Possible Tip to Help Drink More Water

Hi Everyone,

I am fairly new here as I just started the beginning of August but I am really excited to start this Journey :)

I have a desk job and in the beginning I was finding it very difficult to drink water at work. I would get distracted or busy and the whole day would be gone and I had maybe one or two sips out of my water bottle. Finally last week I came up with a solution that is working pretty good for me. I have a reoccurring meeting set for myself each day called "drink up," I continuously snooze it for an hour (I started snoozing for a half hour but I had too pee WAY too much) all day and try to drink at least 2 24oz bottles at work. It really seems to be helping as I have no problem drinking more when I get home.

Anyhoo just thought I would share in case others are having the same issue.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You don't need to drink large quantities of water. As long as you stay hydrated (your urine is pale yellow) then you're getting enough fluids. You get a lot of liquid just from the foods that you eat (an apple is 85% water) so forcing more water than you need on yourself isn't doing anything except taxing your kidneys and probably your boss because you spend a good lot of time in the bathroom! Drink if you feel you need to drink but you really don't need to force it.
  • MicaylaRougeau
    MicaylaRougeau Posts: 9 Member
    Very valid point. I have read that and have been tracking my urine color (odd I know). I seem to be doing good with my current consumption but I was finding it hard to get that pale yellow color when I wasn't drinking at work.

    It may be that I need to drink more than most as I have Milroy's Disease in both lower limbs so I tend to retain a lot more water. But I do appreciate the comment because it really does depend if I am getting more water from the foods I eat in a day :)
  • uunearthedd
    If you're trying to drink more water... what I usually do (I am at a desk a lot as well) is use a cup with a lid and straw instead of a water bottle so I am forced to keep it on my desk so that I can SEE the water. That will make me want it more for some reason. They say out of sight out of mind... well for me and water bottles, that is a very true story! If I have a water bottle, I always forget to drink it... I never forget my big plastic cup with a lid and straw though. :)

    But like Mokey said, you don't need to drink RIDICULOUS amounts of water. You can probably look up your daily recommended water intake... mine is 60oz. The cup I use is 25-30oz so it's not really difficult for me to get that much water throughout the day since I only need to refill my cup twice unless I want more water. :) As long as your pee is a pale color or lighter, you're fine.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Why is everyone so obsessed with drinking water? If you're not thirsty, then you are getting enough water.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    Why is everyone so obsessed with drinking water? If you're not thirsty, then you are getting enough water.

    I don't know about you, but my body doesn't notice it's thirsty most of the day, and if I'm not careful I only drink two or three glasses a day - no where near enough the recommended 8.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Keep a decent size, refillable water bottle with you most of the time. I'm like completely lost if I don't have my water bottle with me...
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Why is everyone so obsessed with drinking water? If you're not thirsty, then you are getting enough water.

    I don't know about you, but my body doesn't notice it's thirsty most of the day, and if I'm not careful I only drink two or three glasses a day - no where near enough the recommended 8.

    ^Same here. I used to drink a lot more milk and coffee than anything else and barely drank water, but still was not near the number of recommended glasses of fluid a day - now that I drink only water (unless I'm getting my drink on :drinker: ) I actually feel like I have more energy (as weird as that may sound.)

    And don't quote me on this, but I've been told that when you start to feel really thirsty, that's actually your body warning you that you are dehydrating yourself, so consistently drinking it even when you're not thirsty is better than waiting until you are.

    Water can also curb your hunger/help avoid cravings (again, so I've been told and I've found it works well for me) which is excellent for people trying to eat at a deficit.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member

    I keep two water bottles on my desk, and remind myself that they both need to be empty before leaving for the day. I like the idea of setting reminders tho. :smile: