How often do u think of food in a day?



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    When I'm not having odd BG highs, every 6ish hours or so, sometimes less. :huh:
    As long as I'm eating enough fat, my blood sugar does not go crazy high and I don't want food.

    Strange thing though...I've only been diagnosed with T2 for about 4 months, still working out the bugs.
    I read that one cannot *eat* one's way to diabetes and that it's a combination of genetics and diet/lifestyle. This was comforting in a way as the first emotion upon diagnosis while sitting on that loud crinkly paper all I could feel was shame. (I had about 30#'s to lose).

    To this end, it's been theorized that weight gain or excessive weight comes BEFORE the T2D Dx and is a symptom of metabolic disorder (which is what D is).

    I was *sure* this was the case as I'd read it in articles that did NOT tout 'Healthy Whole Grains' or advocate that 180mg/dl is fine after a meal :noway: (Jenny Rhul, Dr. Richard K. Bernstein, Dr. Peter Attia etc.)

    This became glaringly apparent to me as during my cycle, my BG's which are usually quite predictable according to what I eat, go totally bananas. Inexplicable highs :grumble: and the ensuing HUNGER that finds me thinking about food every. 15. minutes.....and so darn full while considering what to eat next that I can literally feel I'd bust if I consumed one more thing.

    But there it is. Unreasonable and excessive hunger, a symptom we look for in animals, figuring out a differential diagnisis.

    This should've been a symptom I recognized (worked as a Veterinary Technician for a number of years) as I've had this crazy hunger for the better part of the last 15 years (my early 30's) and it never occurred to me that it was abnormal. By the way, my diagnosis was an incidental finding :ohwell: with a casual BG of 266 mg/dl.

    Excessive calories contributed to my weight gain but the breakdown in chemical communication kept the calories in storage & hoarding more all the while, completing the equation.:frown: This was why all the weight lifting, walking and yoga I was doing did nothing. It likely burnt off the excess glucose in my muscles but did nothing to help my liver and pancreas.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I pre-plan. I log my diary in the morning with what I intend to eat that day. No more thinking required!

    If plans change then it's easy enough to alter the diary.

    +2. Agree wholeheartedly. If you are in control of what you eat by preplanning it, you'll think about it less. The only time I think about it is "time to eat again". I've been doing this for almost 7.5 months now. 5-6 meals a day. Preplanning almost the whole time. And I've been hungry and thought about food maybe twice in that whole time.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I have logged in for over 370 days in a row, and I still think about food all day long. I am constantly planning, counting, switching foods around in my mind to meet my macros. However, I'm a little OCD about number and counting in general. I also have a brain-dead job at the moment, so there's not really anything else to spend my time thinking about. It doesn't bother me, it doesn't ruin my day if something doesn't go right, it's just kind of how my life is now.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thoughts about food = TNTC.

    (too numerous to count)
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    the whole time im awake! what am I going to cook, when am i going to eat....never ends

    Yeap This is me too.
  • livelovelaugh91897
    livelovelaugh91897 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't think about food cuz i know if i do then it's going to get all chaotic and I wont be able to control myself. Instead I try to do everything that has nothing to do with food. It's hard and that why having friends on My fitness pal can help you control it. You should add me, it just makes this adjusting to a new lifestyle easier. :smile:
  • LemonLizard
    LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
    All the time!

    It's not even just that I love how food tastes, I'm addicted to cooking and baking, and it just happens that my favorite thing to make are sweets..

    It doesn't even help when I'm full. I'll be thinking about what I can make next even when I'm stuffed! I'm thinking pre-planning my meals out would be helpful, but I have no idea how to do that. Any suggestions for that would be great.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I tend to think of food several times per day, depending on how busy I am. If I am not busy-- I think of food more often. If I'm super preoccupied or busy, not as much.

    me too.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    All the time, unless I am thinking about exercise. I'm obsessed. It isn't that I'm really hungry either, I'm just mentally counting calories for different options. I think it's a normal part of the process. When I start eating without thinking about it, that's when I'm in trouble.
  • fitmomhappymom
    fitmomhappymom Posts: 171 Member
    All. Day. Long.
    I did a 3 day juice fast and literally all I could think about was food. It makes you realize how addicted to eating junk we are. I wasn't hungry, I just wanted to pig out on sugar and junk food.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Food is not the enemy...

    I love food...I'm an awesome cook...I think about food all of the time, always coming up with some new recipe or something in my head. Food isn't the enemy...over consumption of food and a lack of activity is the enemy.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Probably about 3-4 times a day, basically, whenever I get hungry.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    bump for later
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    I can't count that high (as in the # of times I think about food)! However, now that I'm feeling better and proud of myself, I think about food differently. I don't want to wreck my progress with garbage that isn't worth it, so I find it's much easier to pass up crap at work when everyone else is scarfing. Do I really want a piece of that week-old danish from the supermarket...uh no! I'll wait until I make some homemade brownies or something that's worth the cheat calories.
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    Since I've been logging, I think about it all the time. Before, rarely. I just ate when I though about it, usually M-F at work, rarely on weekends. Now I feel like I spend so much time planning food.
  • naamahgoddess
    naamahgoddess Posts: 14 Member
    Seriously, I think about food like men think about sex. Its either what I jus ate, when im going to eat next, what I want to bake, or making grocery lists. Its extremely annoying. When Im working I am also looking on blogs looking up new foods to make.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I constantly think about food. I spend most of my free time looking up recipes and if my tv is on there is a 90% chance it will be on the Food Network. The trick is to pick healthy and filling things to eat and not just sit around and stuff your face all day.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I want to add that I also thought about food ALL the time before I started calories...but instead of thinking about my macros, I was thinking about what flavor of ice cream would go best with a package of twizzlers. So it's not the amount of thinking that has changed, but the quality.
  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    This thread made me feel so much better and not so alone/crazy haha i think about food constantly and I know its because I just dont have enough of anything else to fill my head with- my life is very boring! lol
  • BurningAway
    More then sex, which is way too much :smokin:
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