Uncommon food combo



  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    Add another to the french fries and Frosty combo!
    Peanut Butter and Bacon
    Potato Chips and Mustard
    Cottage Cheese and bacon bits

    And these two I picked up in Jr. High on a dare: Peanut Butter cookies and mustard, brownies and mustard. Turns out it tasted pretty good, to me at least!

    My sister used to eat pickles and orange juice together. My dad would eat PBBLTs w/Mayo :sick:
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    French fries and mustard :)

    I love McDonald's fries with their hot mustard sauce...so yummy!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    my ex gf and her children and her mom, would eat spaghetti with sauce And mix mayo in it. just gross. they talked me into trying it once and yes it was gross.

    oh and I like mustard on pizza from costco only. and green tabasco on all pizza.
  • osnapitznatasha
    :love: Rice & ketchup :love:

    :smooched: Raw Tomato & Salt :smooched:
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Some of those food combos are nice and not actually that unusual. I'd have fries with mustard, and onion relish with mayonnaise is a great sandwich combo. My odd combos...

    mixed chocolate icecream topping with milo and added frothy milk to it. doing the same with strawberry topping didn't work as well
    mashed potato mixed with tomato sauce (something a friend did and something I personally don't want to try)
    tomato sauce and margarine (something someone I knew at once for a dare)
    split pea, bacon and vegetable stir-fry (not a good combo. don't try it)
    salad sandwich with tomato sauce
    banana and vegetable stir-fry (again, not a good combo. dad tried making it once, was awful)
    chicken curry with canned pineapple (something my bf used to do frequently)
    eating chocolate cake on the same plate as said curry, without washing them, with the same knife and fork
    chocolate sponge cake with a sweet sour cream filling (grandma did this when she was starting to lose her mind)
    chocolate beef curry
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Toasted english muffins, spread vegemite on it, the a dollop of vanilla ice-cream.


    Sweet & salty all at once.
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    Feta Cheese in a pita pocket with watermelon. Take a bite of each and let them combine in your mouth. Sweet & Salty Heaven!
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Peanut butter, mayonaise and onion sandwich on wonder bread.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Noodle sandwiches, gotta love the double carb fest!
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    Ketchup with doughnuts.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I haven't done it since I've started losing weight but mashed potatoes on garlic bread... No one around me understands! I don't think it's that weird lol

    MMMMM!!! Same thing as my mashed potatoes with cheese and garlic!! Love it!!!
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    Sour cream and onion chips with chocolate pudding for dip
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Sour cream and onion chips with chocolate pudding for dip

  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    Peanut butter and pickle sandwich! So good.
    This was my lunch nearly every day my senior year of high school. I haven't had it in years!
  • digressions
    digressions Posts: 19 Member
    Tomato slices with sweetener and mustard.
    Apple chunks in an omelette.

    My Dad used to eat thick slices of Spanish Onion smothered in strawberry jam. I tried it once, it was as gross as it sounds, but to each their own!
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Toasted bagel with cream cheese.... and mustard.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    A1 sauce on my potato or mashed potatoes and a sandwich w/ chunky cookies.... haven't had that in a looong time.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    broccoli with A1 sauce
    frenchfries or plain potato chips with vinegar
    ketchup on parmesian noodles
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    When I was a kid it was spaghettio's with cheese curls mixed or chips mixed into the bowl. God that was so delish to me. Now just thinking of it grosses me out!
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I was told this was not an unusual food combo in the Midwest but it was for me and I loved it from the first bite: head cheese with maple syrup.