Confused about why I'm not losing weight... please help!

So, I don't understand why I am gaining (a little) and not losing any weight!

A typical day's eating consists of:

Spinach and Egg White omelette (no cheese)
1 cup of fresh strawberries/blueberries mixed
2 cups coffee with nonfat milk and truvia

1/4 cup dry quinoa (3/4 cup cooked) with curry powder
1 zucchini
1/2 chopped onion
Either 5oz of smoked salmon or 6 oz chicken

1/4 cup dry quinoa (3/4 cup cooked) with curry powder
1 zucchini
1/2 chopped onion
Either 5oz of smoked salmon or 6 oz chicken

2 plums
1 cup berries
2 cups cut celery

I drink at least 80oz of water every day.

I exercise 200 minutes a week on average. I do stationary bicycling, Zumba, and Pilates.
In addition to those 200 minutes, I walk an average of 2 miles per day.

I take GNC's Ultra Mega Green Women's Multivitamin and an Omega Vitals supplement.

I feel like I'm being pretty darn healthy, and I am planning on upping my working out time to 300 minutes per week.

I currently weigh 175.4 pounds. I started recording everything 3 weeks ago at 173.6. I have stuck to the above eating and exercise patterns very solidly for these 3 weeks (and most time before then, but I've only been tracking it for 3 weeks - these are not brand new eating/exercise habits). I am 5'5 and not very muscular. I already had testing done on my thyroid, and the results were normal. I am 22 years old and a woman. During the 3 weeks I have only deviated by 1 bowl of pasta for dinner, 4 glasses of wine, and 2 french macarons. My average calorie consumption is between 1500-1700.

Should I be gaining weight?? My clothes don't feel any looser, so I don't feel like I've gained much muscle mass. Could there be something else wrong?? My goal has been to lose 1-2 pounds per week, and any advice that would help me get there would be great!


  • dohmenb
    dohmenb Posts: 14 Member
    You sound just like me!! I eat really well and exercise at least 4-5 days a week. I do enjoy myself on the weekends but gave up the every Sunday Pizza! LOL . I yo-yo between 5-8lbs but cant seem to loose the extra 10! Suggestions!!
  • lindab0928
    lindab0928 Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know if you do this but only eat 1/2 of your exercise calories. It is really easy to over estimate how many calories you burn exercising. Just food for thought -- you have to walk 100 Yards to burn 1 MnM.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    3 weeks is not a plateau....

    Are you weighing all of your food? Logging accurately? Would you be willing to open your diary?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    The list of food is not going to help anybody find out why you aren't losing weight, it's not the type of food, it's the calorie intake. What is your body fat percentage
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    Maybe try changing up your menu a bit, sometimes that helps get out of a plateau. Try a few new recipes or something. Been there i know how frustrating plateaus are. Hang in there, it will pass and you will start losing again.
  • bump
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Celery can cause water retention, I've been told. (not sure it's accurate)
    But try cutting out the celery; see if it helps.
  • Rambo529
    Rambo529 Posts: 170 Member
    Well, based on what you put in your post (your diary is not public) about height, weight, and age, your BMR is approximately 1600. and you're eating 1500-1700 calories. This to me says you're eating in maintenance, not at a deficit. Yes you're exercising, but you're likely overestimating calories burned. If you feel the need to eat back your exercise calories, only eat back a portion (1/2 seems to work well) instead of all.
  • You sound healthy. You might actually have been building more muscle that what you think and retaining water, especially with your activity level. I read somewhere that you can get better weight readings if you drink green tea then wait two hours and weigh yourself. I know it helps me. My guess is that it helps to drain some stubborn water weight out, not sure though.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Well, based on what you put in your post (your diary is not public) about height, weight, and age, your BMR is approximately 1600. and you're eating 1500-1700 calories. This to me says you're eating in maintenance, not at a deficit. Yes you're exercising, but you're likely overestimating calories burned. If you feel the need to eat back your exercise calories, only eat back a portion (1/2 seems to work well) instead of all.

    Eating at maintenance would be TDEE, not BMR.
  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    I find if I change my workout routine or eat some variety of food I lose weight more easily rather than if my days are cookie cutters of the days prior.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Well, based on what you put in your post (your diary is not public) about height, weight, and age, your BMR is approximately 1600. and you're eating 1500-1700 calories. This to me says you're eating in maintenance, not at a deficit. Yes you're exercising, but you're likely overestimating calories burned. If you feel the need to eat back your exercise calories, only eat back a portion (1/2 seems to work well) instead of all.

    Since when is eating your BMR calories maintenance? Also, determining BMR solely from height and weight is highly inaccurate...
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    I am about the same height as you, and weigh around 150 lbs. I exercise about 200 min a week on average as well (cycling, running, walking). I was having some mixed results, playing around with daily calories to see where my "sweet spot" was for weight loss. I have been tracking the numbers for 3 weeks now.

    Using a moving 7-day average and comparing this to weight loss I have determined that I need to eat around 1500 total calories per day to lose weight. When that number increased to 1600 my weight loss stalled, and when it hit 1700 I started to gain weight. So perhaps your total caloric intake is a bit high since your numbers are similar to mine.

    I realize you may be sticking to what MFP or TDEE tells you, but as a wise person recently posted here, those numbers are meaningless if your own reliable data doesn't match up.

    According to MFP I should be eating net 1330, but some days I exercise a lot and I always ate back all my calories so too many of those and suddenly I'm eating 1700 cal/day. According to the "TDEE - 20% method" I should be eating 1730 calories per day for weight loss, but that is too much - I started gaining again when I tried that.

    So all of this is to say that I think you are eating too much, you are possibly hitting your maintenance level calories but not dipping low enough for weight loss.
  • QuirkyD
    QuirkyD Posts: 68 Member
    My first thought on your menu is that you seem to have no fats in there. You could add in some calories from fat and cut back to a half cup of quinoa. Some people have been reported to stop losing weight due to the sucrose in fruit. I know it sounds harsh but you could try to replace the fruit snack with vegetable snacks.

    Weight lifting helps greatly increase burn during non-active times.

    Kudos to you for having such clean meals and logging habits. I am sure if you change it up a little you will reach your goals in no time!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You are following standard diet advice of extremely limiting calories, avoiding fat, avoiding healthy fatty meats, and filling up with fruits (veggies are a better choice-less sugar). That eating plan is effective for only a few and sustainable for almost no one.

    Newsflash: you NEED healthy fats in your diet. First step, eat the egg yolks too.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    I think seeing your diary would be helpful - are you sure that is actually 1500-1700 calories? I'm not seeing that unless you are adding oils, more egg whites, skim milk than realized. I'm actually wondering if it's not too low? (not trying to open the whole eat more/lose weight debate, but just what I'm wondering...)
  • Only thing I can think of is that you can find out how many calories your body burns without ANY exercise (as if you weren't to move anything at all). Then you can estimate how many calories you need to eat. And after that, add the calories you lose to the ones you lose naturally and you have as many calories you "lose" a day. otherwise your scheme seems nice :DD and remember to just have patiance. Ever tried High Intensity Interval Training? Very effective calorieburner.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The list of food is not going to help anybody find out why you aren't losing weight, it's not the type of food, it's the calorie intake. What is your body fat percentage

    Yes, the list of food says it ALL. Calorie intake is only one part of weight loss for those of us with metabolic issues. Please stop perpetuating the "it's ONLY calories in and calories out" oversimplification. There are many of us who have struggled for years, getting sicker and sicker, because of that BS.
  • jessitherese
    jessitherese Posts: 22 Member
    Not everyone's body digests food in the same way. There are people who metabolize quickly and people that metabolize slowly, people that digest high pH food well, and people who can't digest high pH food at all. There is a chance that some thing (or some things) that you are eating is not digesting as efficiently as it should be. Try changing up your diet and see if that helps. I'd suggest starting with changing the kind of grains that you are eating. For example, try exchanging quinoa for brown or wild rice varieties. Also, try exchanging a few servings of the fruit that you are eating a day with vegetables. Although fruit is wonderful, the acidity and sugar (albeit natural) can slow down some peoples' metabolisms. Just don't give up!! if you are following the diet plan that you listed in your post, even if the scale does not say you are making progress, remember that you are. You are taking steps in the right direction toward a healthy lifestyle! Keep it up and don't get too discouraged. Also, although I am simply repeating the same thing other people have said, you need to make sure that you are not eating too many calories a day.

    P.s.- are you consuming a lot of artificial sweetened products (aspartame in particular)? Artificial sweeteners can (supposedly) retain belly fat and increase water retention.
  • def need to know your total intake for the day..... just reading that seems like it is not enough calories for the amt of time you exercise.... Which will put you into starvation mode and hurt your matabolism. Good luck!!