Eating late at night...any tips?

Hi Folks I'm new to this website and it was recomended by my new personal trainer at work - I love the format and find it easy to track where I am.

I work till 9pm at night and don't eat till at least 10pm - this makes things difficult in that i don't really get a chance to burn off those calories as I'm in bed by 1am and I usually exercise in the morning - any ideas on food or anything else?

Your help is much appreciated.




  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Just eat 5 meals per day, drink lots of water, get your fiber. You last meal at 10pm is fine; that's just the schedule you keep. It's no different for someone having their dinner at 7pm and going to bed at 10pm. You may just want to avoid a heavy/high calorie meal.
  • blustorm3
    Try to eat most of your heavy carbs in the morning and afternoon hours. Dinner try to eat either salad with some kind of protein or veggies with a protien. If you get hungry while at work then eat a snack or a fruit. (fugi apple) I hope this helps.
  • takethepieces
    It's a myth that calories eaten at night are more likely to be turned to fat. You just need to eat less calories than you burn, regardless of when those calories are consumed. I hear that going to bed after having eaten can give you problems sleeping but that's about it.

    Perhaps if you had a larger breakfast/lunch and kept your night meal as a smaller, lower one or if you experimented with several smaller meals throughout the day this might help you.
  • LuckySue333
    Since you eat so late. Maybe your biggest meal should be breakfast and lunch and dinner something smaller without so many calories...
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Exercising before food is great because you get a chance to log it and make sure that you eat the right amount of calories after your workout. Good luck!!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I do what jamie1888 does - 5 small meals a day. Dinner is usually bigger but not huge. At night when I "think" I want to eat I have a Good Earth Decaf Original team in Sweet & Spicy. VERY flavorful and kills my appetite. Works for me.
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Hi Judelyon,

    Try to eat more of your daily calories at lunch time and have a lighter dinner - a hearty healthy soup, a simple healthy salad with a simple sandwich. If you like other types of foods, you could try like some brown rice and steamed broccoli, maybe some white meat chicken. There are nights I eat dinner at 8 pm (I get home at 7:30 pm some nights). I try not to go to bed so early after eating and also try and stick to something a little lighter than usual. Hope I helped a little. I'm always looking for ideas too. So.....

    Good Luck!
  • judelyon
    judelyon Posts: 21 Member
    WOW so many replies - thanks everyone I shall take all your advice on board - it's great to have so many ideas! I appreciate your support!
  • judelyon
    judelyon Posts: 21 Member