I need some help.......

I set my alarm every morning for 4:45am so that I can get up and hit the gym at 5am (it's the only time that I consistently have to myself every single day). My alarm goes off, I hit snooze a zillion times and then it's too late!

Any suggestions for actually getting out of bed?

I realize now is the time to develop this good habit while it's still light out in the morning but I can't seem to pull it together, which frustrates the hell out of me because I'm pretty motivated!



  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Put your alarm clock on the opposite side of the room.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Put the alarm across the room so you have to get out of bed to shut it off. Then, don't get back in bed. Have your clothes set up the night before, grab them and get your butt moving.
  • stu236
    stu236 Posts: 44
    Simple...just get up when the alarm goes!

    Easy really!
  • Goosie17
    Goosie17 Posts: 28
    Make sure you go to bed early enough to get a good amount of sleep so you are not still so tried.
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I need to get back on board but what worked for me was to do 2 things---1. just go (regardless of the workout, just get in the routine) 2. met a friend there. If someone is waiting on you, you will get up
  • MetamorphicButterfly
    You have to think to your self how much u want to lose weight and what u are doing it for ? Are u unhappy at the size u are ? Do u want to lose weight for health reasons? or are u just fed up of buying clothes that merely cover u instead of complimenting u?

    Once u have got this into your head u can do this.

    Or go to the gym after work, it saves u from that nightmare of getting up at 5am
  • HDStretchman
    Drink a lot of water before bed. When the alarm goes off, you'll have to get up. And, you'll be hydrated.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317

    ^^Buy that. You put the pad under your bed and it shakes your bed like crazy in the morning.

    There's also an alarm clock that you program your credit card info in to. And every time you hit snooze, it donates money to a charity you really hate. (i.e. if you're a raging republican, it'll donate your money to the DNC). Motivation enough for me!

  • ayerg
    ayerg Posts: 33
    I use the alarm on my phone - I set it to play a song I love. That seems to do the trick. :)
  • corinnelapolt
    Thanks for all of the wonderful suggestions! :)
  • tonadayuu
    tonadayuu Posts: 58 Member
    Set your alarm at 4.15 and at 4.45. When the alarm goes off at 4.15, stop it and go back to sleep. It should be easier to get up when the alarm goes off at 4.45.
  • LemonLizard
    LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
    It helps if your room isn't too cold when you're waking up. For me, when the room is cold and I'm trying to get out of bed, it just makes it almost impossible. I just want to sink back into the covers and go back to sleep.
  • ItsAKindofMagic
    ItsAKindofMagic Posts: 15 Member
    To combat this problem I bought the loudest most annoying alarm clock I could find. it even has a vibrating accessory that goes under my pillow. I hate the alarm so much that I usually get up a minute or two before it goes off...to spare myself from the agony of the sound and vibration. The good news is that doing this allowed me to easily get up at 5:00 AM every morning.
  • JanMarie2BHealthy
    Assuming you have your bag packed, shoes ready, car keys, etc all ready "to go" the night before....that alleviates a lot of stress trying to get out the door (for me anyway).

    Agree with alarm clock on the other side of the room.

    If you are a coffee drinker, coffee pots that can be programmed to brew before the alarm and the aroma of fresh coffee may prompt you out of bed ?

    Habits take time. YOU CAN DO IT !!
  • corinnelapolt
    All great ideas, thank you!
  • rakufire
    rakufire Posts: 21 Member
    Put your alarm clock on the opposite side of the room.

    Yes! If this got me to all my uni lectures on time all those years ago, it will work for ANYONE!