Any other Returning Users out there?



  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Joined January 2011. I lost 30 lbs. (of the about 60 I wanted to lose) and then plateaued for a year. Stress, health, disappointment and all that........kind of logged in here and there. Over ate here and there. I haven't been on board and committed for a long time now. I keep trying.... new programs for a few days and then fail. I have gained back about 15 of the 30. Want to get back to being committed.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Back for the 3rd time as well. New outlook, new goals (wish i had a new usr name), new me!! Anyone feel free to add me. I had a lot of success last year while here and the friends really helped it happen. The support is soooo necessary!
  • leashw19
    leashw19 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too. Im glad Im not the only one struggling. I lost 15lb and then had surgery and got lazy. I've only gained 4lbs back, but it's still hard to see the scale going the other way. I am back and "trying" to do better. I have such a sweet tooth and also struggle with depression, so sometimes candy is better than real food. Good luck to everyone. :wink:
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Yup, this is my second time around. I started using it before my wedding, and picked it back up when my husband and I split. Second time around has been MUCH better due to a more supportive environment, and me actually taking time to teach myself about a healthy lifestyle (not just trying to starve myself).

    Good luck all you comer-backers! :)
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I'm back for good this time - second try. This app helped me to much success the first time and I'm going to stick with it and win for life now! Good luck!
  • Just_JT
    Just_JT Posts: 2
    I too am one of the "COME BACK" kids, although I never really quit working out, I just slacked off on my diet. I left multiple times for relationship issues, never because I fell off the wagon so to speak. I am back now for good and seeking friends. Everyone can add me, I am a daily user.

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Welcome to the Hotel California.
  • yup, im a return user. I joined in jan 2011. I lost 50 lbs....10lbs past my goal. I went back to my old eating habits and here iam again!
    I joined back this past Monday. I never gained all the weight back, but I did gain 28 lbs fault.
    good luck in your return can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Feel free to add me. I think this is my third go round with MFP...though it's not my first go round with "diets" as some of you may be able to relate. This time around, I'm taking it one day at a time, addressing my over eating triggers, and planning, planning, planning! My motivation this time around is completely different (want to start expanding our family next year) so I'm pretty hard core about it this time!
  • This message came at the right time! I was here back in 2010 and was a dedicated MFP user! I went from a size 12 down to a 4!! I was in the BEST shape of my life. I could run a 10K no problem...

    Then good old life got in my way.. I got a divorce and went into depression. They gave me cymbalta which completly messed me up!!! I got off all my meds in Feb...

    Now I am left at a size 14 and weigh more than I did before!!!!

    So I am back... MFP works... i know it does.. It keeps us on point and it helps to have goals and track progress. Feel free to add me :)
  • Welcome to the Hotel California.

    Now thats funny :)
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Yep, I jumped back on the bandwagon about 6 weeks ago after having a years hiatus due to life going totally to *kitten* and not coping very well with it - it took me a whole year to be in the right place to even want to try again. But the good news is this time I'm doing much better at staying within goal, am having much more success on keeping motivated with exercise, and I'm seeing the scale move in the right direction - a few months ago when I did a cursory weigh-in (prior to getting back with MFP) I think I was just about tipping the 12stone mark on the scales - this week I am so close to hitting 11 stone but I'm too afraid to log it just yet!

    Welcome back, let's all keep on the bandwagon together this time :smile:
  • GymRatWannabe
    GymRatWannabe Posts: 9 Member
    Yepp... I've been on and off. Years ago, I used another similar website and (on my 2nd try) managed to lose about 30 lbs that I had gained after a back injury.
    Then maybe a year ago, I was on myfitnesspal trying to lose some weight, but a bunch of stuff happened, I got depressed, winter was rotten, I ended up gaining 10 lbs!
    So now I'm here again.. 10 lbs heavier than the last time I tried to lose weight.. but I'm hoping for better luck this time. Also, better motivation and more sustainable diet and lifestyle changes. :)
  • 2tired2think
    2tired2think Posts: 36 Member
    Me. Third time is a charm right?

    Let's hope so! :wink:
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Add me to the list, I also started seriously getting my act together in 2011 and lost a nice 62lbs.
    Then my world shifted and I lost 9, yes, 9 family members, close friends and a dog all within 6 months. My younger (and only) brother then found out he has cancer.
    I was caretaker to my mom and also my best friend who became ill at the same time and passed within a month of each other.
    I hung in there for a long time, trying to bring healthy food to throw down my throat when I wasnt in ICU with mom, I walked the parking garage during her procedures, then when my friend was hospitalized in the other big hospital in Cleveland, it was too much. Slowly I started eating whatever was available and not counting calories.
    After the funerals I think I was in a daze. I gained back 50lbs much to my horror.
    I finally got to the point where it hurts to walk, I feel bad ALL the time and have no interest in anything.
    My work uniform cant even zip, I pull a shirt over the zipper.
    I was sick with a bad resperatory infection a couple of weeks ago and when the doctor weighed me I knew that I had to do something so that thing that clicks in your head when youre clicked.
    I have gone back to the healthy habits and lost 12lbs in the first 8 days and I am eating PLENTY. I love that first weight drop, its very motivating!
    Lets make this the last time we return!!!
    Good Luck!
  • I am returning for the third time. I am tired of the "on again off again" routine I seem to be stuck in. I am looking for something to keep me motivated (other than stating the obvious). Three years ago I decided to quit smoking and it was easy because there was a pill for that. Chantix if anyone is interested. There is not a pill for weight loss. Well, there is but Drs. don't like writing scripts for them. I know, I asked, more than one Dr. Anyway it seems when I quit smoking I really started to like going out to eat and with the food going in my mouth, pounds packed on to my thighs, butt, belly and yes boobs. I don't want big boobs. Guess I thought "Well I don't smoke anymore so I'll use the money I was spending on cigarettes to treat myself". Bad idea. The joke is on me and I wouldn't advise it to anyone trying to lose weight which is what brings me here AGAIN. I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated, for encouragement, and ideas for weight loss. Thanks for reading and letting me share.
  • RaeRum82
    RaeRum82 Posts: 22 Member
    That's me too! I was on here in 2011 and really struggled. Life got in the way and I got overwhelmed with the negative I was seeing and said forget it. So I deleted my account and quit! Got on the scale a couple months ago and saw the scale creeping up. I finally got to a point where I was getting scared because I have that personal "I'll never get there" number that I was getting way to close to. Here I am again been almost 3 weeks and I'm working on it!
  • AmandaH918
    AmandaH918 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I am back for a second try like many of you. I originally signed on and was so motivated. I lost 27 pounds and was gaining in fitness. However, then I got the flu, which really kicked me off my routine for three weeks. Then, my boss died and the office had to close and i lost my job. It has been stressful closing the office and dealing with all of that, and being jobless. I have ended up gaining back all the weight i lost, which is completely aggravating and disappointing. I am not going to let these set backs affect this part of my life as well. I don't want them to be excuses. I am trying to get back into eating healthy and working out. I hope that this is the beginning of habits for the rest of my life and i don't quit and start again!! Good luck to everyone who is doing the same :smile:
  • pierogiprincess
    pierogiprincess Posts: 24 Member
    Yup! Me too! Joined in loss and even added some more weight! Pushed re-start 3 days ago and feeling really positive! Some things that have helped me- forgive yourself!!! Whenever I beat myself up for not being perfect, I get depressed and the eating cycle begins! We are NOT perfect and will never be. We have to be gentle with ourselves. Don't compare yourself- some do better, some do the best you can in whatever situation you are in..... Logging my food has helped me be really honest with what I eat and how much. Facts don't lie! I too am a stress/emotional eater and that gets me in a crazy eating cycle!

    Feel free to add me...I am on the west coast... happy to help and motivate in any way I can. I would like to add friends and get support as I know I will need encouragement!!

    Look forward and not behind!!:smile:
  • crosswordnerd
    crosswordnerd Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me. I was on here before, lost all the weight I wanted to, and then got pregnant (planned). I am now back on here to help me stay healthy during the second half of pregnancy. I plan to keep using this site after I have the baby so I can lose weight in a healthy way. This site helped tremendously when I was trying to lose weight before! I just couldn't do it on my own but having some accountability (logging in every food and bit of exercise) made a big difference!