Those against Advocare?

I know this can be a touchy subject with some very for it and others very against it, so please know I'm not trying to start a fight.

My hubby and I now have 6 friends (3 couples) who have all tried advocare and have each lost quite a bit of weight. And these afent friends who are out of shape or typically jump om a diet fad train. We had a friend try to get my hubby and I to try the products last night bc she's obsessed, but I just don't believe in a miracle pill/ supplement. If that really were out there every doctor in the country would be pushing it since so many Americans are overweight.

I'm not trying to say these products don't work for some. My friend was already tiny and worked out everyday and still lost 16 lbs. I know for some the lbs actually one off bc you're finally eating well and working out, but she was already doing that.

Anyhow, my whole point is to get some feedback from those who tried it and it did NOT work for you. Or maybe it did but the weight came right back. My hub is interested in is stuff and I'm wanting to hear from those who think its a bad idea bc it seems the Internet is filled with a lot of positive reviews on this stuff.

I'd like to convince him to just stick to clean eating and exercise by showing him feedback from those who weren't pleased with the result.

Thanks in advance :)


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Here's the issue:

    The product will very likely cause you to create a calorie deficit by replacing a meal (or 2) with shakes, which will cause weight loss.

    So the answer is, the product will work if it causes the user to eat less calories than they burn.

    But "does it work?" isn't the right question.

    ANY method that creates a calorie deficit will work. Can you sustain it? Can you create a calorie deficit WITHOUT advocare and get the same or similar results? Is it economical? Is it remotely enjoyable or would it be better to just eat foods you enjoy and create a deficit that way?

    How many private messages or replies will you get from people who sell advocare, and can you trust that information since you're getting it from someone who financially gains from this?

    These, among others, are some questions I'd ask.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Personally, I have not tried it.

    The last person I spoke to that was using Advocare asked me my opinion on the product/program.

    My answer to him was, "Can you see yourself doing this the rest of your life?".
    He was getting quick results drinking 2 shakes a day and eating an apple for dinner.

    It's a quick fix, IMO.
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    Here's the issue:

    The product will very likely cause you to create a calorie deficit by replacing a meal (or 2) with shakes, which will cause weight loss.

    So the answer is, the product will work if it causes the user to eat less calories than they burn.

    But "does it work?" isn't the right question.

    ANY method that creates a calorie deficit will work. Can you sustain it? Can you create a calorie deficit WITHOUT advocare and get the same or similar results? Is it economical? Is it remotely enjoyable or would it be better to just eat foods you enjoy and create a deficit that way?

    How many private messages or replies will you get from people who sell advocare, and can you trust that information since you're getting it from someone who financially gains from this?

    These, among others, are some questions I'd ask.

    This is exactly what I was trying to explain to him last night..... [face palm]
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Here's the issue:

    The product will very likely cause you to create a calorie deficit by replacing a meal (or 2) with shakes, which will cause weight loss.

    So the answer is, the product will work if it causes the user to eat less calories than they burn.

    But "does it work?" isn't the right question.

    ANY method that creates a calorie deficit will work. Can you sustain it? Can you create a calorie deficit WITHOUT advocare and get the same or similar results? Is it economical? Is it remotely enjoyable or would it be better to just eat foods you enjoy and create a deficit that way?

    How many private messages or replies will you get from people who sell advocare, and can you trust that information since you're getting it from someone who financially gains from this?

    These, among others, are some questions I'd ask.

    This is a very thoughtful answer. I'm all for people using what method works for them, but the word 'works' is important in the context of life change and maintaining. Very good answer.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I'm not familiar with the program, but I just looked up the product and I'm seeing "Meal Replacement Shakes" so I'm guessing that this is like Slim Fast or Special K or a variety of other programs where you drink these things twice a day instead of eating and then eating something light for dinner. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    So like Sidesteal was saying, whether this "works" is something of a loaded question. According to the Advocare site, each shake contains a whopping 220 calories. So you replace breakfast and lunch for a grand total of 440 calories. How much less do you think that is than the average person's intake for those two meals? Off the top of my head, a bagel with anything on it or one burger off the McDonalds dollar menu will be greater than that amount. Even people who eat a very healthy diet consume more calories than that before dinner most of the time.

    So will it work? Yeah, probably. But so would limiting yourself to the same caloric intake with any other food.

    The problem with these plans is sustainability. You can lose weight, sure. You can have great success dropping pounds. But you don't learn anything about why you dropped it or how to keep it off. If you go from fast food to low-cal shakes, then you'll probably go back to fast food when you're done. Nothing has taught you healthy habits; it's come off almost without you being involved. Cue the yo-yo dieting and the diet companies selling you another round and laughing all the way to the bank.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Honestly? I did a 28 day challenge, and got very poor results :( I started it about a week or so into my journey here on MFP. I lost a whole 2.2lbs during the 10 day cleanse...then I gained 0.4lbs on the max phase. So the $80-100 I spent on the kit netted me a total loss of 1.4lbs

    In comparison...I started doing lowER carb 14 weeks ago. I eat normal food, I work out less, and in the first 28 days of lowER carb I lost 8.4lbs. I will admit, I did spend probably $30 on atkins bars to boost my calorie level until I reduced my cardio...
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I did the 24 day challenge and actually became a distributor a couple years ago. I did lose weight and was happy with the results. However, I wasn't tracking calories at the time and knew nothing about MFP. What I have learned since then is that all the shakes really did was help create a calorie deficit. There were too many variables to say the 24 day challenge was the only reason I started losing weight.

    Bottom line: I think it's too expensive. You can get the same results by using common sense with your food choices and tracking those meals on here. If you like the idea of having a meal replacement shake, it's cheaper to get some whey protein powder and come up with a recipe that you enjoy.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    I agree completely with Sidesteal.

    I have tried using meal replacement shakes in the past and they obviously worked but then I gained the few pounds that I lost back becasue I stopped using the shakes and went back to eating crap.

    This is an all or nothing decision that each individual person needs to make on their own.

    I have resolved to change my life. Have you?

    You either want to lose weight and be healthy for the rest of your life or you don't.

    There is no easy fix.

  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    Thanks for the feedback guys! I guess I'm trying to argue the wrong question with them....of course it works because theres a calorie deficit, but will you be ale to sustain it?

    I just feel like its a lot of money when all you're really doing is paying for meal replacements and supplements that you could get at Kroger for a fraction of the price. That and the whole question of whether or not you really want to use meal replacements for the rest of your life
  • ChrissyinATL
    ChrissyinATL Posts: 23 Member
    Let me provide my feedback. I am NOT a distributor (I know like 95% of people are!)

    I started using the products about 3 weeks ago. I can tell you what HAS happened:
    1. My skin/hair look amazing. I have gotten SO many comments on my hair looking healthy.
    2. I am making SUCH better food choices. I'm eating a lot of veggies, fruits, the stuff I should have been eating. Could I have done this without Advocare? Yes. Absolutely. But for some reason, I have been eating cleaner the last 3 weeks and it seems to be very effortless for some reason.
    3. Their vitamin pack thingies - whatever is in them - provide amazing help with appetite control. This has been an issue for me FOREVER because I run.
    4. Weight loss. Yeah, I guess you want to know about that. I'm down about 7 pounds in the last 21 days. Is that "miraculous"? No, not really. Clean eating would have done this. But I CAN tell you that these products have been an amazing aid for me --- and have made things "click" for me where nothing else really ever has! And I feel like I'm learning good habits.

    On the flip side, this shizzle is expensive. The "24 day challenge" part was like $180 but the vitamin packs were only like $50 for me to re-order -- so that's not terrible but it's not cheap either!

    I haven't really been using their shakes as much (I have a personal preference to either the EAS ones or WW makes a great shake).
  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    I have a very good friend who sells Advocare and has had wondeful success. My husband has tried the 21 day challenge twice. The products are great I believe, he loves the replacement shakes for breakfast and spark energy drinks for afternoons. But, it is all very expensive even with our friend's discount. One reason I started using MFP was to try and lose weight without spending any extra money. My husband lost weight in the beginning but if you don't keep eating the fish & veggies diet than the weight comes back on.
    I think they probably have great products if you want to spend the money or for perhaps a big jumpstart on losing weight. But eventually it comes back to watching what you eat.
  • Hi I'm on day 7 of the 24 day challenge. So far down 3 lbs. But I feel great. I was doing Lindora before this and felt sick all the time and had no energy.
    Now I'm able to work out at the gym. where with lindora I only had the energy to walk a mile.
    My question to you is: You lost 7 lbs,but did you do your measurements and are you down inches.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    I have to say, I'm totally in love with's replaced my morning coffee!
  • jazzypratt
    jazzypratt Posts: 27 Member
    I love advocare and im only on day 1! if anyone is interested I have a blog up tracking my photos and feeling for the 24 day challenge. The blog is on this sight and also on I am so excited to jump start my weight loss
  • jazzypratt
    jazzypratt Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! Im actually starting the 24 day challenge today and I agree with everyone! It was way to expensive but I have friends who have done the cleanse to jump start their weight loss and it with good eating habits they kept the weight off without continuing to buy the product! check out my blog to see the change. if any lol.
  • jazzypratt
    jazzypratt Posts: 27 Member
    I agree completely with Sidesteal.

    I have tried using meal replacement shakes in the past and they obviously worked but then I gained the few pounds that I lost back becasue I stopped using the shakes and went back to eating crap.

    This is an all or nothing decision that each individual person needs to make on their own.

    I have resolved to change my life. Have you?

    You either want to lose weight and be healthy for the rest of your life or you don't.

    There is no easy fix.

  • Advocare recommends that you eat 5-6 times a day...smaller portions. For those that are misusing the shakes it's not Advocare's fault....they are supposed to be used when you are on the go and don't have time to eat like most people. For me, it's better to grab that than an oversized McDonalds double pounder hamburger that's greasy and probably 1000 calories. Lol! Advocare has done nothing but teach people to eat healthy. They want you to eat good healthy wholesome foods like fruits, nuts, vegatables, whole grains, fish, turkey, chicken, etc. I have lost 17 pounds on the challenge and I feel better than I did when I was 20 years old. I haven't gained one pound back because I chose to make eating healthy a lifestyle. I must be doing something doctor told me to keep doing what I'm's working. When I hear stories from my clients of how Advocare has helped amazes me. I'm overwhelmed when they cry and thank me for introducing the product to them. I have one client (Mrs. Johnson) that is not a diabetic anymore because of Advocare. Her doctor claimed it had to be Advocare because nothing else worked. I will continue to sell Advocare products as long as they allow us to has made a big difference in mine and my clients life. It may be a little pricey but its just like going to the GNC store and getting discounts. You can get a 20-40% discount through Advocare as well...for life.
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    I havent tried Advocare, but Ive been on Medifast for 4 months now. Its similar in that its a meal replacement diet. Has you eat 5 of their meals + 1 home cooked low carb/high protein meal/high fiber meal.

    I can agree that there will be problems for a lot of people who dive into meal replacement diets, lose a ton of weight, and then gain it back when they quit. They continue eating the same crap that got them into this mess in the first place. A lot of these people use it as a quick fix without making a lifestyle change. Thats the killer right there. Its not so much the diets fault, its the user not being ready to make that change in their life.

    For me, I was ready for a change. I started doing things that I had never bothered to do in my life. I started exercising, I started reading nutritional labels, I actually pay attention to what Im putting into my body now. Yes, Ive got these meal replacements helping me out right now, but now I know what I need to look for, what to do, and what to eat once I transition from the meal replacements to normal food.

    Now having done the Medifast diet, could I have done the same without it? Sure. I could have been eating whatever foods, as long as I track and control the carbs/calories/protein Im consuming. But the nice thing is that it serves as a bit of a psychological boost, a bit like a sugar pill. It brought structure and order to my eating habits that I didn't have before, and that I probably wouldn't have, had I not had Medifasts structure to help me get started.

    The diet clearly works, I mean just look at what Ive lost here in 4 months. And a lot of it is really due to the calorie deficit, but again, its highly dependent on the user to want to make that change in their life for it to be effective in the long term. Its not for everyone, but it can certainly help some people get started.
  • I was reading a lot on this board and couldn't help but notice how misinformed people are about the 24 day challenge... People seem to focus on the "meal replacement" part of it... That is actually not even close to the main part of the challenge in fact it is OPTIONAL!

    I have done 1 24 day challenge and I have got to learn about advocare a bit. I am still new to it but when I was taking it my sponsor actually told me I did not even need the meal replacement shakes if I just would eat well (which I did) and I lost 12 pounds in the first 10 day part (the cleanse)

    If you research the products and look for the intended purpose you find the 24 day challenge is about 2 steps a 10 day cleanse and a 14 day renewal (then mns strips) The purpose of the 24 day challenge is not calorie replacement or losing a bunch of weight, its about becoming a much healthier person and retraining your eating habits.

    I have always been pretty fortunate with my weight despite some of the worst eating habits anyone could have, but my weight has always stayed around the same. Never thought I was overweight, but I always felt like crap. Taking the advocare products not only slimmed me down but I feel amazing. After that 10 day cleanse eating a lot of the foods I used to love just didn't feel good anymore, still tasted good but not the same. Its hard to explain but it is like your body lets you know it doesn't want to go back to eating junk lol

    So that is what the 24 day challenge is about and Advocare too, its about getting healthy. It provides a means for you to be healthy and happy which is more than worth the price (even if it is a little expensive)

    When I took the challenge I only used a meal replacement every other morning, and ate plenty of lean meats, salads, and nuts. I drank spark constantly and used the catalyst (which is enzymes that prevent you from losing muscle so you remove only fat)...

    Being new to advocare I was curious on an unbiased view but I felt it necessary to inform those that the challenge is NOT about the meal replacement shakes :)
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    You don't need it, so why bother..