Should I try Stronglifts 5x5

Hi All,

Hopefully this hasn't been asked too many times ( I did a quick search );
I'm completely new to weight training and have done two weeks of the following programme:

Mon - Cardio
Tues - Bicycling, Stationary (15mins), Barbell Bench Press (2x8 reps), Dumbbell Squat (3x8), Bent Over Two-Dumbbell Row (3x8), Dumbbell Lunges (3x10), Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3x10), Barbell Curl (2x12), Seated Triceps Press (2x12)
Wed - Cardio
Thurs - Bicycling, Stationary (15mins), Barbell Bench Press (2x8 reps), Leg Press (3x8), Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown (3x8), Leg Extensions (2x10), Seated Leg Curl (2x10), Side Lateral Raise (2x10), Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise (2x10), Crunch - Legs On Exercise Ball (315)
Fri - Cardio
Sat / Sun - Rest

I've seen a lot about the stonglifts 5x5 programme and it looks interesting, however my gym seems to only have a smith machine and fixed barbells. I live on a small 1st floor flat and can't buy my own equipment.

Should I try the SL using the smith machine, or stick to what I am doing?
I need to lose weight and would love to get bigger muscles. I'm on a 1000 calorie deficit as I'd like to lose 2lb a week.


  • michaelmadonna
    michaelmadonna Posts: 105 Member
    It really depends on your goals.

    I've been weight lifting and strength training for a few years (on and off) mostly doing split routines with a lot of isolation (single joint) excercises. I am by no means an expert in this. I started doing the Stronglifts program in early July, the reason I decided to do this program was that it was simple and fairly complete with all compound excercises. I am also still in a calorie deficit and right now, I'm only trying to keep as much LBM as I can until I reach my weight/fat loss goal.

    Personally, and this was the view of the trainer I had a few years ago, I'm not fan of the Smith machine for squats, it doesn't allow you to balance the weight and work your stabilizing muscles.

    If you're new to lifting as you say, at this point you should make gains with any program, my advise would be to incorporate as many compound lifts as you can, including Squat, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Overhead Press and Barbell Rows. With the squats you may even be better off using DB depending on the weight your squatting instead of the Smith machine. But you do have to work with the equipment you have available.

    I guess what I'm saying is that doing squats with the Smith machine isn't going to hurt you, but I don't think you'll get the full benefit of the Stronglifts program that way. Make sure it's a routine you enjoy so that you'll stick with it.
  • hopwoods1
    hopwoods1 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks I'll think I'll stick with my current program for a couple of months, see how I get on.