What do u eat for breakfast?



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Whole wheat toast, peanut butter and coffee
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Different flavors of grits! 2 packs and coffee.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    What is the deal with greek yogurt? What's the difference between Greek & regular?

    Greek is thicker and has a higher protein content. I personally think it's a little richer, too.
  • lawonasg
    lawonasg Posts: 1 Member
    :wink: I like the total lean shakes from GNC and you can add 1/2 bananas or some other fruit or just drink plain with water and ice and they have very little sugar.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    What is the deal with greek yogurt? What's the difference between Greek & regular?

    This guy:
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    PB Toast
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    Oatmeal, banana, coffee...every single day. :)
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    4 Omega 3 eggs
    5x egg whites

    Easiest way to cut carbs I know of!
  • jennylew1212
    jennylew1212 Posts: 18 Member
    Most mornings it's cinnamon oatmeal with a couple tablespoons of flaxseed and I add extra cinnamon and sometimes strawberries. It really fills you up. I try to eat that most mornings, then a couple days a week I have a whole wheat english muffin with a little cream cheese.
  • romancefan1983
    romancefan1983 Posts: 88 Member
    I either have a protein and fruit smoothie or a small bowl of frosted mini wheats. Either way I usually also have a banana.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Greek yogurt with mixed berries with maybe a sprinkling of granola
    Leftovers from the night before (breakfast doesn't have to be breakfast food)
    Hard boiled egg with a piece of string cheese
    Crustless breakfast quiches (made in a muffin tin- so easy to pack a couple each day for all week!)
    Protein shake with berries

    These are just some of my week day go-tos. Weekends are definitely eggs, bacon and maybe hashbrowns...

  • Cereal and fruit for me... sometimes yogurt too.
  • lynalinda
    lynalinda Posts: 37 Member
    My go to breakfast is a piece of whole wheat toast, with about 1.5 tea spoon of natural almond butter, a banana, some berries and an orange juice ! If i want a bit of a change i'll have oatmeal with banana and cinnamon or berries.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    this morning was 2 extra large eggs, 1 slice of whole wheat toast and coffee
    yesterday was 3 homemade cranberry, ground flax pancakes (4" in size), a tablespoon of peanut butter and 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • Awesome! I like the oatmeal idea except I add tons of sugar & butter to mine... Is there something else that could be added for taste? I don't like plain oatmeal.

    my favorite oatmeal that i made up is rolled oats, 1tbsp each of craisins, almond slices & chopped walnuts, and 1-2tsp of dark brown sugar which is only 15 calories per teaspoon. Also, I just started using agave nectar, haven't tired it in my oatmeal yet, but it's super sweet and really good for you! If you add a lot of sugar, i would suggest using agave nectar 1tbsp is a serving, but less would probably be sweet enough.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    8oz of grilled chicken breast and whatever else sounds good that day ....
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Usually beer and doritos.
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    Cherry Swisher with a side of Bo-Jangle juice extra Jangle

    Cherry Swish while hanging out with your White Cat = Good Times


    Show some eggs some lovin'! ;)

    During the weekdays my breakfast always is:

    4-5 eggs
    half an avocado
    1oz of feta cheese
    onion/bell pepper/mushrooms (whichever is in the fridge)

    Cooked in PrimalFat Coconut Ghee
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every day? That may be the problem. Mixing it up a bit and you don't get bored. I eat yogurt, fruit and nuts for breakfast a lot, but I change the fruit and nuts. Sometimes I use cottage cheese instead. Sometimes I have eggs...all different kinds, scrambled, soft boiled, poached, over easy, omlette or frittata. Sometimes I put the poached or overeasy egg on top of sauteed greens, like benedict without sauce or muffin. Sometimes I eat toast with tomato and melted cheese and basil. Sometimes I eat other bread, like bagel, or muffins. Sometimes I just eat cheese and nuts and fruit. Sometimes I eat cooked cereal, like oatmeal, steel cut oats or kamut. Sometimes I make myself a smoothie. Once in awhile I whip up some pancakes. And sometimes I like to eat asian style with soba noodles.

    And darnit, sometimes I just throw some leftovers in the micro.

    Start eating more of a variety. A lot of diets fail due to boredom more than anything else.
  • amoymh
    amoymh Posts: 44
    Everyday I'm over my sugar, no matter what I do. But because this weight loss is a new healthy and permanent lifestyle for me, i refuse to give up my favorites and instead eat them in moderation with much much smaller portions.
    My go tos are:
    Harvest crunch cereal with almond milk and some trail mix in there,
    chocolate oatmeal,
    2 pieces of whole grain bread dipped in cinnamon french toast egg beater mix stuffed with mushed blueberrys stevia and light cream cheese,
    or eggs, toast and turkey bacon with a little bit of ketchup.