Any other Returning Users out there?



  • It is so interesting to see how often times we feel like we are alone but in actually we are not!! I actually use this site primarily to track my Macros/calories and did not even realize there was a huge community until I stumbled across it the other day. I was in the boat of gaining and losing for years. I was an overweight/obese teenager, lost 50 lbs going into high school and after having kids and I have yo-yo'ed up and down usually within a 30 lb range. About 2 yrs ago I was sick of it and after my husband entered a bodybuilding contest and I saw many fit women I decided to get my butt back in shape and then some!! I completed a 12-week transformation and looked amazing....then traveled and ate my way through Europe and returned back to the states, started a job and within a few months later I was almost back to were I started. The only difference was my MIND was different and I knew I could do it and I knew I needed to treat myself better and put myself first again. Feb. 2013 started a 12-week transformation , then a 6 and now I am getting ready for my first competition in September. My body is still changing and doing things and looking like I never could have imagined!!

    This is my first day on here so I have to figure out how to navigate around, how to get friends, join groups etc. Don't even think I have a pic?? So feel free to request me. I love to encourage and inspire others because I know the struggles first hand. I am a personal trainer now (I help others through virtual training and nutrition planning), weight loss specialist, and fitness nutrition specialist. This is my passion and I am determined to fight obesity & inactivity and help others to live a better quality of life and BE HAPPY. I want others to feel and look their best!! I recently started a couple Facebook pages; "Shawna Williams Fitness Model" - which documents me leading up to competition and "Fit chicks of Faith "- my faith has helped me through some of my darkest and heaviest moments. Our bodies are his temple and we can honor it by eating well and exercising and being good to ourselves!!

    I wish everyone the best in their journey and do not give are worth it. Knowledge is power!! - Shawna
  • I also am returning! I lost 35 lbs last year and had gained back 15. I joined MFP and lost 5 lbs before my vacation. I gained the 5lbs back over the summer with vacation, food, and festivities.

    I have recently set my mind to losing the extra weight and more:)