14 Weeks to Christmas Challenge!!



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Weight this week was 245.4. Not quite where I wanted to be but still down 246.9 last week. Yesterday was rough plus a chiropractor appointment and I'm sure it's mostly water due to the swollen muscles (the core muscles are really swollen today because that's what really got poked and worked during the appointment).

    My goal for next week is 252.4 - just a steady pace of 2lbs a week seems to be my average over the last 10 weeks, so I'm good with that.

    Since I'm not able to do crunches because of my back problems, I'll try working on reverse crunches (both feet off the floor, legs extended, pulling knees into chest). No way I will be able to do 50 a day - but I will go for a minute and work towards my highest for the week). I'll post that number next week. My chiropractor has recommended this exercise for my core to strengthen my back and I haven't really gotten into it, but should.

    I accidentally ate chocolate last week, without thinking about it. Actually I bought it and then ate it without thinking about it. Continuing the no chocolate rule until Thursday, to make sure I have no chocolate for one full week. Phew. That was tough.
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 215.2 lbs
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 213.2 lbs

    I went the whole week without chocolate and alcohol, and will carry on with this as long as I can, it has helped a great deal this week.

    Looking forward to the week ahead now I have got my motivation back.

    Hope everyone else has a good week, will enjoy reading some more success stories as results get posted

  • reba24784
    reba24784 Posts: 23 Member
    I did have chocolate and I took one sip and dumped the rest of my drink its crazy to think how many things you eat that has it in it.
    I can do the 50 sit ups a week so count me in !!!!
    Also I cant wait to see what is for next week !!!!!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member

    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: I weigh on the last day of the month but I'm starting Power 90 this Saturday so I'll probably weigh Saturday. I'll report back if it's good - LOL :tongue:
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: Stick to the challenge! (goal oriented rather than weight oriented - see above)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! I fessed up when it happened, but I had a sample of home churned chocolate ice cream at the local county fair without even thinking about it. But that's all. It's funny - I know I love chocolate but didn't realize it'd be such a challenge to go without for just a week!

    I do a lot of sit-ups already with my routine (crunches - standard, left and right obliques, crunch & holds, and bicycles) so I'm not too worried about this challenge. They're bang-up for the core! LET'S DO IT, FRIENDS!!!
  • panjabi
    panjabi Posts: 70 Member
    BUMP!, will add details later.
  • WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 196- 7LB LOSS! :-)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE: Yes! I dont know how, there were definately a few tricky times!
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 166 (only one stoopid lb lost *sigh*)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE: No. I had an options Hot Chocolate drink without thinking about it being chocolate lol

    I can barely do 1 sit-up never mind 50 but I will give it my best and let you know how it goes!
  • skiski
    skiski Posts: 173 Member
    Just have to join as the last thread I joined vanished!!!! So here we go;

    Location: East Midlands
    I like: Cheese, Marmite & Candles
    I don't like: Rude people, my current weight!
    Current typical or usual exercise: Usually walking at work
    Current Starting Weight: 154lbs
    Aim for next week: 153lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: Anything less tha 154lbs!

    Thankfully do not like chocolate, so 1st week goal should'nt be too tough. Main aim is to exercise!

    Good luck x
  • WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 159 :)
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 157 (will hopefully be able to log in - going on vacation!!)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! Of course not!! I can't resist chocolate - I have a 100 calorie slim fast bar or snack built into my daily calories :( I'll make the challenge this week and I did resist cookies at least last week!!! Gave them all away when my mother in law brought me a big bag!!!

    I'm so excited for this week!!
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 155.2 (2.8 lbs lost xD)
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! Yes, I did! Only once did I get a craving for chocolate (which I usually have almost every day)

    I never do sit ups except when I do my yoga, which isn't often, so this will be new to me.
  • Bumping for my friends and me.
    A bunch of us are doing an Xmas challenge for 90 days . Sep 25 (Wife's Brithday) to Christmas Eve. This thread is full of great info.
    I like:Cheese, Ale, real food, fitness ;)
    I don't like:Negativity
    Usual Exercise : P90X, biking, running,
    Christmas Eve Goal: Tone up and bring as many friends with.
    Just think how great Thanksgiving and Christmas photo's are going to be!!! Heck we won't even NEED a New Years resolution!!! LOL
  • fischro
    fischro Posts: 11 Member
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1? Unfortunately the craving for chocolate was out of my control. I do LOVE the challenge this week though and will start doing them tonight!!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: I weigh in on Wednesday mornings so will post my weight tomorrow
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: Will update tomorrow depending on loss
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! I MADE IT THE WHOLE WEEK!!! I really struggled the first 2 days. First day, someone brought in a huge basket of 100 cal packs and 90% of them had chocolate (I snuck some and have been saving them for this week :wink: ). Second day, it was someone's birthday in the office and they had the richest, most delicious looking chocolate cake I've ever seen, but I had told a couple co-workers about the challenge so to save face I didn't indulge! :laugh:

    This week's challenge is going to be so easy! I've been doing crunches for another challenge so I'm up for 50 more a day! I do slow/quick crunches (main focus is breathing and control), one-leg crunches (extend one leg out, the closer it is to the ground the more intense), and crunches on a Bosu ball. So I'll be sticking with those this week and will let you know how many I complete by next week!

    Happy Tuesday, Challengers! :bigsmile:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: i don't know as i don't have scales at the moment
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: going to weigh myself next week so fingers cross 148!
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! unfortunately not! so close but my flatmate made a cake and i had a teeny slice,

    i love the sit up idea!xxx
  • ghalliday
    ghalliday Posts: 46 Member

    ....Would just like to say well done on all the gr8 weight losses this week.......fab stuff :-)))))

  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member

    Heck we won't even NEED a New Years resolution!!! LOL

    Now THAT is a great point!!! :bigsmile:
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    I need your help, please check put my diary and tell me where im going wrong, I know i eat the same things alot but other than that I dont know what im doing wrong. At start of this challenge I was 11.3 1/2, on sat i dropped to 11.2 1/2 now back up to 11.4. Im getting so disheartened.... Im now sulking and refusing to exercise tonight, so if a dont lose 1 1/2 pounds during my sleep im going to have gained on first week of challenge.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening all,

    This week hasn't been the best week for me as I have been unwell so haven't done any exercise and gone over on my cals a few days.

    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 154lb, I stayed the same boo hoo!
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 153lb.
    WHETHER YOU MANAGED A FULL WEEK WITHOUT CHOCOLATE IN WEEK 1?! I failed! But I haven't been well so that's my excuse!

    Hope everyone has a good week :smile:
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    WEIGHT THIS WEEK: 135.2 (Up 1 pound!)
    AIM FOR NEXT WEEK: 133.2

    Well, I didnt eat any chocolate BUT i did have a piece of cake for my anniversary weekend away and ate a bit more cals with dinners out that explains my 1 pound up! Plus Mel and I just finished a modified 2 weeks of Atkins so I think the re-introduction of carbs caused some weight to go up. :(

    My AIM is to lose 2 pounds next week so that I will be back on track!!

    Im excited for the 50 crunches challenge! It will be fun and worth it! *Just a thought, is anyone adding the challenges, like no chocolate and then having no chocolate this week and adding 50 crunches?* ?? I am thinking about doing this to make up for my bad weekend but it was my anniversary so you gotta live a little!
  • BW 239.0
    TW 237.5

    No chocolate passed my lips but I didn't quite make my goal of two lbs. I was a 1/2 lb short lost 1.5lbs. this weeks challenge of 50 extra sit-ups a day is a good one for me, this will definitely be a challenge. I'm loving it!!!!!!
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