Help please! 2kg up on yesterday!



  • JonTse
    JonTse Posts: 4 Member
    For me, when I eat the night before and the sodium levels I eat determine my weigh-in the next morning. Like many posters here said, learn to love/understand the scale, and over time you'd see the weight drop like magic.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    Mostly it's the sodium content in diet that is causing water retention.

    Being a female, it's useful to know that time of the month will also cause weight gain despite all those workouts. I have noticed myself gained around 1 to 2kg one week before menses starts. By the time it started, I am 4kg heavier. Now close to Day 3, I have dropped 3kg.
  • Amiike
    Amiike Posts: 21
    Mostly it's the sodium content in diet that is causing water retention.

    Being a female, it's useful to know that time of the month will also cause weight gain despite all those workouts. I have noticed myself gained around 1 to 2kg one week before menses starts. By the time it started, I am 4kg heavier. Now close to Day 3, I have dropped 3kg.

    yes, just wanted to mention this - I gain up to 2,5 Kilos every time! But that is off after 4-5 days again! I always use a measure tape as well now so that helps me to relax :-)
  • ranurimal
    Thank god I came here for answers as this was my scale story this morning.thankx everyone.feeling optimistic and motivated to keep going.