Slim Fast

Hi there! I was just wondering how many of you have tried the slim fast shakes? I was thinking about giving them a go but I thought I'd get your opinions first, before I part with my money! Haha!


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I think they're disgusting and have a metallic aftertaste. That and they do nothing to help learn healthy eating habits.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I say save your money, look into changing habits/behaviors and adjust accordingly depending on your goals. If you want weight loss>>>>a calorie deficit is all you need.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    i'll get the high protein ones when they're on sale and have them for breakfast but overall it's just a 1200 calorie diet. 1200 calories is 1200 calories whether you're drinking them in slim fast shakes or eating cheaper, more nutritious food.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    slimfast is the least expensive thing out there .....I drink them usually one or two a day not because I cant portion meals but more for the easy and fast aspect of it and because I am single no kids....when I feel like cooking and measuring I simply don't buy slimfast...they work along with a healthy diet and working out. I don't find I gain anyting back when I go back to regular foods as long as I stay within calories its probably because I keep the same calories when Im on slimfast as well. They only have a nasty taste if you buy the ones in the cans the new bottle have no aftertaste.
  • I've tried them I didn't think the chocolate was too bad, but they did nothing to stop hunger. I still had to eat so it kind of defeats the purpose.
  • I have used slimfast for the last mo nth. I do NOT stick to the slim fast fad diet.

    I simply use them as a meal replacement for breakfast, and sometimes dinner.

    It helps me because my days are busy, and i am not a break fast person. also, i dont want to cook 2 different meals for me and my boyfriend so i just drink one for dinner. i snack and eat lunch and on weekends i eat lunch and dinner, or breakfast and lunch whatever i want.

    sometimes i only drink 1 shake, it seems to be best for me during breakfast times. i just add it to my calories.
  • ilizzyd
    ilizzyd Posts: 24 Member
    Replacement breakfast and I think the chocolate walmart ones are decent
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I use them and they work really well for or two a day, well balanced meal once or twice a day. I have issues with digestion and sometimes liquids go down and stay down easier than solids. I buy them at Amazon, they are cheaper there. I think they are great because I don't cook a lot. Everyone has their opinion but try them if you want and find if they work for you.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    LOVE THEM!!! I've been drinking the chocolate slimfast for years now and it's always a good snack. It's not a meal replacement and I have mine with almonds or something but I do think they are delicious. People always used to ask me why I drank them and would say I didn't need to lose weight but I just really like the taste.
  • happymum37
    happymum37 Posts: 95 Member
    I tried them for a couple of weeks but didn't really lose any weight. I'm now having more calories but am losing so I couldn't recommend but wouldn't advise you not to try them either. Everybody has to find what works for them but I am much happier and feel better eating meals. Good luck :)
  • tdelo7634
    tdelo7634 Posts: 40 Member
    I have had them, and many other protein shakes. That is all they really are. If a protein shake works for you just check them out. There are many powders you can buy that are more cost efficient, and have more protein than Slimfast. I do not replace meals with shakes. I drink pre or post workout, in the morning, and/or at night. But I eat regular meals.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I guess they would be easy to pick up and go with, but my thought is you get so much better nutrition out of fruits and veggies and lean meats. I haven't tried them per say, but I have tried other shakes and have gone back to eating a healthy diet. I like to feel like I've eatten something when I finish my meal. Good luck friend me if you'd like. Have a great day!
  • watch the calories and sugar in them. you wouldn't want to eat a meal and then wash it down with slim fast.
  • Some are okay, I drink the Special K shakes for like a snack in between meals, or a something right before a work out if its close to dinner tonight as a hold me over. But I eat regular meals instead of using the shakes...
  • TinaA72
    TinaA72 Posts: 27 Member
    I lost about 15 pounds on slim-fast and the hardest part for me was getting past the first couple of weeks of the program...Felt like I was starving to death ...but after that the pounds fell off fairly quickly...but I was also exercising alongwith...but that's all I had to took about 3 months...not sure how it would be long term...but if you have problems with food selection or portion control...this may be a good plan.
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    They have a coffee type one cant remember the exact flavor but its yummy! :) I just drink it for breakfast bc it taste good.
  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    These are horrible for you. Buy something like egg white protein and add frozen bananas and whatever you like. Try not to look for quick fixes like Slim Fast because they're loaded with ingredients that are bad for you. Slim Fast has a lot of sugar and processed ingredients, and if you're into the GMO friendly products (not genetically modified or ingredients that are) then this definitely isn't for you. I don't recommend this product to anyone.

    Here is one source:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    If they help you in maintaining a reduced calorie diet, there's little harm, but there's nothing magical about them.

    I prefer a protein shake mixed in skim milk. It makes a good mid-morning snack, only a bit over 200 calories, and helps me get in the protein I've been struggling with. And it fits into my calorie goal. But I wouldn't try to use it as a meal replacement, personally.
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    i've tried them and they're OK but do have a metalic taste. if you're trying to look for a quick fix, don't bother with this. Most people are here as they need a LIFESTYLE change, but only think of diets and 'quick fixes' (which don't exist/aren't good for you). I was like this and now i'm sticking with lifestyle change so i'm getting regular exercise, i'm eating healthier things, watching what i'm eating but i also treat myself.

    A friend told me it's a marathon not a sprint. It's true. you NEED to work and you NEED to change. I'm sure you can think of at least one bad habit that you should kick to help with your weightless, and this is what you need to do. i know my bad habits weren't so much food, except the take-outs due to being in uni, but it was the fact i wasn't active and was at uni having this unhealthy life.

    If you want to try them go ahead but it won't solve your problem/make you fit and healthy. I know someone who does this kind of thing (funny diets/milkshakes etc), stops, and piles it all back on or more than she lost! i say for the calories you may as well learn portion control and get decent FOOD out of it, which will actually satisfy you.

    If you want advice, motivation, help, a friend or anything, just friend me and we'll talk :)
    All the best no matter what you choose <3
  • Hi there! I was just wondering how many of you have tried the slim fast shakes? I was thinking about giving them a go but I thought I'd get your opinions first, before I part with my money! Haha!

    hi, I think Smoothies/Juice are more healthy and good for you (and cheaper) . You can replace your dinner/breakfast with 2 glass of Juice (my fave is mango).
    They are high in fiber

    hope it helps, lots of love