Plan to Eat -OR Fail. Planners please chime in!



  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    I HAVE to plan or I will blow it and buy something quick and convenient from the store in my buiding (frozen pizza & mac and cheese and Doritos, lots and lots of Doritos!) and totally blow it day after day.

    I very literally do a menu plan (Mon, Tues, Wed....Bfast, Lunch, Snacks & Dinner) with categories and a chart template on Sunday and go to the store Monday after work. The planning usually takes way less than an hour as I have my go to/favorite recipes from my favorite sites, but even if I am looking for a new one it is easy to find nutrition info quick. If I ever have to run back to the store towards the end of the week it is for produce but I am sure to go in and out so as not to spoil the budgeted money OR calories. I should note that I plan using daily calories, not weekly.

    I make my lunch and snacks the night before and tend to have a liquid breakfast that is thrown in a blender and made super quickly in the morning. Sometimes, I even buy snacks in packages or portion it out and leave it at work for the week. I prefer crockpot recipes which I prepare the night before, throw in the fridge and turn on before I leave for work, but even if I don't make dinner in the crockpot, it is planned and waiting to be prepared! :)

    I don't log beforehand though. I feel if I did that I would feel pressure to be sure I eat and do everything on time as scheduled and that is a little too much structure for me (if you can believe it!). Usually if I feel pressure or stressed I will veer from the plan to alleviate it. That is the only reason I have had success on this site is because I can still eat/do whatever I want (just in moderation) and not feel restricted. Also, not logging beforehand leaves the opportunity for spontaneous life events to occur (a friend needs a girls night drink, etc.), which one should never turn down. :) I should also note that very often I don't eat what I had "planned" on the exact day that I had planned it, but having the days of the week charted out ensures that I have the right amount of food and am able to stay within my calorie and financial budget.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I do plan all meals ahead so I can do all grocery shopping in one trip. I don't divide it and put it into baggies and all that complicated stuff- that's extra work. I just weigh and/ or measure as I cook so I know how to calculate the macros when I'm done.

    eta: if I did not plan in advance, I would end up just eating sweets, chips and other junk food. I would completely fail at losing weight and getting healthy.
  • mrshallewell
  • jackiestruble
    I try to do the same thing! I need to do it farther in advance. Right now I log all my foods for the day in the am and when its time to eat I just look at the becomes a no-brainer. Having a difficult time being effective in planning any further in advance since its not just me at home! I find myself facing making different meals for them. Ugh My husband will only eat so much sauteed Kale and my three year old isnt touching it at all! lol
  • GlutesthatSalute
    GlutesthatSalute Posts: 460 Member
    YESSSS food prep on sundays.. Is important to my personal success and takes the focus off of finding things to eat everyday..


  • jackiestruble
    always struggle with planning far enough in advance!
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I plan and count calories, when I don't then I go off wagon and feel sick to my stomach. If I crave something that day then I just adjust for that.....weighing is a big part for me as well....
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm a little envious of all of you folks who are successful in pre-planning your menu! I have a good idea of what I want to eat each week, but as soon as I finish the shopping and have one or two days worth of my planned menu, I get cravings that I just can't quite control...I'm working on that...but I've got several years of bad habits to overcome. It's not that I binge on what I crave or eat what I shouldn't, it's just that I lose interest in the food I have in the fridge or freezer which necessitates another trip to the store. Last night, I was craving yogurt in a big way (which I don't normally buy because I don't really like it!). I throw a lot of food away because of this and it ticks me off...mostly fresh veggies that start looking too much like "diet food" to keep my interest. I have learned that if I don't allow myself those things that I crave, I slip and slide with my motivation (and scale), so planning only works for short periods.

    I love to cook, and don't do much of that any more because I munch on food while I cook. It's been frozen entrees for me to help with portion control and to keep me from eating my calories before I actually sit down to eat. I do keep rye bread and turkey pastrami in the house at all times, because that's something that I always enjoy and will fall back on when I just can't make myself eat other things. It's my "go to" food that feels normal (I just don't use mayo anymore!).
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    For breakfast, I like to make egg/bacon/cheese sandwiches-although they depend on if I have time. For lunch, I tend to make ahead the night before just because I don't have much time in the mornings. But dinner I do absolutely NO planning unless there is something I need to get cooked or used up. I eat for dinner whatever I have left in the way of calories for the day. But I've always been a spur of the moment person so I don't think I could stick to meal planning.

    Edit: I do preportion out all my snacks and things once i get home from the grocery store though. I will find myself overeating if I do otherwise.
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    When I'm really in the zone I tend to pre-pack my work lunches. It's really easy to just pick up whatever's on the staff room table otherwise! If I've just got my packed goodies, I'm safe! :D
  • met42485
    met42485 Posts: 71 Member
    I pre-pack my lunches and snacks for the week on Sunday afternoons. I have protein shakes for breakfast so I prep those the night before. I am not a morning person and barely coherent before I leave the house so pre-planning is a must! :laugh:
  • cep06e
    cep06e Posts: 4 Member
    I prepare all of my lunches and snacks for the week in advance and store them in the fridge. The night before work, I just pack up my nerdy little lunchbox and I'm all set! Breakfasts are usually the same and I plan to have a few different dinners for the week. Prepping as much food as you can for the week makes a huge difference for sticking with your plan.

    You should check out The Lean Green Bean's Food-Prep Page. Her blog has some great how-to articles on weekly meal prep and LOTS of meal plan inspiration

    What was the Ani Phyo meal plan you mentioned?
  • lazytolight
    lazytolight Posts: 38 Member
    I love to cook, and don't do much of that any more because I munch on food while I cook. It's been frozen entrees for me to help with portion control and to keep me from eating my calories before I actually sit down to eat. I do keep rye bread and turkey pastrami in the house at all times, because that's something that I always enjoy and will fall back on when I just can't make myself eat other things. It's my "go to" food that feels normal (I just don't use mayo anymore!).

    I'm the same way but I set aside a day each month to cook a lot of meals that I pre-portion and freeze. To help with munching I chew gum or set out a bowl of grapes or something healthy to snack on. But this helps me when I need something quick and easy that's healthy. Right now I have spinach lasagna rolls and mini spinach and cheese quiches. I hope to make some chili soon as we'll as maybe some enchiladas or something.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    i'm a planner. i have a few staple dishes that i use over and over again just kind of changing the basics. like for breakfast i have fruit cheese and cold cuts. or fruit nuts and hard boiled egg. or fruit nuts and cold cuts. or a throw together omelette- plastic container with 2 eggs, some veggies, spices microwave for 2 minutes. or greek yogurt fruit and a waffle.

    for snacks, it's usually fruit and an egg. or fruit and cheese. or fruit and nuts. meant and cheese. meat and nuts. or 1 piece of bread with spreadable cheese (like goat cheese or laughing cow) and lunch meat. or hummus instead of cheese.or fruit and nut butter. or baby carrots with some spices sprinkled on them. you get the idea.

    dinner we eat meat and a salad. or soup. i'm no chef, but i prefer simple foods anyway. the less cooking and prepping i have to do the happier i will be. i usually roast a chicken or pork loin or something on sunday and plan a couple of meals around that (meat and salad/soup/sandwiches etc)

    boiled eggs last the entire week without going bad. nuts and granols last while as does yogurt, cheese, lunch meat that sort of stuff. (properly refrigerated) if we have cooked meat left over i freeze it and use it on days i find myself short of meat for whatever reason. i might have to run by the grocer to get some fruit or veg during the week on occasion but usually no need. and if you like smoothies, if you have fruit that is starting to look questionable (not fuzzy yet, but sort of lost some charm) cut it up and freeze it. no need to toss it just yet. same with veggies- they can go in soup later. as long as they don't start wiggling on their own and calling you mama. then it might be too late.

    don't be afraid of canned/bulk goods and don't be afraid of your freezer. they are your friends.
  • katbirdinpa
    For me, I have to have the right food available. If I am on the road, I know what I want already. It's always the same
    Shrimp cocktail and side salad dressing on the side. Or 2 eggs Grilled Tomato on the side

    So I guess I am a planner
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    I plan all my meals. I cut up all the fruit and veggies and have a sticky note on them with the calorie amounts. I have to do this or else I will just eat whatever and guess what it might be.
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I thought I was really good a meal-planning, but having read every post on this thread, I am completely humbled and impressed!

    I have a full time job, a husband who is an amateur race car driver, and a child who's at soccer practice or a game most nights a week, so it's a necessity for me to plan a week's worth of meals and shop on Sunday afternoon. That way, I can freeze the meats that don't get used later on in the week, buy vegetables and fruits based on when they should ripen, etc. I will look in my planner in the evenings and see what's supposed to be made the next day and then do any food prep needed to shorten the cooking process.

    I pre-package all of my work snacks, although that was a big fail this week because hubby and son liked the crackers I bought and so they ate them all!!
  • jennylee133
    jennylee133 Posts: 26 Member
    I also try to pre-plan and often to pre-log. I travel every week so often it's just me which makes it easier as I only have to worry about what I like/want but I find that if I don't prepare it also makes it much easier to just grab something unhealthy.

    So many good ideas in this thread though already have me thinking about ways to improve what I'm already doing!
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member





  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    YESSSS food prep on sundays.. Is important to my personal success and takes the focus off of finding things to eat everyday..

