Has anyone ever tried the Overnight Diet?



  • LindainVT
    LindainVT Posts: 1
    I agree with the comments that the name of the diet is stupid but from what I'd read online in Huff Post, this sounded like a reasonable diet for me. I bought the book and started on Sunday 4/28. For me eating 3 protein smoothies one day a week is easier to wrap my head around than fasting for 2 days or counting every calorie. Because I'm not a big protein eater (meat/poultry/fish/soy), I've been using the protein powder to supplement my protein intake. The rest of the diet is pretty easy for me to maintain (lots of fruits and vegetables) and the only other thing I've had to adjust is cutting back on refined carbohydrates. I haven't been hungry or felt deprived so it hasn't been a struggle to stay the course. I've lost 4 lbs in 10 days and that seems like an excellent pace of loss for someone my height and age. The true test will be if the pounds continue to drop over time. If this food plan works for me, it is one that I could envision staying on long term to keep the weight off and like other posters have said. it's important to pick something that will work for you once you've reached your goal weight.
  • I am just now seeing this post, due to the fact that I was looking at some of the reviews online about the Overnight Diet. The reason I was doing so, is because I have been doing this diet, or as I call it my new way of eating right, for the past 4 weeks and I wanted to see other success stories like mine.

    To give you some backgroup, I found myfitnesspal.com about two years ago. I was following a 1200 calorie diet, and yes I did lose a lot of weight (145 lbs. down to 132 lbs.). I have not been considered overweight in many years, but I have kept a vigorous workout schedule for 20+ years, and have always tried to eat healthy for the most part. I am now 42 years old and as of June 2013, I had now gone up to 151 lbs and 25% body fat. I started the 1200 calorie thing again a few months ago, and my weight did not budge.

    Since starting the Overnight Diet 4 weeks ago, I have lost 10.5 lbs. That is quite a bit of weight when you only have 10-15 lbs. to lose, so if you have more weight to lose it always comes off quicker with bigger numbers. However, weight is never the whole picture, and that is the problem with that measurement. The amount of fat you have in your body is the real test. I look better than I ever have in my life, and I am still getting leaner. I weigh 140 lbs, and my fat is 18% (better than most 20 year olds). I look much better than I did at 132 lbs. last year, because I had more fat on my body and less muscle. I have not changed my workouts one bit, but I am following the food plan. I am never hungry, and I continue widdle the inches away (3 inches off my waist). I can envision eating this way for the rest of my life, and still being able to indulge when the occasion calls for it.
  • Lxc5333
    Lxc5333 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kaypix

    Just curious - it's been 6 months. Did you try this and what were your results?
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS.
  • I have just bought the book also... and it doesn't say you will lose all that weight overnight ~
    But if you read the book it does make some sense.... I also lost alot of weight on the 6 week body make over ... 30 lbs... only I'm stuck... I bought this book because it rang true to me... and yes you can lose 2 pounds over night... its water weight ... and what this diet states is that it helps to get rid of the bloat.

    I'm going to give it a go... for what do I have to lose by some weight and I get to eat some Awesome food trying.... please let me know how its working for you

  • I am going to begin this on Sunday. Not so different from Adkins, South Beach, etc. I don't mind smoothies, but I'm happy it's only 1 day a week! The other days' meals sound so simple and practical. Good proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, even bread! If you could answer one question for me . . . what about eggs? I don't plan on buying the book - read about it in a magazine, but it didn't mention eggs. I assume a serving a day would be allowed. I lost 14 lbs in 3 months following Adkins, but the 1st 2 weeks were rough! Got tired of counting carbs, too. Weight stayed off for about 2 years then slowly came back, though I'm still not as heavy as when I started it. My son is on a harsh hospital-directed diet - lots of products to purchase and very little variety of 'regular' foods. It's working, but I don't think he can stay on that the rest of his life. I think this may be what I've been looking for all along, and maybe for him, too.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I diet overnight every night.
    quoted cuz I thought this was funny :laugh:
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Oh good lord...Alli. I tried those and my friend would ask me if I'm still taking my "squirty diet pills" !!! Hahahaha!

    ANY product that recommends that I wear dark brown or black pants while I'm using it, or has "anal leakage" as a side effect gets a "No thanks, I'll pass." from me. No matter what the promised benefit! Just sayin'...