Protein for pre workout or post workout

Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
I've heard that I should take my protein before working out because it'll keep my muscles from tearing down and I've heard to take it afterwards instead. I've been told I need to eat something at least before working out. I workout at 8:30 am to about 9:50am. What do you recommend? A banana? Protein shake?

Also I take C4 pre workout. Can I take it with protein shakes or how long should I wait after eating or drinking the shake?


  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
  • Drej3735
    Drej3735 Posts: 12
    I do both pre/post..sometimes i have some greek yogurt with it (pre) for the carbs to helps sustain my energy levels thru my workout!
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Before and after would just be a waste since your body can only process so much protein per hour.
    Id go energy before, protein after but it's whatever works for you
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    I've just read that after your body Burns 1000 calories over night while sleeping it will be starving for food. So they say a protein shake right when you wake up helps keep your muscles from being eaten by the body. I've read it helps to eat carbs right before working out to help you make it thru the work out.
  • Abram86
    Abram86 Posts: 282 Member
    I would like to hear more opinions.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Eat when it is convenient and satisfying without worry of losing muscle
  • adam85491
    adam85491 Posts: 12 Member
    After is good, but really you should make sure your daily intake is high even on off days, since that's when you're gonna be building muscle.
  • cheesypeas3000
    hi, ultimately you should check with either a personal trainer down the gym or even better a nutritionist. Personally I like to have protein in the morning/before the gym for the reasons you said and one after to help rebuild.

    I like to have a banana but with nutty muesli before to keep me going and it seems to work. I would check your protein though some of them have carbs built in for the same reason you ask about. I've also read just recently about BCAAs, apparently they stop your muscle tissue from being broken down whilst working out but im yet to try. This depends on your budget though cause its not cheap knocking back protein shakes and pre work outs all the time.

    I'm quite new to this but ive spent quite a lot of time reading articles and watching stuff on youtube, the general consensus seems to be all you need is protein, no than 40g every few hours (either food or shakes), creatine and eating a clean diet. Try to mix in as many natural colours as you can so you hit up all the vitamins.
  • Kaatt8
    Kaatt8 Posts: 3
    There is a window of opportunity within 30 minutes of vigerous exercise to intake as much protien because this is when your muscles are most obsorbant. you dont want to just have any protien shake from the shops. Most shakes on the market are a whey protien of level 3 grade - which is infact quite poor) I am on a shake which has a whey protien of level 7 - but in private market. The shake itself also isnt only protien. It is nutrients, digestive enzymes, natural energy, and so so much more - things that you dont get out of your foods any more. So many bodybuilders who are into natural bodybuilding are on it. Including ray lewis (youtube) .