go below the knee because the mud can have gravel in it at times. Have someone watching to be the photographer!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    tie your shoes TIGHT so you don't lose them.
    bring a friend or check your stuff. most mud runs have a place for that.
    wear clothes that are moisture wicking if you have them. no cotton or baggy clothes that will get weighed down.

    above all(IMO), plan to have fun! They are an absolute blast and you will be addicted. I know I am!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    get yourself some sort of cheap backpack or bag.

    pack a towel, few grocery store plastic bags in it. maybe a zip-lock bag.

    put your keys/wallet in the zip lock, or just in the bag. pay whatever fee to check it. like $5.

    put muddy shoes in one bag. cloths in another. Put the towel on your car seat for the ride home.

    Have a Complete change of cloths, and just accept the fact that your going to be semi naked in a mass communal shower that's really just a hose with icey water.

    I usually go to Taget or some similar store and try to find a cheap runing shirt and shorts. If they make it fine, but I have ripped a few and I don't cry about it.
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    You can keep your stuff somewhere safe at these races. Wear Lycra, DO NOT WEAR COTTON OR SOMETHING THAT WILL ABSORB WATER. Train hills. Have fun.
  • FitJen8704
    There should be a bag check to hold your items (keys, towel, change of clothes, etc.) When I did mine they had a shower area - pretty much just a bunch of hoses to rinse down so the water will be cold but it will help get some of the mud off. Your sneakers will be destroyed so wear an old pair you can toss and bring a change of shoes. I rinsed the mud off then changed into clean dry clothes. Don't wear cotton it will hold water and weigh you down. Long pants instead of shorts - a lot of the mud where I ran had rocks in it and the pants were a little barrier. Bring some rubbing alcohol and band aids to clean out any cuts you may get. AND HAVE FUN!!! It is an absolute blast doing a mud run!
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks for all the awesome advice! I Ned to go shopping! Lol
  • ks1004
    ks1004 Posts: 5
    I am thinking about doing my first Spartan Race. Any tips and advice?