Question: What is your favorite health related anything?

lisajodean Posts: 22 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am really trying hard to work on me, and so I am asking for your help!

If you have a favorite health related anything (food, recipe, workout, exercise plan, motivational blog, website, facebook page, quote, show, advice, etc.), please share with me!

I appreciate all your help!! Thank you!


  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I love walking, especially as when I started I could hardly walk without getting out of breath I was that unfit and now I can feel & see how much fitter I am. Even if I'm not in the mood, I know once I'm out there I'll start to feel great as when I get home. I'd say find a workout or exercise that you love and that doesn't feel like a chore.

    I'm also eating foods I love too. I look forward to every meal, I actually love planning my meals for the next day or week (I've always done that though) but again it helps if you love the foods you're eating.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Food = bacon and ice cream (together if desired).
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    2 things come to mind: my Heart Rate Monitor (HRM)... I love wearing it to every workout (with chest strap of course, for accurate read!) to set a goal for myself. Like, if I am almost at the end of my workout and I'm at 750 cals burn, I'll kick it up to reach 800 calories burned! I love seeing how hard I worked during a workout!

    The other thing is my favorite workout-- my cardio-kickboxing class. I go twice a week, and I love it! It's super fast and upbeat, love my instructor-- he is awesome! And it's the most bang for my buck. Meaning, in a 60 minute workout, I burn anywhere from 750-900 calories depending how much cardio we do, or how much of the kickboxing part. More cardio-- more burn. But I love that it's a mix of cardio and strength.

    Try a class out if you can find one in your area... it's awesome!
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Walking is great exercise. I can walk for HOURS. :)

    I just started making fruit shakes, and I freeze them and it takes just like ice cream... and 150 calories!

    Biking--I recently bought a bike, after not riding for YEARS.

    Cooking healthy anything, actually. I have a recipe for meat, potatoes, mushroom, green peppers and sweet and sour sauce. It's like 700 calories for a HUGE helping.
  • Sandia_Sweetie
    Sandia_Sweetie Posts: 85 Member

    I really like this website, it gives me some visual motivation!

    GL to you!
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I am really trying hard to work on me, and so I am asking for your help!

    If you have a favorite health related anything (food, recipe, workout, exercise plan, motivational blog, website, facebook page, quote, show, advice, etc.), please share with me!

    I appreciate all your help!! Thank you!

    Food - chicken (keeps you full), water (keeps you content), veggies!!
    Recipe - Zucchini lasagna (I'm currently obsessed! Lol)
    Workout - walking...more benefits than ppl think
    Exercise plan - 30 mins/day, 5-7 days/week
    Motivational blog/website - MFP!!!!!
    Facebook page - Just search for daily fitness/motivation and you'll get about a dozen.
    Quote - Just do it/No pain no gain. Explains it all.
    Show - The biggest loser

    Advice - force yourself to workout for a few weeks no matter how tired or painful it may seem. Pretty soon you'll crave that exercise. I promise. =)) The bottom line is consistency. You have to stay consistent with working out and staying within your daily caloric goals. MFP has been a great help!! It's very beneficial to find interactive friends and for you to interact with them.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Food = bacon and ice cream (together if desired).


    and adding, in a swing preferably.
  • Kreider86
    Kreider86 Posts: 105 Member
    Oh I like that website from the last poster! Very neat. For me I'd have to say that I loved that I've learned to still eat things I really like but in moderation. We went to a fair the other night and I got a bloomin' onion.. gotta say did not enjoy it as much as I once would have. I think it's helped to start out slow and not take everything out of your diet at once, but I'm turning into more a health junkie.. which is not a bad thing! I always thought people made it up when they'd say "I can't eat that, it'll make me sick" in reference to something not healthy... now I'm starting to think my mom is right. It does make you sick!
  • elaanne
    elaanne Posts: 35
    I am currently really into making salads in mason jars. You can make 3-4 at once, and they last in the fridge for up to 4 days.

    - Get some 1L mason jars.
    - Put some light salad dressing in the bottom (I use 1tbsp soy sauce and 1tbsp white vinegar).
    - Fill with your favorite fixings - I use 1/2 c. of quinoa, 1/2c. of beans or tofu, some olives, and then tons of veggies! Put a sturdy veggie (like carrots, cabbage, or radishes) on the very bottom, so it can hold up to sitting in the salad dressing.
    - Stick in the fridge, pull out when needed.
    - Shake into a bowl, and eat!

    I'm also really into bananas.

    Banana pancakes (serves 1)
    - Mash up one banana. Add 1/2 c. egg whites and 1 tbsp. almond butter. Mix well. Add 1/2tsp. of vanilla, a couple shakes of cinnamon, and a dash of nutmeg. Cook into small pancakes (smaller is better, they flip more easily).

    Banana ice cream (serves 2)
    - Cut bananas into medallions. Freeze till solid.
    - Put medallions in a food processor. Process till chunky.
    - Stir 2tbsp. of almond butter together with 2 tbsp. almond milk till smooth. Add to food processor. Process until smooth.
    - Put in freezer safe container, freeze till solid.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Love yourself in this moment and as it changes. Be good to your body and the rest will fall into place.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member

    ^^ That ^^

    More specifically, the books Starting Strength and Practical Programming for Strength Training, by Mark Rippetoe.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    racquetball for exercise and spaghetti squash for food!
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    I love to run as my exercise of choice.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Options is a great site for healthy recipes (check under the recipe tab).

    I also like the recipes in Real Simple magazine. :)

    New York Times Recipe for health:

    NPR: The Salt.
  • addiec1
    addiec1 Posts: 101 Member
    couch 2 5k for yummy food that's good for you for great workout videos to do in your own home.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Sleeping. Getting enough sleep, even getting extra sleep. But yes. Sleeping is my favorite.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    regular eating and the gym :P
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    My Vitamix. I can make the most amazing soups full of veggies in less than 10 minutes, including the time it takes to gather ingredients.
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