
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    TheNewStacie - So the scale's not moving, but are your clothes fitting a little better? If not, then I would add more cardio to your workouts possibly. With the whole running thing... maybe just start out walking, then fast walk, jogging, running...? Ease into it & maybe that will work for you. Good luck!

    And p.s.... it's a GOOD thing that your test results came back normal, one less thing to deal with.
  • Hi all. I'm a 26 year old mother of 2 and I'm in. My son is almost 6 and my daughter is almost 13 months. I always weighed around 125 to 135 in high school and that is my goal for the most part. I gained a ton of weight when I got pregnant at 19 with my son. I was weighing near 200lbs and couldn't lose any of it with the down fall marriage I was in. I got divorced and started college. Never really worried about my weight with everything else I had going on. Then I met my husband now weighing around 190. About a year into being together I lost weight and got down to 140. I was happy with that. Then after we got married in June of 08 I started gaining weight and really didn't think anything of it until December when I was to start taking meds for headaches I was having and the first thing on the bottle said "do not take if pregnant". It got me thinking so I took a test and sure enough I was. So the weight came on like no other again. When I had my daughter I got down to 174 and couldn't go any further. I started on the dupo shot and the side affect of gaining weight and not being able to lose it was what I got. I got all the way to 200lbs. I tried and tried to lose weight and at the time I didn't realize that was my problem cause they didn't tell me the side affects and I didn't take time to find out. I had a weight convo with my SIL and found out she had same problem when she had the shot, so I got off the shot. I started this journey at 198 and have had a hard time losing the weight cause of the shot but I think its all out of my system now cause I'm finally losing weight. I'm so ready to not be unhealthy and out of shape anymore. I want to be able to run around with my kids and eventually my grand kids way down the road. I also want to look in the mirror and not want to run. I want to feel good about myself.
    Well that's my story of why I'm in this predicament and why I want to change it. I wish everyone good luck in their journey. And I love that we have so many people out their to motivate us and support us.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    meagalayne - thanks for the info. Oh, & I'm also a runner. In the past I would typically just do 3 miles (as often as possible, I tended to slack off quite a bit). Recently I've been trying to do 4, 5 or 6 miles (walking 1 of the miles at a 4mph/10% incline) & running the rest. I wish I could run outside more, but I find it's harder to pace myself...or maybe I was just too out of shape at the time :smile: I would love to start doing some races, but feel I'm not quite there yet....

    Another good calorie burner is Zumba. I go to a class every week & sweat my *kitten* off. I don't have a HRM yet, but I've heard it burns 800-1000 calories/hour....and I laugh my butt off the entire class (I'm quite uncoordinated).

    4-6 miles is great!! I'm working my way up... I just started running in March and for many months I was struggling to improve my endurance. It seems that within the last month or so I've really hit my stride (har har... pun intended!) and been managing to run nearly every day between 2 and 4 miles. I am trying to fit in longer, slower jogs to prepare me for the 8 and 10km races that I want to do this fall, but often the time or weather doesn't permit. I also nearly always jog outside and since nothing is marked I can never tell the distance until I get home and upload all my info from my phone to the computer...

    Zumba - what exactly does this consist of? At present, I don't have access to a gym so all my exercise takes place in the great outdoors. Hoping to get a membership once the snowy season hits in Canada, but we'll see. It's hard to justify a monthly fee when there are a million different activities to do outside for free :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    i'm putting in my vote for Turbo Jam for an awesome calorie burner!! it's kickboxing with a little dance, and great music. chalene johnson is a really great leader that i'm actually smiling and yelling like the people in the dvd. i've been doing it for almost a month and actually look forward to doing it. the other night i ordered her other series, Turbo Fire, which i'm anxiously waiting on. if you want to get either one, i'd suggest shopping around before buying it off the official website as they can get expensive. i found TF on ebay and saved myself about $70!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Zumba - what exactly does this consist of?
    Zumba is a dance/exercise class. It's tons of fun. My sister & I go pretty much every week. It's $4/class & an hour long. We can seriously be in the most rotten mood ever going there & leave laughing. It's so much fun. I'm definitely NO dancer!!! Quite uncoordinated actually... Props to you for running outside! I haven't done much of that since my track days in high school.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Zumba - what exactly does this consist of?
    Zumba is a dance/exercise class. It's tons of fun. My sister & I go pretty much every week. It's $4/class & an hour long. We can seriously be in the most rotten mood ever going there & leave laughing. It's so much fun. I'm definitely NO dancer!!! Quite uncoordinated actually... Props to you for running outside! I haven't done much of that since my track days in high school.

    Ughhh.. I ran 2.85 miles today with loads of hills and 165 steps today and I am pining for a treadmill right now.... haha Felt SO much longer/farther than it was! Thanks though. Zumba sounds like fun :)
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    Zumba definitely is a blast. I've done it a few times and kept my heart rate monitor on the whole time, the lowest I amount of calories I ever burned was the first time (getting used to the moves) and it was 657 for an hour class (with breaks) and I had no clue what I was doing :-) The time goes by so quickly because you're just dancing around and the music gets you going too.
  • I'm 27 and a good 35 lbs or so overweight. Just had baby boy #3 and ready to keep up with them and feel young, hot and energetic! Great group!
  • Happy Monday everyone! I really had a tough weekend :tongue: My boyfriend works away for 2 weeks at a time and he came home last Thursday. I knew it was going to be tough for me with him here (he's very impulsive about eating and we love to lounge around together watching movies) and even though I did my best I went over by about 2500 calories between Friday night and Sunday night :frown: Something that really surprised me though was that I was literally ITCHING to exercise. I didn't get the chance to but I'm pleasantly surprised that I really WANTED to exercise! Also, I ate a few too many white chocolate covered pretzels last night plus one small glass of coca cola and I felt too full and sick when I went to bed - another good sign, in a way!

    Welcome to all the new faces!

    Also, to answer H_82's question: I don't have a scale at the moment but if I did I'd probably be weighing myself daily, and logging once a week.

    Keep it up everyone! :drinker:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    PickyNikki - Isn't it amazing how quickly the calories add up!?!? super fast! Ever since being committed to logging all my food on this site has really....REALLY...been an eye opener! Don't even get me started about a night out of drinking! (that was saturday for me)...I'm thinking it's not even worth it (even on the super rare occasion that I do it). It's like drinking an entire days worth of calories!

    And also, thanks for the reply. That's kinda what I was thinking too.

    On a completely separate note...I just got my HRM in the mail today & I love it! Used it for the very first time tonight.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    PickyNikki - Isn't it amazing how quickly the calories add up!?!? super fast! Ever since being committed to logging all my food on this site has really....REALLY...been an eye opener! Don't even get me started about a night out of drinking! (that was saturday for me)...I'm thinking it's not even worth it (even on the super rare occasion that I do it). It's like drinking an entire days worth of calories!

    This is one of the reasons I don't drink anymore! haha Gave it up last year. Now I work at a bar on the weekends and have a million more reasons not to drink...

    As for calories adding up, you're not kidding! I like to have a really substantial, filling breakfast to get me through the morning and kick-start my metabolism, but it really kills me around dinner time when I'm trying to squeeze as much out of my remaining 400-500 calories as I can! The good news is that I exercise every day. I tend to eat the calories I burn, or at least some of them, without feeling much guilt. I figure my body needs the nourishment! :)
  • Count me in!!!
  • I'm excited to be part of this thread. I'm 24. Good luck!
  • 23 and totally in. We're all going to be hot 20-somethings yet!
  • 23, i'm in! could use the support =D
  • Hi everyone! I too, am too chubby for my twenties! I am 23 years old and I am sick of feeling lethargic and gross. I just joined MFP and my CW is 175. My goal is to lose 30 pounds. Over the weekend I went grocery shopping and brought all my healthy food to keep at work so there will be no slipping out to get fast food! I need support and motivation, so please feel free to add me!
  • I'm only 19 but keen to support (& be supported by!) some young ones :) yay!
  • Hey 20-somethings,

    Maybe it's just me, but my biggest hurdle in weight loss day to day is stress. I'm in this place where I have my lovely college degree and I graduated with so much promise and now... I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Does anyone else think it's a little crazy to think that at 22/23/24/25/etc we should know EXACTLY what we want to do with our lives? I feel like the pressure to be an adult on the way to career land is worse than any pressure I encountered during school. I'm living on my own (with my boyfriend of four years) and I thought that was a pretty good step, something to be proud of, but all I get it "what are you doing with your life?"

    Anyone else?

  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    Hey 20-somethings,

    Maybe it's just me, but my biggest hurdle in weight loss day to day is stress. I'm in this place where I have my lovely college degree and I graduated with so much promise and now... I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Does anyone else think it's a little crazy to think that at 22/23/24/25/etc we should know EXACTLY what we want to do with our lives? I feel like the pressure to be an adult on the way to career land is worse than any pressure I encountered during school. I'm living on my own (with my boyfriend of four years) and I thought that was a pretty good step, something to be proud of, but all I get it "what are you doing with your life?"

    Anyone else?


    I completely agree that there is too much put onto someone to know right away what they want to do with their lives. I run the Career Center at our local college and day in and day out I see students being brought in by parents who answer for the person when asked "What would you LIKE to do?" Or we may get someone started on a business degree and later they come in and say well what I really want to do is be an Art major, but because of the economy people are scared that there won't be any jobs, but there's so much more you can do with a degree than just one path. And living in an industrial area I see numerous people who have been laid off and are finally doing what they have always wanted to do and what will make them happy. I'm a firm believer education is always a good thing and can never hurt anyone, but don't limit yourself. When someone asks "What are you doing with your life?" Answer them "Living it the way that makes me happy, and from there I can only go up"

    Being able to support yourself is an awesome achievement, getting a degree is an even bigger one, so be proud of yourself and give yourself a HUGE pat on the back. Take this time to "experiment" and see which career field interests you the most and go from there. Good Luck!!
  • KJLDavies
    KJLDavies Posts: 30 Member
    Here I am! Here I started the thread and just kinda went absent! It sounds like so many of you have been successful! Needless to say, I haven't really been. No logging, no exercising other than my walking to classes on campus and teaching dance (which is actually a lot, but only on the two days I teach).

    These are the reasons I started this thread. I don't know if anyone else goes through the cycles like I do... I go through a week or two of being on top of things, recording, exercising, school work, sleeping, ect. Then, I fall off and I go through more than a week or two of getting off on not just dieting, but everything. Then, I am in this backwards spiral of not wanting to face my peers or professors or my boyfriend ect. since I am ashamed I fell short, so I avoid them, but by avoiding them, I get more disappointed with myself!

    Does anyone know a good way to get out of this? Maybe if I log on here and say what I did every day it will help. But then again, I am afraid it will be the same cycle that listed before of me missing a day or two of signing and then I'll be ashamed/afraid to log in and face everyone on the thread. Anywho... I just need a little help and encouragement, I guess. College is overwhelming when your in undergrad school and grad school at the same time plus being a teaching assistant, and a dance teacher at a studio 50 minutes away that takes up anywhere from 7 - 9 hours of my afternoon/evening (including driving time). It's completely doable and possible and I can do it easily if I get in my "flow". I just need a routine, better time management, the same thing that pretty much every other college student needs.

    All right! I've had my vent. Anyone who can help, it would be greatly appreciated! Congrats to everyone who has been having success!!! I'm thinking I'll start 30-day shred again (I did it through day 28 this summer, but had to take some breaks with in it due to traveling, so it wasn't 28 days in a row). I'd like to have it completed by Halloween, since my boyfriend and our duplex mates are hosting a Halloween party and I would like to good!
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