People that workout at home using dvds..

Wanting new friends that workout at home using workout dvds.
I workout using Kettleworx dvds, lots of davina dvds and Pump it Up dvd.
I workout 4 or 5 times a week and have a schedule where i make sure i have enough
weight exercises and cardio exercises to have a good balance.
Ive ordered xtrain fit for women 8 dvd boxset, looks really good, cant wait to try it!

I went to zumba for about half a year and been to a few kettlercise classes but
i prefer working out at home and enjoy all my dvds.

I dont really know why im doing this post, im just looking to find new friends that are simular to me
in that they exercise at home and use this site alot, i like to comment on peoples diaries and exercise logs and like to have people comment on my stuff.

I went from a size 12-14 to a deffinate 8. (have a few size 6 stuff).

Oh but just to add im maintaining now and trying to get a more toned body :)

p.s i dont want any one adding who starves themselves and has silly net numbers.

I'm here for life i think on this site, well probally not but ive been here since june last year and ive learnt
alot, logged for about 270 days straight :) and i try to meet my carb, fat and protein percentages.

I do use protein powderdaily in porridge, quark, yoghurt and with milk for a shake, not in the proper way
youd think its used for but just to get my protein high. as you probably know the more protein you have
the better, burn more calories when exercising, lose just fat not the muscle which you need!


  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Hi, I do workout dvds at home.. I also go to the gym and I'm about a size bigger than you. Feel free to add me for support if you wish. Best of luck on your journey!
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    All my workouts are done at home except for my weekly kickboxing class. I eat a lot and am working on the last 8 lbs. You can add me:wink:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I use dvd's at home to workout. I have a couple of the Jillian Michaels dvd's as well as a couple of programs by The Firm. The Firm's programs are my favorite to do.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I workout at home and the gym. I eat all of my calories and try to eat clean. I love people who like to talk and have some idea about what they are talking about. :) Feel free to add me.
  • Lynn5cmu
    Lynn5cmu Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there, I see you posted this a few months ago, but I just stumbled upon it. I too do DVD workouts. its too hot in florida in the summer to run. I have done taebo, jillian michaels in the past. I FINALLY found by DVD soul mate in "turbo kick" with Chalean Johnson. it is kickboxing I love it. I mainly use it for my cardio when Im not running. I have a question for you- I recently bought the kettleworx ultra set (off groupon) for toning, but there is no schedule. I was wondering what your kettleworx schedule was? thanks!
  • Rychina
    Rychina Posts: 15
    Good morning , I too love to work out at home on my own schedule , I started with Jillian Michaels , went on to slim in six , power 90 and how I am in week 6 day 4 of Focus T 25 , it is a killer program , but so worth it ,
  • Rychina
    Rychina Posts: 15
    Hi Lynn, if you like Chalenes turbo fire , you should look at her turbo fire , quite the work out , I am now reading her book called Push , have you seen it ?
  • Lynn5cmu
    Lynn5cmu Posts: 7 Member
    hey Rychina! typo- i ment i love turbo fire and that is what i am doing right now. I did a turbo kick class in college lol. i have no read any of Chaleans books. what is it like-motivational?
  • Rmorris89
    Rmorris89 Posts: 8 Member
    I do all my workouts at home I have different Jillian Michaels DVD`s I have 2 small kids so I fit my workout in when I get a chance it helps me get a good work out 5 days a week.
  • amandacreates91
    amandacreates91 Posts: 18 Member
    I've lost 60lbs working out at home.
    I'm currently doing Body Revolution by Jillian Michaels, she's one of the trainers on the biggest loser. My friend recommended it to me, she toned up a LOT from doing all 90 days of it.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    OP- I see you have just got xtrain. There is a Cathe thread on this forum as well as a group.
  • jamantha
    jamantha Posts: 118 Member
    I was working out with DVDs (mostly Davina) and going swimming, then I started training to power walk a half marathon, so half been concentrating on walking and done less other exercise. Got just a few more weeks until the race, when I will be able to mix it up a bit more - SO looking forward to that! In the meantime I won a fortnight gym membership. I'm half way through that, and it's been OK, but I don't think I enjoy it enough to keep paying for it afterwards. So looking to going back to or home based exercise mixed with some walking and swiming. Want to try to build some more strength training in though - so any recommendations for strength training DVDs?
  • Roshellexo
    Roshellexo Posts: 60 Member
    As a poor student, I work out at home using DVDs I've stolen from my mum and fitnessblender on youtube :)
    Feel free to add me, I need friends that encourage and motivate.
  • imatoughgirl
    imatoughgirl Posts: 16 Member
    I use Dance off the inches various dvds. I'm going to start a recommended cycle from one of their box sets. I wanted the Firm Express, but I can't find it exc. on the internet. I already had one DOTI dvd and liked it. Anyone else using these? I'd love feedback. Count me in.