
  • I have a good friend who has lost a lot of weight on it. You eat very low calories, which seems a little unhealthy to me, but their "theory" is that the Human Growth Hormone (injections, or oral spray) helps you to release and use up the stored fat from your body very quickly. I read all about it in Dr. Simeon's protocol.
  • Do what you want and what works. Carefully assess the liabilities of every program. What I love about the ERE non diet, that is Eat Right and Exercise. I have saved a ton of money eating whatever is handy. I have "discovered" a boat load of food I never knew I loved. The same exercise that made me sick now lights me up. This is so not about loosing weight anymore and I can do it for as long as God gives me breath.
  • You can lose alot of weight on it, have talked to several people that have used it and did lose the weight. I have tried it, but could not do the 500 I did weight watchers while using the HCG. I did lose weight, but not a huge amount fast and I only did it for the 21 day. Good Luck!
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Short and sweet:

    You do not need a "Diet" you need a "Lifestyle Change" :bigsmile:

    Best of luck on whatever you do :flowerforyou:
  • Get there fast, get there slow. It doesn't matter how you get there, its what you do once you're there that counts.

    Once a person reaches their goal weight, the real work STARTS.
  • I don't like the idea I think if you have the willpower you have the patience do it on your own good diet and walk lot's of walking if you don't want to do much else anyway :D I just think it's unhealthy :(
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I know this flamboyant guy that has lost weight on it, it messes up his hormones a lot. Makes him emo.
  • Get there fast, get there slow. It doesn't matter how you get there, its what you do once you're there that counts.

    Once a person reaches their goal weight, the real work STARTS.

    I beg to differ with this opinion. I have been previously a serial dieter. I have tired every diet going including those similar to the HCG diet.

    5 weeks ago I decided no more excuses. 4 weeks ago I started exercising regularly and eating properly. I cannot even begin to put into words the self esteem gained and general feeling of well being I get from this. I may not lose weight in a snap of my fingers but as it comes off I am getting fitter, I tone up as I go along so I will not be left with masses of skin ( although I fully accept that there will be some excess).

    Due to suffering 75% burns to my face a year ago in May just gone, I hated mirrors with a passion. Since starting my new lifestyle I like mirrors - I look in the cooker when I walk past it too as my body shape has changed so much and it's because I worked hard for it.

    I would have been the first one lining up for a quick fix but I have learnt the hard way (after ending up heavier) that that is all it is. A quick fix.

    Good luck on your journey. As one other poster suggested - I challenge you to try one month of MFP watching what you eat and exercising it and logging it here and I guarantee you will not consider the HCG diet again xxx
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I personally dont agree with the HCG diet, and i dont think it could be really "good" for anyone.... But in saying that I think you should make up your mind about it... :flowerforyou:

    Firstly I would say... Try doing MFP and losing weight the old fashioned way... :drinker: SO many ppl cant be wrong (however it doesnt mean that this will work perfectly for you)... once you have tried it for a while and found it doesnt work for you... then maybe look at HCG....??:embarassed:

    I would suggest that prior to going on it you, look through the Forums and read all the information available... then talk to some of the girls on it, or preferably who have done it and kept the weight off.....:grumble:

    Well thats my $0.02 worth..... just my opinion.... :love:

    Good luck and remember your body is a temple you should worship!!!! =D:blushing:
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    I am with the last poster. I do not agree with "Diets". I prefer life style changes through education, eating right and exercise. I think diets are brought on by desperation and a desire to get a fix that can not be sustain unless education is brought in somewhere along the way.

    All I will say to keep from burning too many bridges is that it is your choice but when you look down the road do you want a hormone or shake to be your distinction or the fact that you actually learned and succeeded. There are so many people here that did it through time, sacrifice, set backs and exercise. They learned, they over came and they are here to tell you abou how great they feel about the accomplishment.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Get there fast, get there slow. It doesn't matter how you get there, its what you do once you're there that counts.

    Once a person reaches their goal weight, the real work STARTS.

    I beg to differ with this opinion. I have been previously a serial dieter. I have tired every diet going including those similar to the HCG diet.

    5 weeks ago I decided no more excuses. 4 weeks ago I started exercising regularly and eating properly. I cannot even begin to put into words the self esteem gained and general feeling of well being I get from this. I may not lose weight in a snap of my fingers but as it comes off I am getting fitter, I tone up as I go along so I will not be left with masses of skin ( although I fully accept that there will be some excess).

    Due to suffering 75% burns to my face a year ago in May just gone, I hated mirrors with a passion. Since starting my new lifestyle I like mirrors - I look in the cooker when I walk past it too as my body shape has changed so much and it's because I worked hard for it.

    I would have been the first one lining up for a quick fix but I have learnt the hard way (after ending up heavier) that that is all it is. A quick fix.

    Good luck on your journey. As one other poster suggested - I challenge you to try one month of MFP watching what you eat and exercising it and logging it here and I guarantee you will not consider the HCG diet again xxx
    Great post and thanks for your comments. I remember some of your comments a few months ago and now I see how much you have learned and I am here to support you. Great job in changing this from an adventure to a journey.
  • The way I feel about it is, if I had fallen down, and someone offered me a hand to get up, why not take it?

    I completely understand that some of you will not feel the same way. But my very strong feeling is, if there is an easier way, why do it the hard way. This way of thinking works for me because I do NOT see the HCG diet as a health risk. There are good arguments on both sides of the fence but I have not read anything that stated definitively that the HCG diet caused harm to anyone who was reasonably healthy to begin with.

    And I'll have words for anyone who says that I am lazy or unmotivated, for nothing could be further from the truth.

    I am on my second round and I have never felt better in my whole life. I have lost 25lbs and have lost 1.5% body fat in the last 6-7 weeks having added weight training to my regimen. My husband even commented on my 'guns' since I lost 1.5-2 inches in each of my biceps and now you can really see my muscle definition.

    I was on MFP for 4 months before I started HCG.

    Bee said she had tried other 'diets' but put the weight back on. I still believe all diets fail if we don't learn how to live properly in the process.

    I believe the race can be won by the swift, as long as they learn how to live along the way. But it isn't a race, it is a journey to health and I believe we can all be winners (regardless of when or how we arrive).
  • kmmschaefer
    kmmschaefer Posts: 82 Member
    Come to the thread of people actually doing and have done HCG dont listen to people who don't personally know about it. This is the best weight loss program EVER its not a fad it has been around since the 50's
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Once again, as Mike stated, keep it to the subject and not the people.

    With that said, if you want to start out quick and do not have patience to do things what some would consider sensibly then that is your 'choice'. If you are morbidly obese or yo-yo'n your entire weight loss journey consider what I said earlier.

    If you educatte yourself, return to the food pyramid, eat right, exercise right and change the mindset you will succeed. If you take the quick route because it seems easier and do not trust that you have the courage or motivation to do it one step at a time you "might" not "will" be setting yourself up for failure and if you read the many testimonies on those who have tried the quick route and eventually saw success when they took their time you will see how it can be achieved by any healthy person. I read horror stories about hCG and success stories. But those success stories are from here and have not had enough time element added in to see if the success truly last for a life time (meaning I had not witnessed anyone here who have been on it for 3 years or more and are here to motivate others due to their story of overcoming). I have saw plenty who are current users within a year or so but not 3 years or more to testify that they have overcome.

    Now, for the posters who I noticed that use hCG and only had about 25 lbs or so to lose I will leave that alone because they looked great anyway so it is hard to gauge the impact of 25 vs the impact of 100 lbs through the program.

    I will say, explore your options and you still want to take the quick route take in account of all the pros and cons provided. Listen to who you want and do not let someone strong arm you into anything. Educate yourself and the proof is in the pudding.

    All you healthy eaters sound off and share your stories on how we overcame just by wising up, eating right and exercising.
  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member
    Tiff: You can also read the topic at the below link.

    Although this one caused a fire from some it is based on facts and on going views within the medical and regulations community.

    And I typed too fast so messed up the poor guys name. It is actually Petter Gott
  • I'm sure this will get responses about how crooked doctors are and want you sick to get your money, etc, but has anyone pointed out that the AMA has found that you'd lose pretty much the same amount of weight on a 500 cal diet with or without the HCG? Regardless of whether or not its healthy (which I know no one will ever agree on), at that point I'd just be wondering about its effectiveness. Especially if I'm paying through the nose for it.

    And how about this awesome little disclaimer REQUIRED by the FDA:

    "Disclaimer: HCG is a drug which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that HCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets."

    My opinion - I've lost almost 70 lbs since January. I'm really proud of all the hard work I put into it, I found new and fun hobbies (like racquetball and swimming), I've been able to eat tasty food the whole time, my husband has been able to come on this journey with me and we enjoy these hobbies together - in my opinion making us closer, I've been able to inspire family and friends.... Why not do it that way?
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    WoW! The original Poster didn't even return to acknowledge the responses... :huh:

  • cparter
    cparter Posts: 754 Member

    Thanks for a marvelous story. You are truly an inspiration. Seeing that you did it at less than 7 lbs a month shows that you were wise and diligent in your approach. I bet you feel so much better.
  • It's simple, not easy.

    And it certainly doesn't have to be expensive. I'm in for $60 so far . . .

    And my 'before' pictures are as discouraging (or motivating) as anyone's . . . a year ago I weighed 262 . . .
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm sure this will get responses about how crooked doctors are and want you sick to get your money, etc, but has anyone pointed out that the AMA has found that you'd lose pretty much the same amount of weight on a 500 cal diet with or without the HCG? Regardless of whether or not its healthy (which I know no one will ever agree on), at that point I'd just be wondering about its effectiveness. Especially if I'm paying through the nose for it.

    And how about this awesome little disclaimer REQUIRED by the FDA:

    "Disclaimer: HCG is a drug which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that HCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets."

    No one has ever claimed that HCG causes weight loss OR suppresses hunger. The weight you lose is strictly a result of the 500 calorie diet. HCG prevents your body from taking nutrients from your organs/lean muscle mass & forces your body to use abnormal fat stores (note: normal fat stores are the ones used to cushion joints and protect organs from impact) at a rate of 1500-3000 calories a day. If someone were to try to do a 23- or 43-day very low calorie diet (VLCD) without using HCG, their body would eat itself alive from malnutrition. On this we all agree.

    The results in my signature are completely from the HCG protocol. I reset everything on MFP to purposely NOT include the 10 lbs I lost from "eat less move more". In the 79 days since I started the protocol, I've lost 44.9 lbs, I no longer need to take Zantac for acid reflux (caused by being overweight), I no longer suffer from sleep apnea (again, weight resultant), my labwork with my doctor has improved (LDL, HDL, cholesterol), and I feel better than I have in over a decade. However, like you always see on every diet commercial ever, "results not typical". I am NOT saying that everyone's experience will be as positive as mine, nor am I stating that this diet is for everyone. In fact, I've dissuaded more people from trying it than recommended people. What I AM saying is, do your research, ask your questions, weigh your options, compare pluses vs. minuses, and make an informed decision based on your own opinions.

    EDIT: removed non-pertinent quoted text. I don't want to appear to be detracting from Jenny's successes. I'm glad that your diet/weight loss plan is working for you. Congratulations.
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